Zero Hedge | August 30, 2023
Unveiling another astonishing revelation from the ongoing education crisis within Baltimore City, investigative journalist Chris Papst from Fox45 News’ Project Baltimore dropped a bombshell:
“STUNNING: Baltimore City Schools received 29 federal Covid grants totaling $799M to fight learning loss. Yet, in 2023, just 9.1% of all 3rd-8th graders tested proficient in math. MEANING, taxpayers gave an additional $799M and 91% of Baltimore students are NOT math proficient.”
Well, after several short lived bouts with the dual citizen’s Central Bank, this last one has completely sealed our fate. This “Chirstian” nation has become one solid pile of steaming dog sht. And we all know one cannot find a single honorable thing in a pile of dogsht. Wasn’t it Franklin who said a people who relinquish their liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security?
Welcome! to the USSR, (United States Socialist Republic.