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Was Mesolithic Doggerland the Inspiration for the Legends of Atlantis and The Flood?

Doggerland: The remains of a prehistoric oak loom in the mud of the Severn estuary at low tide, near the Welsh town of Goldcliff. As the sea progressed the Mesolithic forests of northern Europe gradually died from the intrusion of salt water. Human beings had to move to higher areas, until the sea also engulfed them. PHOTO: National Geographic Espana/Robert Clark

The theory that Mesolithic-Doggerland was the source of the legends of Atlantis, The Flood and creation is, of course, speculative but does contain certain compelling points, especially in terms of context. Plato said that Atlantis laid beyond “beyond the Pillars of Hercules,” or Gibraltar in the Atlantic. Doggerland was located in post Ice Age North Sea well outside of the Mediterranean. However, as a bird flies, Doggerland is much closer to Greece than more far-placed Atlantic locations that have been offered up.

Mesolithic Doggerland was not a “civilization”; but for that epoch, it was quite advanced and was situated on some of the best real estate in Eurasia.

Plato is known to have freely borrowed some of his allegories and metaphors from older traditions. Written in 360 B.C., Plato (428-347 B.C.) introduced Atlantis in “Timaeus.” The dialogues claim to quote Solon, who visited Egypt between 590 and 580 B.C. They state that Solon translated Egyptian records of Atlantis.  Arguably, Atlantis and The Flood would have represented a major collective memory passed down from an epic event. But what event?

Adding to the mystery comes a revelation that up to 70 percent of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, geneticists in Switzerland said. Did a group of Doggerlander descendants make their way to Egypt, end up ruling and, most certainly, taking their epic memories with them?

Plato also described Doggerland accurately from what we know today, saying that the Plain to the South-Southwest dominated the sea by a vertical drop, and that at the other side of the drop (North and East), the Plain went down in a gentle slope.

More color and a good match came from Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian of the first century B.C., sourcing Hecateus of Miletus, the first geographer of the fourth century B.C., states:

“Hecateus and a few others claim that, beyond the country of the Celts, there is in the Ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. It stretches Northwards and is inhabited by the Hyperboreans. They are so called because they live beyond the lands where Boreas, the North wind, blows.

Doggerland, now submerged under the North Sea, was the “True Heart of Europe” in the Mesolithic, according to Richard Bates of the University of St. Andrews. It was a paradise for that era, with the populations multiplying and doing very well. It would have been one of the larger and prospering human populations of Europe.

Lakes lapped gently in the marshes, rivers winding their course through lush landscapes of grasses and bushes. Food was plentiful. The waters teemed with fish and shellfish, birds nested in the reeds, berry bushes covered the banks. There were many rich villages of country folk, the meadows furnished ample nutriment to all the animals both tame and wild. Timber of various sizes and descriptions was abundantly sufficient for the needs of all and every craft. Doggerlanders were fishermen and would have been skilled at making functioning seaworthy boats.

Image result for doggerland

After the Ice Age receded, populations migrated from the Iberian Refugio and moved into this prime real estate stating about 8,000 B.C. In the context of the next several millennium, life was much more advanced and comfortable than their Ice Age ancestors or others scattered around Europe who barely survived. For about two millennium, Doggerland had a good run by any standard.

The Flood Story

Gradually, as the ice melted, the North Sea rose and Doggerland was inundated. It was gradual at first, and the inhabitants constructed dykes to preserve their fertile lands. Plato referenced dykes.

There was an abrupt 0.25- to 0.5-meter sea-level jump sometime between 6300-6200 B.C., marking the effects of the catastrophic melt-water release from Lake Agassiz that triggered the so-called “8200 calBP” cold event around the Atlantic (e.g. LeGrande 2006; Clare, et al). Lake Agassiz was an ice dam lake in Canada. It would have poured into the Hudson Bay and raised the sea level of the North Atlantic.

At this point, with decades of lead time and the lands shrinking, the Doggerlanders began to resort to boats for shorter relocation trips to the European and British coasts.

Next, and within +/- 100 years after the Agassiz inundation, a giant ice dam that once spanned roughly from Dover to Calais and retained a lake to its Northeast catastrophically failed, resulting in yet a second flood that opened the English Channel.

Within another 100 years, the mother of all floods hit from the Storegga Slide (Norway) tsunami. Three epic floods over a few hundred years at the location of the best real estate in Mesolithic times would all but guarantee flood, lost civilization and Ark voyage legends of a most memorable kind.

The map at left shows Doggerland as a massive plain in about 7500 B.C. The map at right shows the residual island about 6200 B.C., after the English Channel opened up and just before the mega-tsunami hit. Notice that besides Dogger Island, there are a string of good-sized islands in the English Channel and North of the Rhine. Additionally, low-laying land that once jutted out into the North Sea and attached to England would have been inundated.

On one autumn day about 6000 to 6200 B.C., the men of the Mesolithic had just retired to their winter quarters when one of the greatest catastrophes in European history crashed down upon them. If any event qualifies as an epic flood in pre-history, this was it.

From “Doggerland Lost“:

“The end came in a flash: 8 to 10 meter tsunamis raced through the North Sea. In the sea bottom in front of the coast of Norway, huge masses of mud slid down a 1000 meter slope – an event known as the Storegga Slide – and gave rise to the enormous waves.”

In their work, Jon Hill and his colleagues reconstructed the past landscape of Doggerland on their computers.

“Large parts of Doggerland were then less than five meters above sea-level. The fate of the island proved a lucky break for the coastlines behind them: Doggerland acted as a wave-breaker, so that the German North Sea coast, the Netherlands and Southern England were exposed to tsunamis of only one meter.”

The chart shows the various impacts that sent Doggerland to an Atlantis style watery grave, including the tsunami and mother of floods transpiring in hours. The tsunami manifested itself as a giant wave on the coastline and an unusually extensive flood in the interior.

This does not necessarily imply that all were killed immediately — although given the likely rapidity and scale of the event, a significant number of people would almost certainly have been caught and drowned by the inexorably cold and rising waters, while many others would have been displaced. Productive coastal areas would have been devastated, shellfish beds destroyed and covered by sand, together with any fixed fishing facilities. Any stored food meant to last over the winter may also have been lost (cf. Spikins 2008), with subsequent starvation among survivors.

The final abandonment of the remaining remnants of Doggerland as a place of permanent habitation by Mesolithic populations was rapid as well as epic. The idea that the survivors would have left on boats and barges to the coast of England is likely. An island-hopping evacuation to the less-impacted modern-day Low Countries and French coast would also have been in the works. An entire population would have had to renew and relocate.

Doggerland: far more advanced than previously thought.

One of the larger northwestern European paternal haplogroups R1b1b2a1a (mine) is associated with many DNA samples taken from the Dogger Banks. Today, this Doggerlander gene is found in England, the Low Countries, Denmark, Southern Norway and coastal France, where it reaches levels of one-third of the modern population. In pre-modern migration times, say 1500 A.D., it would have been even higher.

Modern Descendants of Doggerlanders

Fourth century historian Ammianus Marcellinus, relying on a lost work by Timagenes, a historian writing in the first century B.C., who writes that the Druids of Gaul said that part of the inhabitants of Gaul had migrated there from distant islands: “The Drasidae (Druids) recall that a part of the population is indigenous but others also migrated in from islands and lands beyond the Rhine.” (Res Gestae 15.9) Note: The Rhine enters the North Sea in southern Netherlands.

Welsh: “The lake of Llion burst, flooding all lands. Dwyfan and Dwyfach escaped in a mastless ship with pairs of every sort of living creature. They landed in Prydain [Britain] and repopulated the world” (Gaster, pp. 92-93).

Scandinavian: “Oden, Vili, and Ve fought and slew the great ice giant Ymir, and icy water from his wounds drowned most of the Rime Giants. The giant Bergelmir escaped, with his wife and children, on a boat made from a hollowed tree trunk. From them rose the race of frost ogres. Ymir’s body became the world we live on. His blood became the oceans” (Sturluson, p. 35).

Celtic: “Heaven and Earth were great giants, and Heaven lay upon the Earth so that their children were crowded between them, and the children and their mother were unhappy in the darkness. The boldest of the sons led his brothers in cutting up Heaven into many pieces. From his skull they made the firmament. His spilling blood caused a great flood which killed all humans except a single pair, who were saved in a ship made by a beneficent Titan. The waters settled in hollows to become the oceans. The son who led in the mutilation of Heaven was a Titan and became their king, but the Titans and gods hated each other, and the king titan was driven from his throne by his son, who was born a god. That Titan at last went to the land of the departed. The Titan who built the ship, whom some consider to be the same as the king Titan, went there also” (Sproul, pp. 172-173).

The stories, tales and legends of such a monumental flood and displacement would have spread all over Eurasia, and even elsewhere, as a universal collective memory. Sea levels were rising globally during this era, and the Black Sea also experienced a flooded coastal zone. Indeed, variations of the flood accounts are found in many locations, religions and cultures, not just Sumeria and the Bible (see full list). But the 6000 B.C. Storegga Slide and outcomes would have been the epic mother of all events.

16 Comments on Was Mesolithic Doggerland the Inspiration for the Legends of Atlantis and The Flood?

  1. I really enjoy Nick Zentner’s video lectures. In one of them (can’t remember which), he posits that Northwest tribes had a high probability of being witness to ice age mega floods.

  2. Thanks for another interesting article. There’s a very interesting book called “Where Troy Once Stood” by Iman Wilkins covering a slightly later period circa 1200 BC, where the author locates Troy in South East England, and many place names now associated with the Eastern Mediterranean along the eastern fringes of Europe. The book also explains the Odyssey as being a initiation journey for initiates to the mystery school which took the traveller from Hades (the mouth of the Rhine) all the across the Atlantic to what is now Cuba – and back.
    It’s very well researched and referenced… and very controversial (some book sellers have it as history, others a fiction), but very readable and I’d highly recommend it.
    A short comment cannot do it justice.

  3. Jennings says (in The Rosicrucians) that Saint Michael’s Mount and Mount Saint Michel were a Secondary Hercules’ Pillars. Hercules was the dragon-slayer of the Phoenicians, and the British Channel was called Dragonmouth.

    Plato must have been… or the priests of Sais were… initiated into these mysteries. For all intents and purposes, Britain sank from view when Doggerland flooded. The Cimbri say they lost their land to floods, and the Cimbri/Cymri are the Belgae who lived in the Netherlands.

    When Caesar wrote of the people of Gaul, he never mentions the Armoricans. And Tacitus didn’t see anyone who looked like the Silures living south of the British Channel… until you get to Iberia. Iberia used to be called Liguria, according to Strabo. Avienius mentions a mountain of Silurian-name, and so does Pliny… the former says beyond the tin isles there used to be a Ligurian land until the Celts took it from them. Dawkins tells us that the Iberians of Aquitaine and the Belgae were intersected by the Celts, in Gaul.

    Now, if the language differed a little, the Ligurians of Aquitaine and the Belgae of Mor Tawch must be the Brythonic people, with the late-coming Q-Celts displacing the P-Celts. Niebuhr notices this fact in his works Ethnology, and the History of Rome. He says the grammar of the two languages far are more than a little different. The legends of the Cymry say three groups of their race entered Britain, the last two being from Gascony and the borders of the sea. People assume from what they see today that Mor Towch must have been Armorica. But a plague brought those people back to the continent, and the Netherlands were by this time full. The poor rocks of Britanny is where they settled. If they’d been there still in Tacitus’ day, he never would have had to look all the way into Spain to find them. And the big red-blonde Caledonians came from Scandinavia, not the Netherlands, in those days.

  4. Wonderful information, Gwynter! We dearly need to claim the power of our past and wed it to the light from Sirius as it was, jettisoning the foul imposters which are almost finished now, barring oh 7 billion deaths and interminable suffering. The old churches in England and Wales are full of the ancient symbolism but in the US the fake CIA Christian attacks on “paganism” have been relentless. Let’s listen …

  5. So many problems in reading any parables, allegories, or legends have to do with what Joseph Campbell would regularly call ‘bad reading!’ So many people when reading these literary devices stay at the surface-level and interpret such stories literally without understanding the intricate and clever message that ls stowed beneath the surface tale.

    Myth or allegory is an intentional instrument to communicate or express a large series of labyrinthine ideas that are approachable at an exoteric AND an esoteric level, especially when those ideas are intensive social and political portraits. Almost all of Plato’s ‘Dialogues’ can be approached in such a dual fashion. It is not even known if a man named ‘Socrates’ even existed historically, or, ‘he’ was simply the by-product of Plato’s tremendous genius. And the farther back one goes historically, the separation between Logos and Mythos becomes even more obscure and concealed.

    For those who might be interested in this topic, might I suggest reading Leo Strauss’s ‘Persecution and the Art of Writing.’

  6. Love reading posts on any site with truth in them regarding what the Bible calls Noah’s Flood, and love the refuting of those who claim it was only in the Mediterranean Sea. Complete Nonsense! Good grief their are Flood stories by Pacific Islanders and even Aboriginees in Ausssie land, stories that claim Giants scared the crap outta natives and would eat them, then they got wiped out in a flood…and then there is the “dream time” scenario. (I can’t remember the name of the story book, but I actually read to my kids once). And there could have been several huge floods as well (the Noah’s Flood supposedly happened in 2350 BC more or less, but I am sure there were others in an earlier time…only God knows the time frames of all history.). As for Atlantis, could have been the Ciclades, could have been Lemuria, could have been Andalusia, could have been…Doggerland? Thanks for the post, Russ.

  7. The Sea Peoples remain unidentified in the eyes of most modern scholars and hypotheses regarding the origin of the various groups are the source of much speculation.[12] Existing theories variously propose equating them with several Aegean tribes, raiders from Central Europe, scattered soldiers who turned to piracy or who had become refugees, and links with natural disasters such as earthquakes or climatic shifts.[2][13]

  8. “Did a group of Doggerlander descendants make their way to Egypt, end up ruling and, most certainly, taking their epic memories with them?”

    The timing doesn’t seem right. My understanding is that most modern Britons (prior to recent decades) are descended from the Bell Beaker People, who arrived in Britain about 4000 years ago. This was the start of the Bronze Age, a few thousand years after Doggerland was submerged. If 70% of male Britons are in the same haplogroup as King Tut, it must have arrived in Britain with the Bell Beaker People. That R1b1b2a1a haplogroup that turns up in Dogger Banks samples was probably from 4000 years ago or later.

    One interesting thing about the Bell Beaker People is that the Saxons (who arrived with the Anglo-Saxon Invasion) were also Bell Beaker People. This makes it difficult to distinguish between descendants of the Saxon invaders and descendants of pre-invasion Britons.

  9. Was planning to stay off today, but I just wanted to say: well done!

    Well researched, informative and well written.

    Thank you.


  10. COMETS.

    LITERALLY people, that’s your source of these biblical floods.

    Go back about 3700 years and you’ll see every calendar in every culture on earth shifted. There’s only one way we can go from a 360 day year to a 365.25 day year and that’s a slight change in Earths orbit. And that doesn’t happen from a source on the planet, that has to be external.

    The reason for the lie of the big bang was to hide this very sort of history. Venus is less than 4000 years old and the evidence is clear if one knows what they’re looking at. It’s the most recent captured comet to become a permanent planet in our inner solar system. There’s a reason why the first NASA (Never A Straight Answer) probe out there in the 70’s(?) was mapping Venus surface and when it circled the planet the entire surface had changed. There’s a reason why it has not locked in a magnetic field… it hasn’t cooled below the Currie Temperature where it locks in the rock. It’s that young.

    Venus was a planetary sized comet nucleus that passed within 10 million miles of us. levelled Mars and Earth. We travelled through this comets tail for “40 days & 40 nights” where we pulled in massive amounts of water, debris and oil.

    The bible is a giant lie of truths. It’s just another jew op to subvert our true history. There’s no religious nor spiritual nor legal truth in the entire thing. It’s really just stories of nut jobs running around slaughtering & enslaving people (jews) and a massive global catastrophe (planetary sized comet nucleus passage).

    If you managed to survive such a barely imaginable event and needed to record this information for the survival of your decedents how would you record it ? Fire (ignited naphtha), water, debris were LITERALLY raining down on us -or- God was repaying us for our sins with fire and brimstone ?

    It’s a jew op to hide our true history by twisting what actually happened. Man up you Christians, you’ve been had.

    And this sort of “biblical” comet passage event has happened many times in our history. The devastation has been so massive there is no way we’ll ever know how much history is actually under our feet … and neither will our rulers. They do know however what our true history is and that’s why they are able to subvert it and are so obsessed with all this privately funded archaeology looking for ancient HUMAN technology etc.

    I find it hilarious when these archaeologists go to a “dig” the first thing they do is begin to remove evidence by removing the dirt failing to ask why all this stuff is buried. Where did the dirt come from ? Their brains have been so indoctrinated by historical lies they can’t even ask the simple question of … “wait a minute, it doesn’t rain dirt, wtf” ?

    You will NEVER make sense of our history without fully understanding comets and that us humans have been way more technologically advance several times preciously in our history. You need to pin-point exactly what knocked us on our collective asses.

    The key questions are:

    – what caused the destruction and gaps in our history ? COMETS

    – who has hidden this history ? JEWS and their destructive ways

    – who were the civilization builders over and over again ? WHITES

    that’s your entire history folks. COMETS, JEWS, WHITES. All lies can be sussed out by holding it up against those 3 things.

  11. In absolutely no way. Doggerland was a european refuge, and protected by God, who invested very much in whites before cursing them, due to the association with the damned ones. In contrast, Atlantis was in the pre-flood network of evil, together with the hollow earth and the current byzantines. Oera Linda says Doggerland was drowned by hunnic and finnic groups coming from Asia using magic technics. atlantis was either in the Azores (another damned place, together with the whole portugal) or more to the west, one of its extremes touching the Carribeans (and letting its evil fingerprint until today in countries like Haiti and Cuba. As for how they looked like, doggerlanders were full europeans, while atlanteans were disfigured or weird even when they looked white; the word white is irrelevant, since they were a different species.

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