Preposterous Muslim-Demonization Sex-Slave Tale & Biological Attack Scam Farmed Out To MEMRI


Last year a Zio concoction concerned a tall tale about ISIS members selling sex slaves for $8,000 on Facebook. When I see such stories I try and gauge the reaction of the brainwashed ‘tards on various alternative sites. The commentators at Zero Hedge for example are among the biggest skeptics but have failed to grow wise to the Muslim-demonization scheming . It seems many bought this sex-slave lie hook, line and sinker.

Now comes another tall tale from the Crime Syndicate’s go to site- MEMRI via Pam Geller. This one threatens biological attacks by Islamic “jihadists” againt the West.

Of late, I have noticed that the source of these preposterous stories has been less and less from (((Rita Katz))) and her SITE agit-prop group. This racket is famous for fake Osama bin Laden sightings. That’s because the ‘tard effect of the SITE franchise is laughably diminished and too many now associate her with fake beheading scams and lies. So the source of the sex slave and bio-terror atrocity propaganda is now the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). As illustrated in the headline photo the Muslim demonization agitprop script is comical in its method. To a thinking person it looks like the work of precocious teenagers or somebody with a regressed maturity.

TNN has condensed and credit the following background on MEMRI from Infocus staff writer Lawrence Swaim. According to its critics, MEMRI is a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

MEMRI was founded in 1998 by (((Yigal Carmon))), a former colonel in the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) Intelligence Branch. From 1968 until 1988, Carmon was acting head of civil administration in the West Bank. The co-founder is Israeli-born (((Meyrav Wurmser))), an extreme right-wing neocon now affiliated with the Hudson Institute.

Meyrav is married to (((David Wurmser))), at one time an American Enterprise Institute “scholar” and then a State Department apparatchik under Trump advisor John Bolton. Both participated in the collective writing of “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a seminal 1996 neocon document that advocated an end to negotiations with the Palestinians and promoted permanent war against the Arab world.

They also worked with 9/11 criminals (((Douglas Feith))), (((Elliot Abrams))), (((Richard Perle))) and other right-wing ideologues who promoted and embellished the fiction that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction. Other criminals advising MEMRI include the shabbos goys Donald Rumsfield, Keith Alexander and John Ashcroft.

MEMRI translates film and print into English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish and Japanese and solicits donations. Besides Carmon, several MEMRI staffers are former Israeli intelligence specialists. Especially troubling are suspected links between MEMRI and the current Israeli intelligence establishment.

According to a 2005 article in Israel’s Ha’aretz, the Israeli Defense Forces plants fake stories in the Arab media, which it then translates and tries to retail to Israeli journalists. MEMRI is simply an extension of IDF operations? The questions raised by the Ha’aretz story caused Professor Juan Cole to write, “How much of what we ‘know’ from ‘Arab sources’ about ‘Hizbullah terrorism’ was simply made up by this fantasy factory in Tel Aviv?”

British journalist Brian Whitaker, Middle East editor of The Guardian, dismisses MEMRI as “basically a propaganda machine.”

Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London and himself a recent target of a Zio misinformation smear, accuses them of “outright distortion.” Former CIA case officer Vince Cannistraro has written that “they (MEMRI) are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud.”

With characteristic bluntness. Professor Norman G. Finkelstein (a thumbs up Jew), a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine and an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and the U.S. pro-Israel lobby wrote: “MEMRI is a main arm of Israeli propaganda. Although widely used in the mainstream media as a source of information on the Arab world, it is as trustworthy as Julius Streicher’s Der Sturmer was on the Jewish world.”

In an e-mail to InFocus, Cole characterized MEMRI as “a Right-Zionist propaganda organ, which usually does its propaganda unobtrusively, by being very selective in what it translates.”

Indeed , MEMRI appears to view the Arab world as a malevolent, mind-numbing monsters’ ball, populated almost exclusively by fanatics, freaks and fundamentalists. Every story that could possibly make Middle Eastern people look deranged, hateful or diabolical gets translated; anything that could make them look informed, talented or admirable is ignored.

MEMRI says it covers reformers in the Arabic-speaking world, but longtime observers point out that people who make Islam or Arab culture look attractive rarely get translated, regardless of their position. Nor does MEMRI feature stories about Palestinian suffering, Israeli dissenters, moderate Islamists, Christians in Arab governments or the growing nonviolent movement against the apartheid wall in the Occupied Territories.

According its critics, until MEMRI starts translating Hebrew stories about the rightward drift of Israeli society, torture of Palestinians in Israeli jails, the forced exile of Ilan Pappe and Azmi Bishara, and the elevation of the neo-fascist Avigdor Lieberman to deputy prime minister of Israel and now defense minister, they aren’t really covering all Middle East media.”I think it’s a reliable assumption that anything MEMRI translates from the Middle East is going to be unreliable,” Finkelstein said.

1 Comment on Preposterous Muslim-Demonization Sex-Slave Tale & Biological Attack Scam Farmed Out To MEMRI

  1. Hmm, “Every story that could possibly make Middle Eastern people look deranged, hateful or diabolical gets translated; anything that could make them look informed, talented or admirable is ignored.”, Daily Stormer does the same thing and probably seeks out material from Memri. In fact, any racialist doing this at all can be assumed to be compromised (such as Brandon Martinez)

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