By Cristina Laila | 4 June 2021
GATEWAY PUNDIT — A New York City-based psychiatrist recently told a Yale audience that she fantasizes about shooting white people in the head, burying their body and walking away guiltless.
Dr. Aruna Khilanani said she had fantasies of “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way” during virtual remarks in April.
Audio of Dr. Aruna Khilanani’s remarks can be heard here.
The psychiatrist also said “white people are out of their minds” and their brains are damaged and demented: “They have five holes in their brain. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.”
The New York Post reported (emphasis ours):
Khilanani opened her remarks by telling the audience, “I’m gonna say a lot of things, and it will probably provoke a lot of responses, and I want you to just maybe observe them in yourself.”
She then added “prayers up for DMX” before discussing what she described as the “intense rage and futility” people of color purportedly feel when talking to white people about racism. […]
White people are ‘concerned’ about biased asian reporting as a way of not owning and deflecting their racism. Apparently we, BIPOC’s are the ones with the real problems. Smooth. 🙄#StopAsianHate #thisisamerica #StopAAPIHate #AsianLivesMatter #whiteviolence pic.twitter.com/8ive7GZ7zB
— Aruna Khilanani MD MA (@aruna_khilanani) March 24, 2021
So … all white people are monsters , and all people of color are sweet and loving …
Gee … thanks a lot for that precious info !!!
Project much ?
Well if she wasn’t a total paid ((tool)) of the cabal I would have to blame her edJUcation or indoctrination into being a mentally ill racist degenerate
Strange that she is a psychiatrist when she gives every indication of being some Psychiatrist’s actual patient. And a dangerous one at that.
My Perception: Another apparent Sleeper Cell, Woke-n on US Soil. She appears to be using her powerful degree in Pysch as an IRG Weapon in pursuit of Ethic Cleansing on All White Americans? I believe that any seasoned investigator and/or anyone in our US Intel Community should agree this is a high possibility and warrants Federal Civil Rights Criminal Investigation and Referral to Prosecution. There is no shortage of evidence; motive and intent, including incitement of violence. The Universities where she teaches her sick thoughts of such hate should also be held legally accountable.
What a despicable, hateful, reckless, life-ruining witch of evil she is to speak of anyone in such a way; pure evil. Thus, let it be known publicly that I am now in fear of my life, deem her public threats as real, and publicly request Department of Homeland Security and/or FBI open a case on her, including possible ties to any anti-Americanism groups and/or International Terror Cells.
This is getting bad, and with help from nutcases like Khilanani (Killernani), it is clearly apparent that JOETUS and the Deep State are trying to cause a Civil War in the U.S.
Looks to me like another dark skin woman scorned by a blonde blue eyed devil.
Black Serial/Mass/Spree Killer List:
1. Matthew Emanuel Macon (Murdered and Raped 5 White Women in Lansing)
2. Jimmie Reed (Murdered his wife and his 2 month old daughter and set them on fire)
3. Shelly Brooks (Murdered 7 prostitutes in Detroit Cass Corridor)
4. Justin Blackshere (Stabbed two white cooks at Cheli’s Chili downtown Detroit)
5. Jervon Miguel Coleman (Murdered three people.)
6. Donell Ramon Johnson (Murdered a mother and a daughter)
7. Brian Ranard Davis (6 women known murdered by nigger)
8. Paul Durousseau (Seven women)
9. Mark Goudeau “The Baseline Killer” (Eight women and a man in 2005-2006)
10. Coral Eugene Watts (11 women in Texas & 1 in Michigan)
11. Anthony McKnight (Five girls and young women)
12. Derrick Todd Lee (8 Women)
13. Charles Lendelle Carter (4 known murders; admits to ‘hunting’ Atlantans for 15 years!)
14. The Zebra Killings (71 White people)
15. Chester Turner (L.A.s most prolific killer 12 women killed.)
16. Lorenzo J. Gilyard (Kansas City, MO.—13 victims)
17. Eugene Victor Britt (Gary, IN.–3 known murder/rapes.)
18. Reginald and Jonathan Carr (The Wichita Massacre–6 Whites murdered)
19. Ray Joseph Dandridge and his uncle, Ricky Gevon Gray (Richmond, VA.–Murdered 7 people in 7 days, including an entire White family.)
20. The Tinley Park Murderer (Suspect hasn’t been found but has been described as black – murdered 5 women in a store.)
21. Henry Louis Wallace (Raped and strangled 5 women to death.)
22. Charles Johnston (Murdered 3 unarmed white men in hospital)
23. Craig Price (Brutally murdered 3 women)
24. Harrison Graham (Brually Murdered 3 women)
25. Charles Lee “Cookie” Thornton (Murdered 6 Whites at the Kirkwood, MO. city council. )
26. & 27. Darnell Hartsfeld & Romeo Pinkerton (Abducted and Murdered 5 from a restaurant)
28 &29. John Allen Muhammad & Lee Boyd Malvo (Sniped 11 people from a car in DC, 9 died.)
30. George Russell (3 women, WA state)
31. Timothy W. Spencer (5 killed, Arlington, VA and Richmond, VA)
32. Elton M. Jackson (12 gay men killed, Norfolk, VA area)
33. Carlton Gary (3 killed in Columbus, GA)
34. Mohammed Adam Omar (16 women, Yemen. Omar is Sudanese.)
35. Kendall Francois (8 women, Poughkeepsie, NY and surrounding areas.)
36. Terry A. Blair (8 women, Kansas City area)
37. Wayne Williams (33 many of them children!, Atlanta, GA)
38. Vaughn Greenwood (11 killed in LA)
39. Andre Crawford (10 killed in Chicago – southside)
40. Calvin Jackson (9 killed possibley more in NY)
41. Gregory Klepper (killed 8, Chicago – southside)
42. Alton Coleman (Killed 8 in the Midwest)
43. Harrison Graham (killed 7+ in N. Philadelphia)
44. Cleophus Prince (6 killed in, San Diego
45. Robert Rozier (7 killed in, Miami)
46. Maurice Byrd (killed 20 + in St. Louis)
47. Maury Travis (17 and rising, St. Louis and possibly also Atlanta)
48. Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben Yahweh (killed 20+ in Florida)
49. Lorenzo Fayne (killed 5 children in East St. Louis, IL)
50. Paul Durousseau, (killed 6, two of which were pregnant women, Jacksonville, FL; Georgia.)
51. Eddie Lee Mosley (killed 25 to 30 women, south Florida)
52. Henry Lee Jones (killed 4 in, south Florida; Bartlett, TN)
53. Richard “Babyface” Jameswhite (15 killed in, New York; Georgia.)
54. Donald E. Younge, Jr. (killed 4), East St. Louis, IL; Salt Lake City, UT.
55. Ivan Hill (killed 6 in Los Angeles area).
56. Michael Vernon (Bronx, NY. Killed at least seven people – )
57. Chester Dewayne Turner (12 women killed in, Los Angeles)
The Rev Jesse Jackson said:
“When I’m walking down a street alone at night, and I hear footsteps behind me; I’m scared shitless, until I turn around and find it’s only a White dude.”
Despite being only 13.5% of the population and Black males between 16-26 make up 4% of the Black community, 4% Black males commit:
52% of all Murder and Manslaughter
31% of all Rapes
56% of all Robbery
34% of all Aggravated assault
30% of all Burglary
29% of all Larceny-theft
30% of all Motor vehicle theft
23% of all Arson
39% of all Violent crime
29% of all Property crime
32% of all “Other assaults”
34% of all Forgery and Counterfeiting
32% of all Fraud
35% of all Embezzlement
30% of all Stolen property buying, receiving, possessing
26% of all Vandalism
40% of all Weapon carrying and possessing
41% of all Prostitution and commercialized vice
25% of all Sex offenses (rape and prostitution excluded, see above)
30% of all Drug abuse
67% of all Gambling
33% of all Offenses against family and children
13% of all Driving under the influence
15% of all Liquor laws
16% of all Drunkenness
35% of all Disorderly conduct
32% of all Vagrancy
https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/c jis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/ crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/ table-43
Ummmm… Three races on Earth: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Indians from India are Caucasoid or Caucasian. Sooooo? WTF Wow how did the woman get a PHD? We’re Flucked.