Can MAGA explain to me why are we flying Israeli flags on the campaign trail again?
— Ian Smith (@iansmithfitness) August 16, 2024
Can MAGA explain to me why are we flying Israeli flags on the campaign trail again?
— Ian Smith (@iansmithfitness) August 16, 2024
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He is what he is, it has long been apparent — at least he says it openly — everyone can easily see he’s a servant of Jews — it could not be more obvious.
Actually, a lot of people CANNOT easily see that he is a servant of Jews, people like Alex Jones, Joel Skousen, Navy Seal Matt Bracken and apparently Clayton over at Redacted, who predicts Trump will be “arrested” by a judge soon:
How much do you want to bet that Trump does not get arrested before the election? They’ve been threatening Trump for years, but nothing ever happens because the threats are staged professional wrestling antics. In reality Trump is well protected by the Deep State, they just pretend to attack and harass him. Trump has done an outstanding job of deceiving right wing Christian patriots. They will run right into his arms this November to escape the obvious threat Kamala, only to be devoured.
Just wait until Trump gets in, it is his second term and he will have nothing to lose. It is going to breathtaking watching guys like Alex Jones, Clayton, Joel Skousen and the rest of his supporters try to explain away his war on Iran, drafting of American citizens, arrest of antizionists and introduction of programmable digital currencies. I can’t wait to see what new excuses they will have. Mark Twain said that it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
There’s a difference between seeing it, i.e. recognizing that Trump is a servant of Jews, and not caring about it, meaning it’s not a negative to them — people may not care about it for a number of reasons, high among them societal taboos.
Given all of his other problems, Alex Jones is perhaps not the best example of someone who doesn’t see it (he does of course, he just doesn’t care) — the last thing Jones needs now is to be labeled an anti-Semite.
Jones is terrified of being called an anti-semite racist… we all know what happens, de-banked, de-personed, de-platformed for those committing antisemitic racism.
Kanye’s Law: Naming THEM ruins YOU
Stop antisemitic racism… The world’s worst crime. Woe betide antisemite racists…
Every single day I thank my persona; God that I no longer reside in the J.U.S.A. What a sh*t show.
Trump converted to Satanism:
I was watching something on the internet, one night four years ago, when suddenly i was given a vision. The coloured picture disappeared and it had now turned to black and white. World leaders started to appear out of darkness and then return to the darkness and then another world leader would appear and disappear. God was showing me that every leader in the world is playing a role for the end times and they are all in on the great plot to kill humanity. I saw Trump coming out of the darkness and then disappearing and reappearing and i saw Obama laughing with Netanyahu and other politicians, whom at that time i did not know, arriving and chatting with Netanyahu etc.
We’ll see who has really been deceived.