The Hill | May 11, 2023
El Niño is likely to take over soon — and odds are it will be sticking around for a long time, national forecasters said in an update Thursday.
While the Northern Hemisphere is still under “ENSO-neutral” conditions — meaning we are neither in an El Niño nor La Niña — that could change at any time. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center said there is about an 80% chance the transition to El Niño takes place between May and July.
El Nino – all aided, abetted, steered and prolonged by the “weather modifiers” or the (real) “climate changers” ever pushing their covert agenda of terraforming the planet for the new “digital age” — digitized trees and digitized people – who could ask for anything more or “what could possibly go wrong.”
Beam up (program) the cyborgs with the latest radio frequency tone; remember, “smile, be happy”; you will own nothing (real)
These 2 hispanic terms have always sounded like some made up multicultural labels instead of meteorological classifications.