By Melissa Dykes | 2 December 2016
ACTIVIST POST — President-elect Donald Trump recently selected KT McFarland to be Deputy National Security Advisor.
The KT stands for Kathleen Troia. She was a FOX News National Security Analyst and, before that, she served in national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
The National Memo described her as an “Anti-Muslim Putin fan who supports torture.”
While that kind of headline fits right into a liberal leftist agenda, McFarland could more rightly be described as an anti-whistleblower, pro-torture globalist… and that’s in her own words.
Back in 2010, she wrote an article for FOX News titled, “Yes, WikiLeaks Is a Terrorist Organization and the Time to Act Is NOW”.
She was really upset the US government couldn’t keep its secrets. She wrote:
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange isn’t some well-meaning, anti-war protestor leaking documents in hopes of ending an unpopular war. He’s waging cyberwar on the United States and the global world order.
Mr. Assange and his fellow hackers are terrorists and should be prosecuted as such.
AND, on top of all that:
4. Up the charges against Bradley Manning
(Because Pfc. Manning hasn’t already been through enough… And where’s Hillary? Oh, that’s right.)
McFarland also went on national television and defended not just waterboarding, but straight up torture, saying “even if it’s torture, it’s probably worth doing!” She claims (quite wrongly) that torture “works!” more enthusiasm than a high school cheerleader who swallowed a mouthful of Adderall on game night!
Here is KT McFarland appearing on a May 2012 episode of the Hannity Show on FOX. Listen to her discuss her personal position on torture: […]
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