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This is what air travel could look like in a post-coronavirus world

A new concept for airline seats in response to coronavirus. PHOTO: Market Watch/Aviointeriors

By Shawn Langlois | 21 April 2020

MARKET WATCH — It’s hard to imagine a return to normalcy any time soon, but the time will come, likely well before we have a vaccine for the coronavirus, when the world gets back to flying.

But what will that look like?

One Italian manufacturer has an idea for a seat design that might make the idea of sitting next to your fellow potentially contagious passenger more palatable.

Aviointeriors just released a rendering of its “Janus” seat, which uses a glass partition and a reversed middle seat to mitigate the risk of spreading the coronavirus. […]

2 Comments on This is what air travel could look like in a post-coronavirus world

  1. I’m no engineer, but how will this help? The middle seat faces the passengers in the row behind. How will this help. Dumb idea.

  2. And will they have to crawl through a sterile plastic tube to reach the bathroom? lol
    Why not just force everyone to wear hazmat suits with diapers?

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