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Ioffe Jewsplains Oppression

ILLUSTRATION: The Jewish Forward/Lior Zaltzman

By Tanstaafl | 23 December 2018

AGE OF TREASON — merry_oyyyy_veeeeyyyyyyPlease don’t wish me ‘Merry Christmas’ – The Washington Post:

I like good cheer. But please do not wish me “Merry Christmas.” It’s wonderful if you celebrate it, but I don’t — and I don’t feel like explaining that to you. It’s lonely to be reminded a thousand times every winter that the dominant American cultural event occurs without me.

To write “I don’t feel like explaining” while doing just that is like saying “yes” while shaking your head “no”. Ioffe brims with irrepressible loxism that she certainly does feel like expressing. It’s just that she also feels that she can’t be completely honest about why. Ioffe could have said, “As a professional member of the ruling tribe, I feel entitled to spell out how you mindless goyim need to reorganize your society to suit me.” Instead she said:

When you are from a minority religion, you’re used to the fact that cabdrivers don’t wish you an easy fast on Yom Kippur. But it’s harder to get used to the oppressive ubiquity of a holiday like Christmas. “This is always the time of year I feel most excluded from society,” one Jewish friend told me. Another told me it made him feel “un-American.”

To say it’s off-putting to be wished a merry holiday you don’t celebrate — like someone randomly wishing you a happy birthday when the actual date is months away — is not to say you hate Christmas. It is simply to say that, to me, Julia Ioffe, it is alienating and weird, even though I know that is not intended. I respond: “Thanks. You, too.” But that feels alienating and weird, too, because now I’m pretending to celebrate Christmas. It feels like I’ve verbally tripped, as when I reply “You, too!” to the airport employee wishing me a good flight. There’s nothing evil or mean-spirited about any of it; it’s just ill-fitting and uncomfortable. And that’s when it happens once. When it happens several times a day for a month, and is amplified by the audiovisual Christmas blanketing, it’s exhausting and isolating. It makes me feel like a stranger in my own land.

Ioffe admits she’s saying what she’s saying because she’s a jew, she just adds the usual thick layer of reality-inverting jew victim narrative on top. Sure, she’s a member of the most privileged and powerful tribe in the world, but they’re a MINORITY. That makes you goyim the real problem. You make jews feel UNCOMFORTABLE. You make jews feel like STRANGERS. You make jews feel OPPRESSED, ALIENATED, EXHAUSTED, ISOLATED. And worst of all, you just being yourselves forces jews to pretend they’re not jews. Which is why they write articles like this. Every day of the year may be Holocaust Day, but every now and again jews need a different pretext to jewsplain how their jewy hostility toward the goyim is really all the goyim’s fault. […]

2 Comments on Ioffe Jewsplains Oppression

  1. Hey Julia, now you know how I feel when (((they))) tell me on an almost daily basis the moon landings were real and 9/11 was committed by 19 Arab hijackers with box cutters.

  2. By your own words you are not American, you are a jew. A nation within a nation…

    Besides your ilk and freemasons have done one heck of a job destroying Christmas which btw is still being celebartaed, you know 12 days…

    Happy Lord’s Name Day to all of (((you)))

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