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Posse of Four on the Formation of Likudnik Party Jew SA

Russ is usually as calm a cucumber. Warning:  He loses it in the first ten minutes of  this show when the topic of Trump’s Likudnik administration picks comes up and practically has to be restrained.

update- I listened to show was not that bad. Mostly just trolls in the comments exaggerating it.

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6 Comments on Posse of Four on the Formation of Likudnik Party Jew SA

  1. Great discussion. I understand your frustration, Russ. It amazes me how the Jews always manage to fool most people. Why is it that those of us that “get it” are always the minority? It is so obvious they chose Trump due to his ability to deceive, and he has done a marvelous job. Next few years will be hell on Earth.

    If even 40 percent of the global population understood the situation like you, Victor and Joachim the human race might avoid extinction. But I see no sign that people will wake up and change anytime in the foreseeable future. And again, I keep bringing up nanotechnology, the thing hardly anybody is talking about. Anyone who is not afraid of nanotech simply doesn’t understand it. I’m no engineer or scientist, but I know enough about nanotechnology to be terrified of it.

  2. from 1:55:30 especially – Well done Jim – took some courage to admit you (we) were wrong about Trump. You champion. It just took some of us longer than others …

    “Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
    Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012) [show less]

  3. Ciao a Tutti, just some observations. People with the intention to make w world better place (more Real, Natural) should avoid talking about beliefs and asking over and over: do you believe? Really? In the reality of AI making absolutely excellent videos this king od BS is doomed. Wanting to catch attention of real Men and make sense of that contact, I’d rather refer to facts and information avoiding beliefs and believing.
    Another thing is that those still able “to think critically” starting their “shows” with taking and promoting drugs (CBD) seem like they are already lost, doomed and lead themselves towards inevitable non existence.
    Half-truths, drugs leading to fake health and spirituality, BS, AH as a pure golden hero, etc, etc, etc. That doesn’s impress me at all.

  4. Most people didn’t vote for Donald Trump they voted against wokeism. Donald Trump repeatedly told people he was Israel’s #1 fan. I knew what Trump was going to do, that’s why I didn’t vote in the presidential election.
    Christianity was the Trojan horse for Europa. If you still believe in Jew gods, then you are part of the problem. You will always be more vulnerable to being duped.
    PS-Russ, you were the best most informed person on the panel. cheers.

    • I totally agree on Christianity, it is another method of control, in fact the evangelicals especially are playing right into the Jewish agenda in the Middle East. Russ made some great points at the end of the discussion about how we need to start boycotting the Jews, which Victor Hugo dismissed, but Russ is correct. The Jews gain their power primarily from usury and charging interest on loans. If enough people switch to a debt free lifestyle, as I have done, then Jewish power wanes. Anyone who is in debt to the Jews is part of the problem, whether it be a mortgage, student loans, car loans, ect, the borrower will always be a slave to the lender. Rejecting paper money and crypto in favor of gold and silver will also cripple them.

      Boycotts are very effective. For example, I’m an avid gamer, I used to be a big fan of Ubisoft games. Ubisoft is one of the largest games developers in France. But they started developing crap games, embracing wokeism and treating their customers like crap and now people have stopped buying their products and things have gotten so bad they are nearing bankruptcy, the Chinese are about to buy them out and the French government is talking about stepping in to prevent it.

  5. Why doesn’t Jim or Joachim discuss Madison Wisconsin, A hub of child trafficking? Jim lives just outside of Madison and Joachim is the expert on paedophiles in government. i dont think they are tools, but whats the excuse for this glaring obliviousness? I’ve stated this before but it bears repeating: former Senator Russ Feingold, A Rhodes scholar (red flag), now hiding in England (red flag) was/is a main player. His last campaigns listed the top 3 donors as 1) Steven Spielberg 2) Tim Disney 3) A Lehman brother ( red flag, red flag, red flag). I’ve started a Substack on the issue as there doesn’t seem to be any investagative journalist interested, I will be posting police FOIA requests as I receive them. The world is run on and paid for by human trafficking. If we don’t fix this, all hope is lost. Why do people call on Jesus, where else to look when all hope is gone?

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