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‘Ballot Chaser’ Raquel Rodriguez Boasts Judges, Legislators ‘In My Pocket’ … ‘I’m Getting the Biden Vote Out, But I Mean, I’m Not Going To Do It For Free’… Some Texas Republicans Secretly Working For Democrats!

  • ‘Ballot Chaser’ Raquel Rodriguez: “I’m against Trump. OK. I’m with Biden and I’m with Hegar. That’s the truth.”
  • Rodriguez: I own state Sen. Pete Flores “Pete in the pocket.”
  • Rodriguez on state rep candidate Liz Campos: “You know what I told her? ‘I respect you. You’re going to owe me—OK?’”
  • Texas AG Ken Paxton: “Project Veritas’s documentary audio and video recordings” casts “a shadow of doubt” on the integrity of the elections.
  • James O’Keefe: “If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000 votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile our republic has become.”

28 October 2020

PROJECT VERITAS — Project Veritas undercover journalists exposed more corrupt practices here by ballot chaser Raquel Rodriguez in the second part of their investigation released today.

“Raquel Rodriguez was recorded with hidden camera explaining how she and her confederates pressure and reward targeted voters in order to meet the vote totals campaigns and candidates have contracted them to meet,” said James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas.

“Raquel Rodriguez boasts about all the other political power brokers who are in her pocket and she told our journalists she has already brought in 7,000 votes,” he said.

“If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000 votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile our republic has become,” O’Keefe said. […]

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