The Gillum Chemsex Gay-Orgy Story: Another Political Compromise Operation Gone Awry?

Former U.S. President Barack Obama’s money was on Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson. Both were projected in November 2018 to have lost their races. PHOTO: Market Watch/Getty

After losing gubernatorial election in 2018 by 0.4% of vote, former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a husband and father of three, became CNN political analyst and a Democrat Party kingmaker

On Thursday, Andrew Gillum was probably a name that few knew outside of the state of Florida and certain Washington, D.C. political circles. On Friday, March 13, that all changed.

Here’s the bare-bones Lügenpresse version of the story on Friday morning, in case you’re unfamiliar.

Former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a 40-year-old black Democrat who lost his bid for governor of Florida by just 0.4% of the vote in 2018, was found by police intoxicated in a Miami Beach hotel room around midnight with three plastic bindles of drugs suspected to be methamphetamine and two men, one of whom had overdosed.

By the way, meth is apparently making a big comeback among the gay community. They call it “chem-sex.”

Read “Gay men warned on risks of ‘chemsex'”

Police say they responded to a distress call at the Mondrian South Beach hotel early Friday morning and found paramedics treating Travis Dyson, a 30-year-old Miami man, “for an apparent heart attack,” the Tampa Bay Times reports.

Mondrian South Beach Hotel in Miami.

The two other men in the room: Aldo Mejias, 56, and Gillum. The police report states that officers also found three clear plastic baggies of suspected crystal meth on the bed and floor.

Mejias told officers that on Thursday afternoon he gave his credit card information to Dyson to rent a room at the hotel. He planned to meet him Friday evening. Dyson booked the room around 4 p.m. Thursday.

Room at the Mondrian South Beach Hotel in Miami.

When Mejias arrived at Room 1107 after 11 p.m., he said Dyson answered the door and quickly fell back on the bed in a prone position.

He said he found Dyson and Gillum “under the influence of an unknown substance.” Mejias added that he witnessed Gillum in the bathroom vomiting.

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Mejias told officers that Dyson was having trouble breathing, so he woke him up. Dyson then vomited and collapsed again.

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So Mejias (who’s an unlicensed physician) performed chest compressions on Dyson and reluctantly called paramedics.

Dyson was taken to Mount Sinai Medical Center and was reported to be in stable condition a short time later.

Police say Gillum, who was not arrested, was “too intoxicated to answer questions.” The police returned to the hotel for a welfare check on Gillum, and he was allowed to return home “without incident.” (I’ll bet there was a hell of an incident between him and his wife when he returned home.)

“At this time the incident is not being investigated as a criminal matter,” a Miami Beach police spokesman wrote in an e-mail releasing a copy of the police report to the media. The spokesman did not explain why, the Times notes.

Gillum issued a written statement to the media Friday afternoon in which he denied using drugs.

“I was in Miami last night for a wedding celebration when first responders were called to assist one of my friends. While I had too much to drink, I want to be clear that I have never used methamphetamines,” he wrote. “I apologize to the people of Florida for the distraction this has caused our movement.”

The Tampa Bay Times article makes it sound like everybody in Miami is doing meth, and it’s just a fun party drug. To drive home this point, it pulled a quote from a police captain made three years ago to another newspaper:

“It’s a very customer-rich environment, with all the different venues, events and parties for people to enjoy themselves,” a Miami Beach street-crimes captain told the Miami Herald in 2017. “Crystal meth will take the average party experience and magnify it tenfold.”

Read “Methamphetamine: A Growing Demonic Plague”

The Times article then delves into Dyson’s criminal background. The article states that he had a vehicle infraction last year for driving recklessly and a dropped charge for non-violently resisting arrest.

The newspaper doesn’t bother to mention any of Gillum’s run ins with the law, such as an ongoing FBI investigation involving corruption related to his 2018 gubernatorial election campaign.

The Tampa Bay Times concludes by stating that a public records search shows Dyson is “a registered nurse who lives in Brickell.”

The article also deceptively reports that Dyson’s Instagram account “features selfies in scrubs and a medical coat. The page also features numerous photos of Dyson shirtless and rippled, on the beach, on boats or at night spots with friends, including his fiance.”

That’s all. Nothing more to see here, move along.

Uh huh. Now for the rest of the story.

What the Left-Wing US Lügenpresse Didn’t Want to Report

Word around the grapevine is that black conservative political activist and author Candace Owens first reported on Gillum incident by posting the police report on Twitter. A friendly source inside the Miami Beach Police Department tipped her off.

Here’s the page that Owens removed. Note the laughable email address of Dr. Mejias.


It didn’t take long for real Web sleuths to dig up the rest of the story.

It turns out that in addition to being a nurse, Dyson’s resume includes a short stint in the military, online gay porn star and gay escort via a website called Rent Men, according to Towerload and Daily Mail, which provides a slew of Dyson pics.

Dyson’s Instagram handle linked to his Rent Men profile, where he went by “Brodie Scott,” and described himself as a “pornstar performer” who offered “gay massage,” according to Red State. Isn’t it interesting that the Tampa Bay Times visited his Instragram account and chose not to mention it.

“Multiple pornographic videos of Dyson and his boyfriend/fiance … were posted to that site and even to Twitter,” Red State reports. “Those have all been deleted as of Friday afternoon. On a fan thread referencing Dyson’s Rent Men profile, there is a photo of Dyson in his scrubs.”

Gillum was reportedly “traveling” without his wife and was at the Kimpton EPIC Hotel, a hotel employee said, according to Local 10. The posh downtown Miami hotel is steps away from the Icon in Brickell where Dyson told officers he lives.

Note that all three characters in this story listed Miami as their home address on the police report. Nobody was “traveling.”

The Miami New Times contacted Dyson, who said, “I personally was not celebrating a wedding. I don’t know if [Gillum] was in town for a wedding. He did not mention that.”

Again, the “in town” story. And Winter Watch would like to know who gets married on a Thursday.

Dyson said he has known Gillum since around last spring.

“We’ve been friends for a while,” Dyson said. He then went silent on the phone and did not answer subsequent calls from New Times.

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Gillum’s political record wasn’t exactly spotless before this scandal.

During his mayoral campaign in 2014, Gillum faced allegations of misconduct after hiring private equity investor and lobbyist Adam Corey as his treasurer. Corey is an investor in The Edison, a restaurant that received taxpayer money from the city to help with the Cascades Park development project. The FBI opened an investigation into the matter.

Undercover FBI agents paid for Mayor Gillum’s hotel room and his ticket to the Broadway musical Hamilton during a 2016 trip to New York City, according to a bombshell trove of records that raised questions two weeks before the Nov. 6 election for Florida governor, one of the better reporters at the Tampa Bay Times wrote.

Text messages between Corey and Gillum at the time of the trip show Gillum was told the tickets came from “Mike Miller,” an undercover FBI agent looking into city corruption who was posing as a developer.

The document dump also showed that undercover FBI agents posing as businessmen were working for months to get an out-of-state meeting with Gillum, and that Gillum appeared willing to oblige them.

Were these undercover FBI operations just an attempt to manufacture dirt on Gillum, or was Gillum dirty all along? Deep state vetting process, or deep state compromat?

On the eve of his planned announcement for his run for governor, the Tallahasse Democrat reported, Mayor Gillum publicly apologized for using taxpayer funds for software that included his campaign’s post office box, political logos and an invitation to an appearance in Tallahassee by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

In June 2019, the Florida Commission on Ethics found Gillum violated state ethics laws when he accepted gifts during out-of-town excursions with lobbyists and vendors and failed to report them. He paid a $5,000 settlement.

Last year, a federal grand jury issued subpoenas related to Gillum’s Florida gubernatorial campaign. The investigation, which is focused on corruption, has since resulted in three arrests, Axios reports. Gillum reportedly received the subpoena while organizing campaign support in Florida for Biden.

Why the Left-Wing US Lügenpresse Didn’t Want You to Know

There are many reasons why the left-wing liberal media would want to bury this story in an election year.

First of all, it brings up memories of other high-profile Democrats misdeeds, such as Anthony Weiner (aka “Carlos Danger”) and Ed Buck (Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter), who has been indicted for three drug overdoses of male escorts in his Hollywood home. Two of the men died. If convicted, Buck could spend the rest of his life in jail.

Secondly, Gillum joined CNN as a political analyst in 2019 after his election defeat. The cable news network did not respond to Deadline’s request for comment. In the following video, he spews DNC policy points regardless of the question he’s asked. Ironically, he often criticizes Trump for being untrustworthy and having a lack of moral character.

Third, and most importantly, he’s a Democrat establishment insider and “rising star” of the party. In 2016, his name was mentioned often in the hacked emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2016. They were considering him, among others, for Hillary’s running mate.

Hillary campaigned and rallied for him several time in Florida in 2018, and she held multiple fundraisers for him. Eric Holder also turned out to show his support, as seen here.

Gillum also touted an endorsement he received from U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders even though he supported Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.

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When he was accused of not being sufficiently pro-Jewish/Israel — a very important voting block in Florida — he donned a black yarmulke and spoke at the Century Pines Jewish Center, where Jewish Democrat billionaire and media baron from New York Michael Bloomberg and Jewish Democrat operative Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz flew in to lend him their support.

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg (left) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (center) joined Andrew Gillum at a campaign event on Sunday. PHOTO: Sam Turken/WLRN

After he lost the election, his career in politics wasn’t over. No sir. He hit the Democrat speaking circuit across the nation, urging the party to stay the course on “social justice” and “taking private meetings with top party officials — among them, former President Barack Obama,” Politico reported in December 2018, and he spoke with Beto O’Rourke.

Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee, called him a “rock star” today and “a rock star in the future,” following a speech Gillum gave at a closed-door DNC finance gathering in Washington, where Gillum got a standing ovation, according to two attendees.

Gillum said his focus now would be on turning Florida blue by running what would amount to an ongoing outreach and support campaign for the Democrat base: young, minority and poor voters. In other words, canvass for Biden.

Politico reported that “he won’t completely shut the door on a presidential bid,” but he had “no expectations that he would be running for anything in 2020.”

Politico added that another Democrat familiar with Gillum’s plans said that “at this point, he’s more likely to play the role of kingmaker [in the presidential race], but he 100 percent hasn’t ruled out a run for president, either.”

Another possible role Democrats were whispering about: vice presidential candidate.

Perhaps they were all waiting to hear the outcome of the FBI investigations related to corruption and his 2018 gubernatorial campaign. Or perhaps the plan all along was to bring in Gillum as an unknown, 11th-hour candidate, much in the same manner as Obama suddenly and magically appeared in 2008.

Bottom line as to why these wealthy, old, white Democrat political/media elites care so much about Gillum: because he can tap the “Democrat base,” namely “young, minority and poor voters.” In other words, on the slave farm that the Democrat elites fashioned for the “constituents,” Gillum is their house boy.

Torchy Takeaway

Increasingly it seems, comprised characters is what makes up the backbone of our political system, and things aren’t always what they seem.

Did Gillum have a secret deviant lifestyle all along, and this is why certain groups promoted him? Or was this a stand-alone event, part of a compromat operation, to ensure that the Crime Syndicate (TPTB) had goods on him before he proceed any further with his political career?

Whatever the case, and if nothing else, it could be argued that this is another example of different laws for us and them.

If you or I were discovered wasted in a hotel room — too wasted to talk — with multiple bindles of drugs (possession with intent to distribute) and a prostitute who had overdosed, I’m fairly certain we wouldn’t be allowed to just stroll home without saying a single word.

According to the Miami Beach police report and Tallahassee Reports, at least nine law enforcement officials “responded” to the call, including three Captains, even though it was 1 a.m. on Friday morning.

No arrests were made, and no statements or comments from Gillum were noted. Not even an observation about his disposition other than “intoxicated,” which could mean anything. Was he given a BAC test? No.

Why wasn’t Gillum, who was showing similar symptoms/drug reaction as Dyson, checked out at the hospital? It’s quite possible — and I’d say probable — that Dyson and Gillum had a chemsex cocktail that was unknowingly laced with fentanyl, which could have been deadly. I am certain that in most situations and with most people, authorities would have insisted Gillum get checked out.

But not in this case. Instead, drug evidence was collected to be “destroyed” and Gillum secreted away.

The report states that the drugs were “suspected” to be methamphetamine, but they didn’t test the drugs even though someone had overdosed? Police carry with them drug testing kits in their patrol cars. Surely that information would be helpful for paramedics or doctors trying to treat Dyson.

Florida Politics confirmed that Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber was briefed on the incident Friday morning. Later in the day, he made a brief statement confirming that there is no active investigation into the incident.

Therefore, all evidence collected should be available to view under the Freedom of Information Act, including body cam videos and photos. The police report states a crime scene photographer was brought to the scene. Why?

Police photos and videos should be available to the public, but don’t hold your breath. Instead, look for these excuses for FOIA obstruction: privacy for the victim (Dyson), body cams weren’t turned on or malfunctioned, video went missing, motion for suppression held up in court indefinitely, etc.

The handling of the event thus far allows Gillum to maintain a razor-thin margin of deniability for pajama people.

Look for Gillum to manufacture the Story of Century. Deny, deny, deny. Then carry on like nothing ever happened — much like another infamous Democrat caught with his pants down.

Image result for bill clinton gif did not have sex with that woman

Repeat after me, Andy: “I did not have chemsex with that male prostitute.”

8 Comments on The Gillum Chemsex Gay-Orgy Story: Another Political Compromise Operation Gone Awry?

  1. Hey give the man a break, being a politician in today’s age is really stressful! He just wanted to unwind.

  2. I didn’t know of the man until this scandal, never heard him speak. First time was here on the clip in the above article and just by that I would say a good 95% likelihood that he was getting freaky gay as suspected in that hotel room. He sounds very light in the loafers, and contrary to popular claims, I have yet to find any man who comes across as such not to ride the hersey highway, admitted or not, married or not. It often just takes time to be revealed……

  3. Gillum was being careless. So his handlers gave him a big shove, and then called the news crews to let the world see him fall flat on his face. This episode has the look and feel of… making an example out of one politician, in order to keep the others in line.

    I’m guessing this was a message, delivered to Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
    Before becoming a part of the establishment, Rubio was a flamboyantly gay rave party animal.
    During the 2016 primary, when Trump said he was going take care of Rubio, that meant
    Trump was going to publicaly Out Marco Rubio. That never happened.
    And that may never happen.
    If Rubio plays ball he is the de facto 2024 Republican presidential nominee..

    • Don’t think so. The news didn’t “let the world see him fall flat on his face”, in fact they and the police covered it up. Gillum’s political star is on the up and up.

  4. Oh my, the dark underbelly of politics,Hollywood,music,fashion,msm,sport,intel,mafia,etc right across the board and world is truly a bottomless pit,of death destruction and shame. Yet there seems to be no end to people thinking it wont hit them, imo every single VIP is compromised,and that’s why nothing good ever come’s to us from these joker’s and degenerates!

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