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Inconvenient Facts: The Prostate Situation

As I’ve been saying all along. And you may need prostate surgery for BPH at age 70 like yours truly. Various prostate enlargement BPH issues are common for men over 50. Can you even imagine further complicating this male health challenge with a gender change procedure? I had to wear a catheter pre-surgery and constantly take antibiotics.

Thankfully the surgery worked with minor side effects. PSA (signals infection or cancer) is now low (1/8 of pre-surgery) and size is normal. I’ve subsequently been kicked out of the grumpy old man club for not maintaining the standards.




6 Comments on Inconvenient Facts: The Prostate Situation

  1. It seems that saltpetre a.k.a Potassium Nitrate often used in curing commercial bacon, Serrano ham, sausages etc when eaten is linked to prostate cancer, joint degeneration and cataracts of the eye. My father now in his 80’s has had surgery for all three ie hip and knee replacements, prostate cancer, and cataracts removed from both eyes. He suffered from these problems in his mid 60’s. He was a keen consumer of bacon. Draw your own conclusions and do your own research. The saltpetre is said to be used as a preservative, although it is possible to find some hams and bacon etc that claim not to have it in the product. Sodium Nitrate is sometimes used instead. I am in my mid 60’s and so far have not suffered from any of my fathers conditions; I have not consumed bacon to the extent that my father has; I now avoid it and any other products that may contain it.

    • Makes sense that the kosher-cults who shun pig flesh would promote it and poison it, ‘caste demons into it’ for purchase by their target enemy. Ah, see, the taboo of the jDeists and i-Slam are true! Whereas the diet for man is the fruit of the trees, the nuts and grains, the herbs and plants. ‘These shall be your meat’. But as the chasm within a specie is as as wide as that between the chimp and bonobo, these chimps gorge on human flesh, apparantly ‘kosher’ …….

  2. BPH, Benign Prostrate Hyperplasia is easily corrected by auto-urine therapy. The article supporting surgery is bad advice.

    The usual treatment called TURP, Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate is a ‘roto-rooter’ style procedure. Often results in scar tissue or blockage of ejaculation ducts but a nice check from medical insurers. Worse thing is once prostate enlargement begins, it doesn’t necessarily stop. Urologists act surprised but schedule your next treatment.

    Solution? Get a few 1 mL needle-less (detachable needle) syringes. 1 mL is an amount that easily fits in the palm of a small person’s hand. Fill the syringe with fresh urine and inject the urine into the rectum. Syringes barrels are about 3+” long which is long enough to reach the prostate (like your middle finger).

    Do that a few times a day for 7-14 days. The gradations on the syringe will wear off from reuse but so what? – you don’t use them anyway.

    Massaging the perineum with urine several times a day also helps.

    Many states don’t require a Rx for syringes because that would impact druggies. A BD (Becton Dickinson) 1mL Syringe with Luer-Lok Tip works. If your pharmacy doesn’t carry them you might have to order a box of 100 syringes. Keep excess on hand for future use or to give to others.

    Enough of Allopathic medicine.

    • I am two years out from the surgery and zero signs of BPH. In fact prostate is normal size for the first time since I was 40. They alter the infection pathway. I have minor leakage sometimes if I laugh or cough hard, and can’t rush my urination. I am not promoting this procedure but was facing a grim outlook without it. They do thousands of them for the whole country in the assembly line hospital where it was conducted. Initially had incontinence, but full recovery is three months. Zero complaints about the ultimate outcome.

      I did the standard mineral intake, cranberry, etc to counter it for years, but I think it is mostly genetic. My dad suffered from it and had prostate cancer but lived to 96 despite it.

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