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Hope Springs Eternal: Enrollment Plunges at SJW Schools Mizzou and Evergreen State

The hyper-permissive university administrators at Evergreen State and University of Missouri have had to face the music of the real world, as enrollments plummet. This is the price of allowing Social Justice Warriors to run amok. See: Evergreen State College Crybullies Try to Kick Whites Off Campus

Since going in full idiocracy, Evergreen has seen a 33% drop in students. Evergreen admits 100% of applicants. President George Bridges announced that next year’s projected enrollment for Evergreen will be 3100 students. This represents a 19 percent drop from this year, and continues a steady downward trend that began in 2009.

Incredibly the rocket scientists at Evergreen have responded to the enrollment decline: The Olympian reported that Evergreen State “will look to cut more than 10 percent from its operating budget for 2018-19 and raise student fees because of declining enrollment.” Yes really.

The response inside the Evergreen insane asylum is more of the same. The College Fix, reports

‘In addition to POC centered events there will be antiracist workshops for white folks’

Missouri had run amok SJW campus protests in 2015. The following year, incoming freshman enrollment dropped below 5,000 students for the first time since 2007. And last year’s freshmen enrollment of 4,134 students was the lowest in more than a decade.

Shielding so-called minorities from inconvenient viewpoints and truth bombs under the pretense of protecting them from emotional harm, will only increase inequities that exist across society by denying them the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. Letting people with this mindset run schools has predictable results.

Beyond that these schools need shock treatment and discipline. I realize old school Coach Bobby Knight is elderly and out to pasture, but he is the model for much of what ails these schools.

Bobby handles the “golf course controversy”.

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