Gangs of LA Sheriff’s Deputies Are Running Amok, Bullying Other Cops

By Tyler Durden | 16 September 2021

ZERO HEDGE — The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is a massive law enforcement agency — it’s responsible for policing 153 unincorporated communities and 42 cities across a sizable patch of southern LA County — but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as its neighboring agency, the LAPD, which patrols the City of Los Angeles. Unfortunately for the criminals who wind up in the agency’s crosshairs, this lower profile has helped a culture of gang-like fraternities to flourish across the organization that officially are referred to as “secret cliques” or “subgroups”, but in reality, they’re just gangs.

You know how some people say the police are just the biggest gang? Well, in this case, that’s not too far from the truth. According to a recently released report from the RAND Corporation, the county government has singled out at least four gangs with names like “the Banditos” and “the Executioners”.

Of the roughly 10,000 sworn personnel in the LASD, roughly one-sixth could be members of these gangs (though the actual figure is probably higher given the source). The “subgroups” have pervasive initiation rituals, tattoos, hand signs. Oftentimes, new members are required to violently assault people in custody. Since 1990, the county has paid out nearly $55MM in “subgroup related judgments” including $21MM in the last decade alone. […]

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