‘We do classify that as ‘harmful misinformation,’’ said Zuckerberg, ‘and we take that down.’
By Doug Mainwaring | 20 April 2020
LIFE SITE NEWS — Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today that he considers protests against regional stay-at-home orders being organized on Facebook to be “harmful misinformation” that must be deleted.
In a video interview this morning, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked the social media titan, “How do you deal with the fact that Facebook is now being used to organize a lot of these protests that defy social distancing guidelines? If somebody is trying to organize something like that, does that qualify as harmful information, because it’s saying ‘defy social distancing’?”
“We do classify that as ‘harmful misinformation’” responded Zuckerberg, “and we take that down.” […]
Anyone using facebook actually read their terms of service and privacy policy?
Duh! Be aware of what you’re getting into and stop using their platform. Completely ridiculous! And if you do agree to their terms, you get what you deserve! Now get into your cage and shut up, and don’t ask questions, and smile pretty for all the cameras and face recognition programs, and accept the tracking that will pursue and all the ads directed at you and your children. Not to mention the experimentation, don’t deny it, you love being an experiment.
Time for someone to make my face, the new platform.