By Erik Striker | 22 November 2019
NATIONAL JUSTICE — Watching the last Democratic debate, you would think the candidates were vying for an electorate that is 90% black and illegal alien.
Issues like jobs, infrastructure, even foreign policy were largely ignored.
The novel, populist positions of Bernie Sanders have been canceled out by his insane immigration platform. Elizabeth Warren, who is attempting to synthesize Hillary and Bernie, recently presented a policy proposal on “white nationalist violence” that would include suspending the 2nd Amendment rights of nationalists and unleash the intelligence services on dissidents. All she would be doing is codifying something that is already happening under Trump, but the only other two candidates that took this aggressively anti-white position – Julian Castro and Beto O’Rourke – are non-competitive for a reason.
America’s billionaires don’t mind Warren (three are funding her) and think Bernie is harmless. While the plutocracy still has some faith in Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Corey Booker, Democratic donors are hedging their bets against a wealth tax candidate winning by paying Congress to eventually block it, and in Warren’s case, outright dropping Medicare For All during the general election.
The parasites in the shadows making a mockery out of representative democracy have good reason to be confident: they are already starting to corrupt the 2020 elections.
Open Secrets analyzed the most recent donor data for the top 10 political donors going into next year’s first quarter.
Unsurprisingly, 8 out of 10 of these fat cats are Jews. […]
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