Air Force Academy Defends Telling Cadets to Replace ‘Mom and Dad’ With ‘Gender-Neutral Language’

Epoch Times | Sept. 26, 2022

The U.S. Air Force Academy has defended its teaching cadets to avoid “gender-specific terms” such as “mom” or “dad,” saying that “inclusive language” is important to its mission of training leaders capable of winning wars.

The Colorado Springs-based military school recently met with criticism over a slide that instructs cadets to replace gender-specific terms with gender-neutral ones. For example, “partner” is considered a better alternative to “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.” Terms like “parents,” “caregivers,” and “guardians” are preferable to “mom” or “dad.”

To be “inclusive,” cadets should also avoid saying that they are “colorblind” or that they “don’t see color” or “we’re all just people,” according to the slide.


1 Comment on Air Force Academy Defends Telling Cadets to Replace ‘Mom and Dad’ With ‘Gender-Neutral Language’

  1. “terms” such as “mom” or “dad,” saying that “inclusive language” is important to its mission of training leaders capable of winning wars.”. Ironically the opposite will be achieved. As the idiocy of wokeism increases via destruction of language, training leaders capable of winning wars will decrease due to communication muddling.

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