Security minister warns of aviation ‘spectacular’
By Tim Shipman | 23 December 2018
THE SUNDAY TIMES (UK) — Al-Qaeda is resurgent and seeking to carry out new terrorist atrocities against airliners and airports, the security minister Ben Wallace warned last night.
The terrorist group behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001 poses a growing threat that is keeping ministers “awake at night”, he told The Sunday Times.
Wallace said intelligence had revealed that al-Qaeda was developing technology to bring down passenger jets. Whitehall officials say that could include miniaturized bombs. Islamists have also plotted to use drones packed with explosives to blow up key targets. […]
Exclusive: TSA planning major shift in air marshal operations
By Josh Margolin | 22 December 2018
ABC NEWS — Federal air marshals are being moved to the back of the plane — some of them, at least.
The undercover agents who are posted randomly to protect U.S. airliners are — for the first time — going to be assigned regularly to seats toward the back, sources briefed on the Transportation Security Administration’s plans told ABC News.
Until now, the marshals were always assigned seats toward the front of the planes.
The new deployments are scheduled to go into effect Dec. 28.
Officials at the TSA, which controls the Federal Air Marshal Service, declined to discuss specifics, citing policies that require operational details to be kept secret. They insisted that it’s important for the agency to sometimes change its routine to keep pace with new and emerging threats. […]
Ah yes, sound’s like 9/11 2.0 is in the works. I smell a MOSSAD rat.