Winston Churchill’s claim to fame was vicious warmongering and selling out to the highest bidder. Far from being a great hero, Churchill was the lowest form of pond reptile. A new book “No More Champagne: Churchill and his Money” describes the level of corruption and who bought him off and for what purpose.
Background on Winston Churchill: Excerpts from “The Real Churchill”
The Spectator newspaper said of Churchill upon his appointment as First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911: “We cannot detect in his career any principles or even any constant outlook upon public affairs; his ear is always to the ground; he is the true demagogue.”
The great English classical liberal John Morley, after working with Churchill, passed a succinct appraisal of him, “Winston,” he said, “has no principles.”
In 1911, Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty, and, during the crises that followed, used every opportunity to fan the flames of war. When the final crisis came, in 1914, Churchill was the only cabinet member who backed war from the start. Asquith, his own Prime Minister, wrote: “Winston very bellicose and demanding immediate mobilization … has got all his war paint on.”
A week before the Lusitania disaster, Churchill wrote to Walter Runciman, president of the Board of Trade, that it was “most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores, in the hopes especially of embroiling the United States with Germany.”
Churchill was instrumental in establishing the illegal starvation blockade of Germany. Throughout his career, international law and the conventions created to limit the horrors of war meant nothing to Churchill. One of the consequences of the hunger blockade was that, while it killed 750,000 German civilians by hunger and malnutrition, the youth who survived went on to become the most fanatical Nazis.
In 1915 Churchill promoted the disastrous Gallipoli campaign in Turkey resulting in a British defeat. But that didn’t really stop the career of ole Winnie.
In World War II as soon as he become Prime Minister he ordered night bombings of German civilians. Up to that point Germany had refrained from similar strategy. Later he promoted extensive terror bombings that killed millions, including foreign laborers in Germany.
Demonstrating that poor policy making has little to do with who is in power, a phenomena we see over and over today, as Chancellor of the Exchequer Churchill returned Britain to the gold standard but didn’t account for the British governments wartime inflation, which consequently severely damaged exports.
Churchill cared nothing for economic ideas. What interested him was only that the pound would be as strong as in the days of Queen Victoria, that once more the pound would “look the dollar in the face.” The consequences of this decision had a far-reaching and disastrous impact leading to the Crash of 1929 and Great Depression.
It was Churchill’s unrealistic exchange ratio that caused the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve to collude to prop up the pound by inflating the U.S. dollar, which in turn fueled the speculative boom for his bankster cronies during the 1920’s that collapsed when the bubbles burst.
Churchill’s hard line against Hitler’s Germany was little different from his usual warnings about pre-war Imperial Germany, and his hard line against inter-war Weimar Germany. For Churchill saw Germany at all times and in all ways as a threat to the British Empire. A threat that had to be destroyed and forever kept under heel. For instance, Churchill denounced all calls for Allied disarmament even before Hitler came to power. Churchill, like Clemenceau, Wilson and other Allied leaders, held the unrealistic belief that a defeated Germany would submit forever to the shackles of Versailles. One of the first things Hitler did in power was disabuse that notion.
Despite that in his book Step By Step written in 1937, Churchill had this to say about the Mortal Enemy: “one may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.” Churchill went so far as to say that Fascism “proved the necessary antidote to the Communist poison.”
Somehow, shortly thereafter Churchill became an ardent anti-German neocon. The timeline can be followed in the last section on Jewish moneybaggery.
In 1940, Churchill at last became Prime Minister, ironically enough when the Chamberlain government resigned over Churchill’s aborted failed plan to pre-emptively invade Norway.
As PM, Churchill continued his policy to refuse any negotiated peace. Even after the Fall of France, Churchill rejected Hitler’s renewed peace overtures. Germany was ready to withdraw from occupied western Europe (and restore Polish sovereignty after adjusting for German lands) in return for friendly neutrality against Communist Soviet Union. The British historian John Charmley made the crucial point that Churchill’s adamant refusal even to listen to peace proposals in 1940 doomed what he claimed was most dear to him: the Empire and a Britain that was nonsocialist and independent in world affairs. One could add that by allowing Germany to overrun its weaker neighbors when peace was possible it probably also doomed millions of Europeans. This was well before the excesses of total war materialized.
Instead, Churchill and neocon interests sought to involve the U.S. in an expanded global war. Germany definitely blamed international Jewry for taking it to the next level — total war. Involving America was Churchill’s policy in World War II, just as it was Churchill’s policy in World War I and would be his policy again in the Cold War. And at the end of WWII all of eastern Europe was in the hands of Soviet Communists.
Churchill the Paid Stooge of Jewish Interests: Source excerpts from Haaretz of Israel
In May, 1940, when Winston Churchill become Prime Minister (PM) his residence’s spending on alcohol soared to double the amount the government had approved.
But alcohol prices weren’t Churchill’s biggest problem. In the new book “No More Champagne: Churchill and his Money,” British banker and financier David Lough recounts Churchill’s fascinating financial history that ranged from dire straits to great wealth. He mines writings of Churchill and people close to him that had never been revealed. He also crunches the financial data that were a burden for – or unavailable to – previous biographers.
Churchill gambled heavily at casinos, lost a bundle in the stock market and did everything he could to avoid paying taxes – even when he was chancellor of the exchequer, the head of His Majesty’s Treasury.
Though Churchill was compulsively tardy in paying his debts, he never thought about living a more frugal life. He always knew there would be someone to save the day.
Lough shows how Churchill continued to buy expensive cigars and fine wines even when he couldn’t pay for them. He couldn’t cover his household expenses out of his own pocket and was stung by his huge overdraft.
Churchill liked the company and money of Jewish millionaires, too. One of them, Austrian-born Sir Henry Strakosch, rescued him from two major crises. On June 18, 1940, Strakosch wrote Churchill a check for 5,000 pounds. 250,000 pounds in today’s terms or $332,000. To cover his tracks, Strakosch made out the check to one of Churchill’s close advisers, who in turn signed it over to the big guy. The new prime minister was thus able to pay off the watchmakers, wine merchants and tailors who waited patiently for their due.
That wasn’t the first time Strakosch had opened his wallet to Churchill; that happened around the time the Germans entered Austria two years earlier. For this he received a thank-you note from Churchill: “This is only to tell you that as Hitler said to Mussolini, on a recent and less worthy occasion, ‘I shall never forget this inestimable service.’”
Churchill actually was a paid stooge from his early days in politics.
In 1906, when he was undersecretary of state for the colonies, he was late in paying his private debts. There was the case regarding his debt to tobacconist (((J. Grunebaum & Sons))), which provided him a dozen cigars a day over five years and never saw a penny. It was also the case regarding the pearl and diamond earrings he gave his wife Clementine on Christmas Eve 1909. Churchill paid fashionably late, three years later.
Lough insists Churchill wasn’t an alcoholic, but in the book he quotes an expense report for April-May 1949, during which more than 1,000 bottles of alcohol were ordered for Churchill’s residence including sherry, whiskey and brandy.
A second Jewish millionaire who often came to Churchill’s aid was Sir Ernest Cassel, an old friend of the family. With the help of various money “gifts,” he supported the young Winston. At the outset of Winston’s public career, Cassel paid for the library in his new home. After World War I, the merchant banker sent him a check to cover housing costs. “My dear Winston: I enclose my cheque for £2,300 in payment for the lease of 2, Hyde Park Street, secured by you on my behalf,” states one of the archival documents cited in the book. The author comments that “it is unclear whether Churchill repaid Sir Ernest Cassel’s loan of £2,300: no correspondence on the subject with either Sir Ernest or his executors (after his death in 1921) survives.”
Not only private businessmen paid for Churchill’s hedonism; newspapers and magazines took part in the fun. This came in the form of author’s fees for pieces the politician, minister or prime minister wrote, having found time to pen them even at the most historic moments. The list includes The Daily Telegraph and Life magazine, which went even further and subsidized vacations in exotic spots around the world so Churchill could concentrate on writing.Later, Life editor Daniel Longwell wrote: “However, and this we must keep private, they were very lavish trips. Always some of the family went along to get their holiday. He had his cronies with him; he sent for various people from England. He had the best in food and hotels. We paid for his sort of state dinner to noteworthy folk, and the expedition to Marrakech presented an expense account I wouldn’t want anyone to peer into too far. I think it was a good investment.”
Churchill’s fame and glory helped him extricate himself from large debts after the war as well. This was the case regarding an evening on a luxury night train in France in 1949. When he asked for the bill, according to Lough, “Unthinkable said the proprietress. It was the greatest honor they had ever had. Perhaps Monsieur Churchill would sign his name in the book. Monsieur Churchill would; and did.”
Churchill entered World War II nearly bankrupt and came out a rich man. German propaganda portrayed Churchill as a bought-and-paid-for stooge throughout the war years. In this August 1940 German cartoon titled “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves,” Churchill is surrounded by a collection of his accomplices: Jews, plutocrats, crooks, pressitutes, munitions manufacturers, pederasts, and more. Who are behind the neocons today?!
Somehow, not only did he lead the war effort, he wrote memoirs and negotiated the sale of the rights. Yes, if you serve the right masters one can go far in the world and in the “history” they write. Anger them and you end up dead like American First patriot James Forrestal.
Typo alert: “Haaretz” is the correct spelling. Delete after correction!
Two quick points: I believe the British strategy and bomber production aimed at civilian targets was born in the mid-thirties, long before the outbreak of war. The Germans, conversely had nothing similar, few heavy bombers. Correct me if I’m wrong here.
Churchill lost a fortune on Wall St, 1929, but was kept solvent by his supportive (((bankers))). Lucky guy!
Actually, the RAF became a terror-bombing organization in March, 1919, shortly after Churchill became UK aviation minister. The RAF terror-bombed all over the ’empire’ in the 20’s and 30’s. To Churchill it was a matter of economics- it was faster and cheaper to burn towns and villages from the air, rather than sending soldiers on foot to do the dirty work.
Thanks. I didn’t know that.
Lets not forget Churchills greatest single crime- the Bengal famine of 1944, in which he deliberately starved 3 million Indians to death.
More on Churchill’s dubious background.
Anger them and you end up dead like……
Roosevelt died one week after sending a letter to Saudi Arabia stating he would not support the jews in Palestine.
General George Patton spoke out against the jews and died in two car crashes.
The first crash failed to kill him.
I also read somewhere that the Czech government sent a nice check.
There have been wars in British history that have unusual names: the War of the Roses and the War of Jenkin’s Ear. WWII, in its beginning at least, should be called the War for Winston’s Bar Tab.