17 August 2017
THE REBBE BLOG — [Introduction] What do all these influential intellectuals all have in common?
- Communism (Marx)
- Sexual depravity (Freud)
- Corporate Leftism (Bernays)
- Multiculturalism (Horace Kallen)
- Deconstructivism/Critical Theory (Walter Benjamin)
- Frankfurt School (Adorno)
- Radical jurisprudence (Brandeis, Frankfurter, and Cardozo)
- Large-scale, non-selective immigration (Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus)
They are all linked to Sabbatean-Frankism, a distinct quasi-Satanic schism within Jewry. The extraordinary prevalence of Sabbatean-Frankist influence among top Jewish intellectuals from 1850-1950 makes it statistically impossible to deny its role because of the impossible coincidences.
The Sabbatean-Frankists sought to invert traditional Jewish-Christian values, including the 10 Commandments, restrictions on debauched sexuality, man’s dominion over the environment, etc. Further, given Sabbatean-Frankism’s apocalyptic nature, the modern Left is riven with irrational destructive impulses.
This general thesis has been explored by historians Paul Johnson and Gershom Scholem, but never in such detail. There are several implications of this thesis:
- The failures of the contemporary Left do not represent “good faith” secular humanist efforts gone wrong. It is very possible that Freud, Marx, and other Sabbatean-Frankist intellectuals purpose-built their ideas to destroy the West.
- The US Supreme Court was heavily influenced by Sabbatean-Frankists. Their impact help cause a revolution via court fiat in the 50s-70s that undemocratically imposed decadent/anti-Judeo-Christian (i.e. Frankist) values on the country.
- Since the Left is fundamentally a quasi-Satanic movement devoted to destroying traditional Judeo-Christian civilization, it is a natural ally with like-minded Islam, despite superficial differences (feminism, gay rights). Islam and the Left will seamlessly cooperate to destroy the West as they cooperated to topple the Shah in the Iranian Revolution.
Any civilization will eventually grow contemptuous of its stern founding virtues. Sabbatean-Frankism’s resonance is part of a cycle where civilizations grow complacent and ultimately self-destructive. […]
Thanks for posting this piece. I read it a while back and found it to be a real eye opener. In rereading it the tumblers begin to click in place. What has happened to that bulwark of western civilization the Catholic Church…..described by Michael Hoffman as the occult renaissance Church of Rome. Now I see…a more accurate rendering would be the occult, frankist, renaissance Church of Rome. Around 13 rabbis on the mother’s side of Joe Ratzinger from Bavaria. Only one of a number of clues.
yes but they dont deny it do they? they call themselves the destroyers, the opposer. the managers of tikkun olam. the only thing that people need to understand is when they say it is their job to bring godly qualities into the world, their god is the dark god pan who brings change through chaos and perversion. my question is why doesnt anyone ever stop them?????
THE REBBE BLOG — [Introduction] What do all these influential intellectuals all have in common?
The following is an article written by an American Jew in 1928:
By Marcus Eli Ravage
Reprinted from The Century Magazine January 1928
(2)Communism (Marx)
(3)Sexual depravity (Freud)
(4)Corporate Leftism (Bernays)
(5)Multiculturalism (Horace Kallen)
(6)Deconstructivism/Critical Theory (Walter Benjamin)
(7)Frankfurt School (Adorno)
(8)Radical jurisprudence (Brandeis, Frankfurter, and Cardozo)
(9)Large-scale, non-selective immigration (Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus)
The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
The results of his investigations and researches into the history, geography, geology, fauna, and flora of that country have placed him in the front rank of Palestinian explorers and geographers. HE IS THE GREATEST JEWISH AUTHORITY ON PALESTINIAN MATTERS SINCE ESTORI FARHI (1282-1357), the author of “Kaftor wa-Feraḥ.”
614-1096 C.E.
From the Accession of the Mahomedans to that of the Europeans.
By Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, 1850
Rabbi Shallum, son of the then Resh Gelutha, in Babel, aka Abu Bachr al Chaliva al Zadik, Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, was in fact: Rabbi Shallum, son of the then Resh Gelutha, in Babel, perceiving this dreadful predicament, went to Mahomed, and offering him his submission, friendship, and services, endeavoured to enter with him into a friendly compact. Mahomed accepted his proposition with pleasure, conceived a great affection for him, and took his daughter, a handsome young girl (A 6 year-old child), for wife; he made him also a general in his army, and gave him the name of Abu Bachr al Chaliva al Zadik, literally:
The father of the maiden, the descendant of the righteous; this means, that of all his wives, who were either widows or divorced women, this one was the only one who had never been married before, and then she was the granddaughter of the celebrated chief of the captivity; therefore, the descendant of the righteous. This occurrence induced Mahomed to give up his terrible intention to destroy the Jews in his country, and thus did Rabbi Shallum save his people.
Abu Bachr and Aliman now resolved among themselves to remove the dangerous enemy of the Jews, Bucheran. One evening Mahomed, Bucheran, Aliman, and Abu Bachr, were drinking together; the latter two soon saw that Mahomed and the astrologer were strongly intoxicated, and lay stretched out in a deep and profound sleep. Abu Bachr thereupon drew the sword of Mahomed from its scabbard, cut off therewith Bucharan’s head, and put the bloody sword back into its receptacle, and both then lay themselves down quietly near Mahomed to sleep. When Mahomed awoke and saw his friend lying decapitated near him, he cried out in a fury: “This terrible deed has been done by one of us three in our drunkenness!” Abu Bachr thereupon said quite unconcernedly: “Let each one draw his sword, and he whose weapon is stained with blood, must needs be the murderer!” They all drew their swords, and that of Mahomed was completely dyed with fresh blood, which proved thus clearly to his satisfaction that he had murdered his friend. He was greatly grieved at this discovery; cursed and condemned the wine which was the cause of this murder, and swore that he never would drink any more, and that also no one should do so who wishes to enter heaven. This is the cause why wine is prohibited to the Mahomedans.
At a later period, Mahomed learned the whole transaction, and that his father-in-law was the perpetrator of the bloody deed; wherefore, he lost his favour, and he would not permit him to come before him. Abu Bachr went thereupon and conquered sixty places, which had not yet submitted to Mahomed, and presented them to him, through which means he became again reconciled to him, was received in favour, and remained thereafter at court.
The JC Essay
David J Wasserstein is the Eugene Greener Jr Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University. This article is adapted from last week’s Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion at the School of Oriental and African Studies.
Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double.
First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity – also in Christendom – through the medieval period into the modern world.
By the fourth century, Christianity had become the dominant religion in the Roman Empire. One aspect of this success was opposition to rival faiths, including Judaism, along with massive conversion of members of such faiths, sometimes by force, to Christianity. Much of our testimony about Jewish existence in the Roman Empire from this time on consists of accounts of conversions.
Great and permanent reductions in numbers through conversion, between the fourth and the seventh centuries, brought with them a gradual but relentless whittling away of the status, rights, social and economic existence, and religious and cultural life of Jews all over the Roman Empire.
A long series of enactments deprived Jewish people of their rights as citizens, prevented them from fulfilling their religious obligations, and excluded them from the society of their fellows.
This went along with the centuries-long military and political struggle with Persia. As a tiny element in the Christian world, the Jews should not have been affected much by this broad, political issue. Yet it affected them critically, because the Persian Empire at this time included Babylon – now Iraq – at the time home to the world’s greatest concentration of Jews.
Had Islam not come along, Jewry in the west would have declined to disappearance and Jewry in the east would have become just another oriental cult
Here also were the greatest centres of Jewish intellectual life. The most important single work of Jewish cultural creativity in over 3,000 years, apart from the Bible itself – the Talmud – came into being in Babylon. The struggle between Persia and Byzantium, in our period, led increasingly to a separation between Jews under Byzantine, Christian rule and Jews under Persian rule.
Beyond all this, the Jews who lived under Christian rule seemed to have lost the knowledge of their own culturally specific languages – Hebrew and Aramaic – and to have taken on the use of Latin or Greek or other non-Jewish, local, languages. This in turn must have meant that they also lost access to the central literary works of Jewish culture – the Torah, Mishnah, poetry, midrash, even liturgy.
The loss of the unifying force represented by language – and of the associated literature – was a major step towards assimilation and disappearance. In these circumstances, with contact with the one place where Jewish cultural life continued to prosper – Babylon – cut off by conflict with Persia, Jewish life in the Christian world of late antiquity was not simply a pale shadow of what it had been three or four centuries earlier. It was doomed.
Had Islam not come along, the conflict with Persia would have continued. The separation between western Judaism, that of Christendom, and Babylonian Judaism, that of Mesopotamia, would have intensified. Jewry in the west would have declined to disappearance in many areas. And Jewry in the east would have become just another oriental cult.
But this was all prevented by the rise of Islam. The Islamic conquests of the seventh century changed the world, and did so with dramatic, wide-ranging and permanent effect for the Jews.
Within a century of the death of Mohammad, in 632, Muslim armies had conquered almost the whole of the world where Jews lived, from Spain eastward across North Africa and the Middle East as far as the eastern frontier of Iran and beyond. Almost all the Jews in the world were now ruled by Islam. This new situation transformed Jewish existence. Their fortunes changed in legal, demographic, social, religious, political, geographical, economic, linguistic and cultural terms – all for the better.
First, things improved politically. Almost everywhere in Christendom where Jews had lived now formed part of the same political space as Babylon – Cordoba and Basra lay in the same political world. The old frontier between the vital centre in Babylonia and the Jews of the Mediterranean basin was swept away, forever.
Political change was partnered by change in the legal status of the Jewish population: although it is not always clear what happened during the Muslim conquests, one thing is certain. The result of the conquests was, by and large, to make the Jews second-class citizens.
This should not be misunderstood: to be a second-class citizen was a far better thing to be than not to be a citizen at all. For most of these Jews, second-class citizenship represented a major advance. In Visigothic Spain, for example, shortly before the Muslim conquest in 711, the Jews had seen their children removed from them and forcibly converted to Christianity and had themselves been enslaved.
In the developing Islamic societies of the classical and medieval periods, being a Jew meant belonging to a category defined under law, enjoying certain rights and protections, alongside various obligations. These rights and protections were not as extensive or as generous as those enjoyed by Muslims, and the obligations were greater but, for the first few centuries, the Muslims themselves were a minority, and the practical differences were not all that great.
Along with legal near-equality came social and economic equality. Jews were not confined to ghettos, either literally or in terms of economic activity. The societies of Islam were, in effect, open societies. In religious terms, too, Jews enjoyed virtually full freedom. They might not build many new synagogues – in theory – and they might not make too public their profession of their faith, but there was no really significant restriction on the practice of their religion. Along with internal legal autonomy, they also enjoyed formal representation, through leaders of their own, before the authorities of the state. Imperfect and often not quite as rosy as this might sound, it was at least the broad norm.
The political unity brought by the new Islamic world-empire did not last, but it created a vast Islamic world civilisation, similar to the older Christian civilisation that it replaced. Within this huge area, Jews lived and enjoyed broadly similar status and rights everywhere. They could move around, maintain contacts, and develop their identity as Jews. A great new expansion of trade from the ninth century onwards brought the Spanish Jews – like the Muslims – into touch with the Jews and the Muslims even of India.
All this was encouraged by a further, critical development. Huge numbers of people in the new world of Islam adopted the language of the Muslim Arabs. Arabic gradually became the principal language of this vast area, excluding almost all the rest: Greek and Syriac, Aramaic and Coptic and Latin all died out, replaced by Arabic. Persian, too, went into a long retreat, to reappear later heavily influenced by Arabic.
The Jews moved over to Arabic very rapidly. By the early 10th century, only 300 years after the conquests, Sa’adya Gaon was translating the Bible into Arabic. Bible translation is a massive task – it is not undertaken unless there is a need for it. By about the year 900, the Jews had largely abandoned other languages and taken on Arabic.
The change of language in its turn brought the Jews into direct contact with broader cultural developments. The result from the 10th century on was a striking pairing of two cultures. The Jews of the Islamic world developed an entirely new culture, which differed from their culture before Islam in terms of language, cultural forms, influences, and uses. Instead of being concerned primarily with religion, the new Jewish culture of the Islamic world, like that of its neighbours, mixed the religious and the secular to a high degree. The contrast, both with the past and with medieval Christian Europe, was enormous.
Like their neighbours, these Jews wrote in Arabic in part, and in a Jewish form of that language. The use of Arabic brought them close to the Arabs. But the use of a specific Jewish form of that language maintained the barriers between Jew and Muslim. The subjects that Jews wrote about, and the literary forms in which they wrote about them, were largely new ones, borrowed from the Muslims and developed in tandem with developments in Arabic Islam.
Also at this time, Hebrew was revived as a language of high literature, parallel to the use among the Muslims of a high form of Arabic for similar purposes. Along with its use for poetry and artistic prose, secular writing of all forms in Hebrew and in (Judeo-) Arabic came into being, some of it of high quality.
Much of the greatest poetry in Hebrew written since the Bible comes from this period. Sa’adya Gaon, Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Ibn Ezra (Moses and Abraham), Maimonides, Yehuda Halevi, Yehudah al-Harizi, Samuel ha-Nagid, and many more – all of these names, well known today, belong in the first rank of Jewish literary and cultural endeavour.
Where did these Jews produce all this? When did they and their neighbours achieve this symbiosis, this mode of living together?
The Jews did it in a number of centres of excellence. The most outstanding of these was Islamic Spain, where there was a true Jewish Golden Age, alongside a wave of cultural achievement among the Muslim population. The Spanish case illustrates a more general pattern, too.
What happened in Islamic Spain – waves of Jewish cultural prosperity paralleling waves of cultural prosperity among the Muslims – exemplifies a larger pattern in Arab Islam. In Baghdad, between the ninth and the twelfth centuries; in Qayrawan (in north Africa), between the ninth and the 11th centuries; in Cairo, between the 10th and the 12th centuries, and elsewhere, the rise and fall of cultural centres of Islam tended to be reflected in the rise and fall of Jewish cultural activity in the same places.
This was not coincidence, and nor was it the product of particularly enlightened liberal patronage by Muslim rulers. It was the product of a number of deeper features of these societies, social and cultural, legal and economic, linguistic and political, which together enabled and indeed encouraged the Jews of the Islamic world to create a novel sub-culture within the high civilisation of the time.
This did not last for ever; the period of culturally successful symbiosis between Jew and Arab Muslim in the middle ages came to a close by about 1300. In reality, it had reached this point even earlier, with the overall relative decline in the importance and vitality of Arabic culture, both in relation to western European cultures and in relation to other cultural forms within Islam itself; Persian and Turkish.
Jewish cultural prosperity in the middle ages operated in large part as a function of Muslim, Arabic cultural (and to some degree political) prosperity: when Muslim Arabic culture thrived, so did that of the Jews; when Muslim Arabic culture declined, so did that of the Jews.
In the case of the Jews, however, the cultural capital thus created also served as the seed-bed of further growth elsewhere – in Christian Spain and in the Christian world more generally.
The Islamic world was not the only source of inspiration for the Jewish cultural revival that came later in Christian Europe, but it certainly was a major contributor to that development. Its significance cannot be overestimated.
David J Wasserstein is the Eugene Greener Jr Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University. This article is adapted from last week’s Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion at the School of Oriental and African Studies.
All what you write about Islam is false and you’re only repeating the narrative propagated by the those same Sabbateans-Frankists-jews-jesuits-masons you exposing. Islam and all it’s history can be accessed in reading the moslems authorities who have nothing to hide ever since the rise of the last true religion, 14 centuries ago. God formulated Islam to correct and cancel the grave and condemned heresies slipped in Judaism and Christianity. A pity your ignorance of Islam spoils you otherwise instructive and informative historical study.
You mentioned ” William Muir’s remarkable biography” of
our Prophet Mohamed (Allah’s peace and blessings upon Him) who never assumed his words were His own. The Koran clearly announces “He (the Prophet) don’t speak out of passion, it is only a revelation revealed”.
And thousand of traditions describe how Koran was read out by Angel Michael. Etc, etc…
About William Muir, the Jesuit, agent of british colonial offensive on Indian continent. He has no credential at all airing a word on Islam, since he’s a Jesuit under oath of “destroying all religions and serve only the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, ie the Black Pope”.
You’re far from truth for your defamatory writings on Islam. Not a bit of fact or historical description of the True religion. You may develop as many sources as you wish, all are subjective and erroneous. All what you write about Islam is false and you’re only repeating the narrative propagated by the those same Sabbateans-Frankists-jews-jesuits-masons you exposing. Islam and all it’s history can be accessed in reading the moslem scholars who have nothing to hide ever since the rise of the true religion, along 14 centuries. God formulated Islam to correct and cancel the grave and condemned heresies slipped in Judaism and Christianity. A pity your ignorance of Islam spoils you otherwise instructive and informative historical study. Unconsciously you’re serving falsehood and lies, therefore an agent of Satan the Big Liar.
The M+G+R Foundation
A Guest Document
by Mr. Christopher Ballad
May His Soul Rest in Peace
The purpose of this brief document is to explore what appears to be the true genealogy of Joseph A. Ratzinger, and its potential spiritual ramifications.
This document is not a generalized attack on Jews. How could we be anti-Semitic if Jesus Christ was a Jew? Our position regarding Jews could not be any clearer than we have expressed in our document titled: The Jews Did Not Crucify Jesus; The Fanatics Did
First, let us review the ‘official story’:
“Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born on 16 April (Holy Saturday) 1927 at 11 Schulstrasse, his parents’ home in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria and baptized on the same day. He was the third and youngest child of Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., a police officer, and his wife, Maria (née Peintner), whose family were from South Tyrol.” (1)
We will focus on the lineage of his mother, Maria Peintner from South Tyrol (now part of Italy). (2) Ethnically and historically the region has very strong Germanic links. Some sources (3) (4) have traced her lineage back to the 16th century, with some rather surprising results:
(1) Rabbi Yehuda Loew (Leib) ben Bezalel [the MaHaRal of Prague] (c.1512-1609), m. Perla Shmelkes-Reich (c.1516-1610)
(2) Vogele Loew (c.1556-1629) m. Rabbi Isak Ha-Cohen (c.1550-1624)
(3) Chava [Eva] Ha-Cohen (1580-1651) m. Rabbi Abraham Samuel Bachrach (1575-1615), Rabbi in Worms
(4) Rabbi (Moses) Samson / "Simson" / Bachrach (1607-1670), Rabbi in Goding, Leipnik, Prague, and Worms, m. Dobrusch Phobus (c.1610-1662)
(5) Rabbi Jair Chayim Bachrach, aka "the Chavas Yoir" (1638-1702), Rabbi in Worms, m. Sarah [Dinah Sorle] Brillin (c.1638-1703)
(6) Rabbi Samson / "Simson" / Bachrach (b. c.1657), wife's name unknown
(7) Malka Bachrach (b. c.1680), m. Rabbi Zalman Shpitz, president of Beit Din in Eisenstadt
(8) Sarl [Sarah] Shpitz (b. 1703), m. Rabbi Jacob Knoepflmacher (c.1700-before 1739), "the master", "chief rabbi in Mehrin"
(9) Nissel Knoepflmacher (b. c.1722), m. her father's youngest brother, Rabbi Moses Knoepflmacher(1718-1798) of Holesov
(10)Jacob Knopfelmacher (b.1739)m.Katharina (b.1740)
(11) Joachim Knopfelmacher (b.1764)m. Anna (b.1764)
(12) Markus Knopfelmacher (b.1786)m. Betty (Babeth/Barbara) Zwillinger
(13)Josefina (Peppi/Josefa)Knopfelmacher (b.1809)m. Jacob Tauber (b.1811)
(14) Betty (Elisabeth Maria)Tauber (b.1834 Mahr. Weisskirchen Moravia ) married in 1858 at Rio de Pusteria to Anton Peter Peintner
(15) Maria Tauber Peintner (b.1855 Rasa d.1930) m. Isidor Rieger
(16) Maria Peinter Rieger (b.1884) m. Joseph Ratzinger
(17) Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
It is important to note that it was common in Bohemia (and elsewhere in Europe) for Jews to ‘convert’ to Christianity for material (not spiritual) reasons. And even to convert back to Judaism when the political and social climate was more in their favor. Many German Bohemians are actually of Jewish lineage. Even if, as in this case, any overt Jewish identity would seem to have been buried for over 200 years.
The result is a direct line of Jewish ancestry on his mother’s side, making him Jewish, according to accepted Jewish tradition. He is also thus a direct descendant of the Maharal of Prague.
But…. who is the Maharal of Prague? (5) (5a)
The Maharal of Prague is:
"...widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The MaHaRaL, the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu ha-Rav Loew," ("Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew") ".
He was (literally) a famous wizard. A 16th century Bohemian Rabbi famous for his occult study/writing on Kabbalah.
And famed for making a Golem (6) which is:
"... a creature made out of clay... (using) mystical powers based on the esoteric knowledge of how God created Adam..."
The man-like creature allegedly functioned as an automaton, activated by writing a specific series of letters on parchment and placing the paper in the Golem’s mouth – rather like inserting a floppy disk or CD into a computer. Removing a key letter (or the whole parchment) would deactivate it. Depending on the source one reads, a Golem could be mute or could be able to speak.
What does all this have to do with Ratzinger?
The ramifications are many.
1) As the Maharal is of the Royal Line of David, so thus is Ratzinger.
2) 'Loew' is the German word for 'lion'. Combined with the name 'Judah' we have the 'Lion of (the tribe of) Judah'.
3) The Maharal was adept at conveying (and concealing) occult concepts using non occult language. Making evil appear as if good.
4) The full name of the Maharal is: Judah Loew ben Bezalel. The final name could be construed as a possible alliteration of 'Belial'. Interpreted thus, Ratzinger is a 'son of Belial', a term occurring in the Hebrew Bible which later became personified as a demon in Jewish and Christian texts. (7)
5) However, in a literal translation, 'ben Bezalel' (son of Bezalel) has great occult meaning, in the biblical figure from whom Maharal and Ratzinger are descendant (8):
"Bezalel possessed such great wisdom that he could combine those letters of the alphabet with which heaven and earth were created..."
(6) Traditionally it is believed that the Maharal's family descended from the Babylonian Exilarchs (during the era of the Geonim) (9) What Ratzinger is descendant of is VERY ancient (and very evil).
The above information does not add to anything we know (or need to know) about the identity and function of the Antichrist/False Prophet. But it serves to reinforce this knowledge, both mundanely and spiritually. It also serves as a further confirmation of what we know from certain private prophecies about the Antichrist, and of Mary’s words about it in the Secret of La Salette. (10)
Other private locutions indicate that the Antichrist would:
a) Be Jewish (or that his mother is Jewish): and
b) That he would have ‘training from wizards, necromancers, and magicians’ . That could either be taken literally, or in the sense in which one inherits musical, artistic, or other talent from one’s forebears.
The potential relevance of the Golem: Could it have something to do with the False Christ?
"And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs, which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and lived. [15] And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain." (Revelations 13:14-15)
(1) Early_life_of_Pope_Benedict_XVI
(2) South_Tyrol
(3) Source
(4) Source
(5) Judah_Loew_ben_Bezalel
(5a) Rudolf_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
Is Rudolf a clue to the seeming ‘hereditary’ Germanic problem with the occult? A precursor to the fabled Illuminati? He was the secular ‘right arm’ of the Maharal and the Holy Roman Emperor.
(6) Golem
(7) Belial
(8) Bezalel
(9) Geonim
(10) Our Lady of La Salette
Published on January 14, 2013 – the day after the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Copyright 2013 – 2016 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. However, you may freely reproduce and distribute this document as long as: (1) Appropriate credit is given as to its source; (2) No changes are made in the text without prior written consent; and (3) No charge is made for it.
The M+G+R Foundation
Judeo-Christian civilization? C’mon, folks. You know better than to print that. It is Christian civilization.