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Doctors Were Bribed for COVID Vaccination Coercion

Burning Platform via Mercola| April 27, 2023

Story at-a-glance

  • In late March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Within this $2 trillion stimulus package, $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated COVID patients
  • Hospitals were reimbursed an extra 20% for each Medicare patient hospitalized with COVID, and the only criteria to receive that bonus was a COVID-positive PCR test
  • The federal COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment program also paid hospitals bonuses for every COVID-19 patient treated with emergency-authorized COVID medications (Remdesivir, convalescent plasma, Baricitinib, Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir)
  • Hospitals also received a 300% upcharge for COVID patients placed on ventilators, even after it became apparent that this was a death sentence. Somewhere between 50% and 86% of all ventilated COVID patients died, yet government never dropped the incentive to use ventilators. Why?



2 Comments on Doctors Were Bribed for COVID Vaccination Coercion

  1. In the Central Bank Clan, (CBC), we trust. If a lucid person were to pull his cabeza from his colon and examine real history beyond the CBC owned media, one screaming fact would suddenly appear;
    This Marxist Communist enclave was under attack from the CBC from the moment settlers stepped off the boat FLEEING the evil, treachery of the CBC which they fled from in the first place. It was only through the actions of a few that we held onto the illusion of freedom for as long as we did. For wont of a patriotic military, U.S. KGB, (a.k.a. “cops”), executive, legislative and judical branches, we would not only have remained free of the CBC infestation, we, (as Hitler/Franco and Mussolini et al attempted), would have joined them in eliminating what Hitler accurately dubbed – A Global banking swindle. Instead, we allowed them to buy off, assassinate and steal our freedom, honor and spirituality. Congratulations.

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