To my fellow vets that signed up after 9/11, what would you do if you found out Israel & the CIA were behind the attacks?
— Shane Hazel (@ShaneTHazel) June 26, 2024
To my fellow vets that signed up after 9/11, what would you do if you found out Israel & the CIA were behind the attacks?
— Shane Hazel (@ShaneTHazel) June 26, 2024
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Candice is “hot” intelligent and now a Catholic – her research the general way the World works, starting with 9/11 has obviously awakened her to the immense Jewish power that controls the most important global institutions and cascades down on the gentile population a ubiquitous Talmudic Worldview where the power of Money is directed by a Cabal toward specific objectives.
These objectives are specifically enabled by use of the Hegelian Dialectic where seemingly opposing objectives are set against each other to provoke a citizen back-lash that “synthesises” the desired solution. David Icke would call this Problem-Reaction-Solution.
Aware of all this going on, Candice has become a beacon of TruthTelling and establishment skepticism with intelligence that trashes, in interview, “jewish” stooges like Ben Shapiro and idiotic Rabbis ( see Rumble for details).
With Candace and Russle Brand and many other “Bigley” notables coming back to the roots of true Catholicism ( not the diabolically infested Vatican and the fake Jesuit Pope ) a line has been drawn in the sand on widespread Apostosy in our Christian Worldview or what is left of it.
Carry on Candace – we love your energy, candour and literary elegance – we need more like you to wake up the Black Community to the way these Talmudic Jews are playing them rotten!
A combination of Candace and Dr E Michael Jones ( Author and Commentator) should be defining policy for The West in this moment of Satanic posession!
Candace Farmer – British Spy – American Traitor –
already blackholed by twitter