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Blast Hits Power Plant In Central Iran Sunday As Mainstream Media Admits ‘It’s Likely Israel’

By Tyler Durden | 19 July 2020

ZERO HEDGE — Yet another strange and unexplained explosion has rocked central Iran on Sundayreports state-owned Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

Citing no injuries during the large explosion, it occurred at a power station in the city of Islamabad, which is in the central province of Isfahan.

At this point, the spate of ‘mystery’ blasts and fires which has damaged key military, nuclear, and industrial sites across Iran – especially in and around Tehran – is approaching a dozen in only the past month.

Like with many of the prior incidents, many of which were deadly, Iranian officials downplayed that it was potentially Israeli or US-backed sabotage on its facilities, saying it was likely caused by the erosion of a transformer. […]

1 Comment on Blast Hits Power Plant In Central Iran Sunday As Mainstream Media Admits ‘It’s Likely Israel’

  1. Israel, with help from the U.S. no doubt, is demonstrating the long reach they have with their enemies, which is most of the world. They had better watch it though, Iran has hundreds if not thousands of missiles to rain on Israel, if Israel is insane enough to start a war. Of course Israel’s client state, the USA, would come to Israel’s assistance in event of war. But enough Iranian missiles would get through, to cause enormous destruction.

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