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Hillary Clinton Promises To Shut Down ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Websites

By Baxter Dmitry | 27 August 2016

YOUR NEWS WIRE — Freedom of speech and freedom of the press will be resigned to history under a Hillary Clinton presidency, as the Democratic nominee threatens to shut down alternative news websites and anything the establishment view as a “conspiracy theory” if she is elected President of the United States.

In a speech in Reno on Thursday, Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was embracing “dark conspiracy theories” before going on a conspiracy theory-obsessed rant in which she attacked Alex Jones and Infowars, and then claimed that Vladimir Putin was the all-powerful mastermind behind the alternative media movement.

These wild claims by Clinton echo her attempt to distract voters from the contents of the WikiLeaks DNC email release by blaming the hack on Putin and Russia – a claim that even the FBI declared had no evidence to back it up.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the U.S. intelligence community is not ready to “make the call on attribution.”

U.S. Intelligence hasn’t decided if Russia is to blame. The Obama White House haven’t pointed the finger at Russia. However the lack of evidence against Russia hasn’t stopped Hillary Clinton pointing the finger and attempting to blame boogeyman Putin for every difficulty she has faced – and every honest investigation by the alternative media that reveals damning evidence against her.

So who is really peddling “dark conspiracy theories,” Trump or Clinton?

There is no wonder Hillary wants to shut down the alternative media. It is the last remaining bastion of investigative journalism. Hillary is so terrified of investigative journalists that she hasn’t held a press conference in over 260 days – an unprecedented period for a presidential nominee.

Hillary Clinton’s preferred method of dealing with the media – as revealed in the WikiLeaks hacked emails – is to have DNC staffers contact mainstream news outlets and correct their copy, change their headlines, and drop stories she doesn’t like. The mainstream media is wedged deep in the pocket of corporate interests, and Hillary is the hand that squeezes.

Alternative media won’t play ball with the DNC like this. Along with WikiLeaks, the alternative media are the last remaining opposition voice, and Clinton is on record vowing to destroy them all. []


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