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PSYOP Trickery Evident at Hillary Clinton Speech

Just saying “that’s weird” every time something like this happens is not enough. That means you are brainwashed.

In the feature image above, you will see one more clear example of magical, synthetic reality. This incident involved the presence of Seddique Mateen sitting and smirking, front and center, right behind Hillary at a Clinton rally in Kissimmee, Fla. Yes, you might recall that this is the father of “Orlando Pulse shooter” Omar Mateen. The senior Mateen told a local TV station that the Democratic presidential nominee would be “good for the United States.”

Following the event, a news reporter chased down Mateen at a roadside rest stop and interviewed him. In yet another magical moment, Matten unfurled a sign he just so happened to be carrying with him (see below). I am sorry, ladies and gentleman, but if you think that this is unstaged, you might want to get off the statins.

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Then today, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released 296 pages of new emails from Hillary’s personal server. The emails were provided to Judicial Watch pursuant to a FOIA request. These new emails, among other things, demonstrate how the Clinton Foundation and its top donors sought favors from the State Department within three months of Hillary taking the Secretary of State position.

Lifetime actor and faux nationalist Donald Trump on his end decided to continue his series of gaffs by suggesting that gun owners had the means to deal with Hillary Clinton. This Donald show fraud distracts from skulduggery elsewhere.

imagesFolks, I have a theory about all this: Both of these lifetime actors, Clinton and Trump, are actively debasing the American political process. They both also exhibit stark, mentally unbalanced behaviors. Clinton by all appearances suffers from health issues including seizures and early dementia. Trump is also 70, what will he be like in a few years? By the time the circus is done in November, most Americans will be reacting to this evident insanity problem.

With this nightmare becoming more and more evident, the populace will be screaming for a solution. It is the solution that we need to watch, but some form of a greater-or one-world government or authority should not surprise in the least.

3 Comments on PSYOP Trickery Evident at Hillary Clinton Speech

  1. Trump and Clinton are still friends, and as you said, great actors.
    You don’t rise to the top telling the truth or without breaking eggs.
    This nation’s history is built on that mantra.

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