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Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide

ILLUSTRATION: The Daily Beast/Elizabeth Brockway

By Alexandra Bruce | 12 March 2022

LEW ROCKWELL (FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE TV) — Fresh off a 7-day suspension from Twitter, BlackRock Whistleblower, Ed Dowd is back, with a horrifying report on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

Ed enlisted the help of an insurance industry expert to parse out the CDC Excess Deaths data. He says, “We were looking for other things but what we found was pretty shocking…He broke it down by age and he created a baselines for each age group to come up with excess mortality.

“And the money chart is really Chart 4, which shows that the Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.

Millennials actually saw the highest increase in excess deaths of any other age group, due to the mandates imposed upon them, in order to keep their jobs – 7 times higher than the Silent Generation, (those aged 85+).

“Just to give you an idea, when you look at Chart 4, you see when mandates and boosters hit, the acceleration into the fall and then it re-accelerated into the end of the year. The drop-off in that data we see there’s reporting issues. It takes time for Millennial-aged deaths to be reported, because they’re usually not hospital deaths, so that data’s going to be updated and it’s probably gonna show that continued disturbing trend. […]

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