![Amy Mek](https://i0.wp.com/www.winterwatch.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Amy-Mek-1.jpg?resize=600%2C350&ssl=1)
In a very rare turn of events, a nasty Jewish-supremacist hatemongering operative has been exposed by none other than Huffington Post.
The operative is 45-year-old Amy Jane Mekelburg of New York. It’s a very rare comeuppance for a Zionist-Jewish supremacist pumping out an anti-Islam screed. Usually these Jews are the ones dishing it out and doing the doxing. Her husband, a WWE exec, was canned as a consequence. But unlike the goyim — who could lose their jobs, if they let slip even one tweet or comment that Jews don’t like — Mekelburg operated with impunity for five years.
And with 225,000 Twitter followers (((somebody))) was promoting her. According to Huff Post, Mekelburg’s best connection was through Anni Cyrus, who produces (((The Glazov Gang))), an Islamophobic talk show that can be found on YouTube. Host Jamie Glazov is the editor of one of (((David Horowitz’s))) anti-Muslim publications. Mekelburg asked for Cyrus’ help in launching her own anti-Muslim organization. Cyrus, who did not respond to HuffPost’s requests for comment, greeted Mekelburg’s overture with enthusiasm.
According to Huff Post:
Her Twitter account, now removed ― which has more than 200,000 followers, including Sean Hannity, Roseanne Barr and the personal account of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and has earned endorsements from Donald Trump and Michael Flynn ― has tirelessly spewed far-right propaganda and, above all, Islamophobia. Around 25 tweets a day, sometimes more, the majority of them designed to stoke hatred of Muslims.
Par for the course, the narrative that gave her cover for five years was that she was a “Russian bot.” Nobody would even think of busting the innocent “Fiddler on the Roof” myth with the truth would they? And how is it that Twitter allowed this agit-prop behavior to persist? “Amy Mek” reportedly had sent out 45,400 vicious tweets. Update: TNN was banned from Twitter last week. This follows months of shadow banning.
Curiously, (((The New York Times))) featured @AmyMek in a column about Trump’s female supporters. The writer, Emma Roller, interviewed Mekelburg via Twitter but dropped the ball on her identity and failed to address her bigotry.
To gain traction and sway, Mekelburg threw red meat to the worst elements of evangelical-Zio nutwings and dumb-dumb white supremacists (the real ones, as opposed to the contrived — there is a difference). She had shades of Daily Stormer’s Weev, yet another Jewish agit-prop operative. The case of super-troll Joshua Goldberg also comes to mind.
Like any undercover Judas Goat-controlled opposition, she also praised — to gain cred — the real heroes, like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and attacked the Hungarian-American Jewish mega-billionaire George Soros as an evil globalist puppet master. Now that Amy Mek is revealed and taken down, that part of the opposition is tarnished by association. Funny how that little trick works.
Mekelburg also promoted other Kosher-controlled Judas Goats, such as Milo Yiannopolous [see “Was Albino Python ‘Sam’ Abducted by a ‘Dangerous Faggot’?“], Alex Jones and hyped, faux, white nationalist groups, such as Soldiers of Odin, Proud Boys and Generation Identity, as well as a slew of Trump’tards. Huffington Post clearly doesn’t get — or want to get — into that part of these operations.
But it seems the real overall objective was Muslim demonization.
“She’s a major cog in the Islamophobia machine,” Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim advocacy and civil rights organization, said of @AmyMek often attacks.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur, which means, “The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.”
In a stark demonstration of the true Jewish problem and the complete failure of most to connect the dots, we see the Jewish Voice deliver the following jaw-dropper. Yet another Jewish extremist opens her pie hole.
A prominent staff member at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is urging the Trump administration to admit all immigrants from “violence-stricken countries” — which potentially could mean taking in hundreds of millions of people from around the world.
In the Washington Post’s online edition this week, Rebecca Erbelding, a staff historian at the museum who is often quoted as one of its spokespeople, wrote: “The overriding American priority should be admitting refugees from violence-stricken countries, and sooner rather than later — a lesson of the Holocaust that Trump is ignoring.“
So they propose massive weaponized migrations and then let other agit-prop hammers, such as Mekelberg and her ilk stoke the flames of the inevitable social-economic-cultural blow-back, tension and strife. For good measure, throw in a stream of staged deceptions with the full involvement of the Jewish-controlled lugenpresse. The stable of Jewish neocon warmongers never seems to end (see: The Curious ‘White Privilege’ Case of Warmongering Neocon Swamp Creature Max Boot). ALL of this hyper-aggressive Jewish supremacist behavior and mendacity is just a sick and twisted flat-out declaration of cultural, moral and social war. Wake up to how this hydra works, and to the Judas Goats and useful idiots who are carrying it out.
This happened because she’s still running Zionism 1.0. If she’d been properly updated to Zionism 2.0 she would be pro-islam and still be on Twitter fighting “White Supremacy”.