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Victoria Nuland announces resignation as Biden’s Undersecretary of State

4 Comments on Victoria Nuland announces resignation as Biden’s Undersecretary of State

  1. Lots of beasts exiting lately.3 dead Roths,Windsor mafia looking ropey and US swap creatures ‘stepping down’ Nudelburger hopefully heading for her Guantanamo gallows appointment imminently ?

  2. The Nordstream big bang : Happy birthday Robert Kagan …

    “Deputy Secretary of State Nuland, who with Vice President Dick Cheney was an architect of the invasion of Iraq, predicted on Jan. 22, 2022, “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.” The pipeline was subsequently bombed by Ukrainian assets, as if on cue.”

    The Nordstream pipelines were blown up on 26 September 2022,

    the same day that the architect of the 2014 Ukraine coup d’etat, Victoria Nuland, celebrated with her husband and PNAC co-founder, Robert Kagan, his 64th birthday …

  3. Donald Kagan and the “9/11 Mastermind – KSM” …

    Victoria Nuland’s father in law, one of the original PNAC signatories, Donald Kagan’s classic kabbalistic finger prints on the creation of the /9/11 KSM myth …

    From PNAC’s Donald Kagan born on 1 May 1932

    to KSM “identified as The 9/11 Mastermind” on 4 June 2002 is :

    INTerval =

    = 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days

    [ Note : INTerval = days between dates = (d2-d1) – 1 ]

  4. If you love the Aryan-descent White folks and all other kinds of life in the Americas and elsewhere, then consider participation in the mass meditation campaign on the Eighth of April, and in any one of the daily mass meditations at the We Love Mass Meditation website.

    Thanks for reading,

    Elfriede Lentner,

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