Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third-World People Mean Third-World Pathologies

Tobias Langdon- Occidential Observer, March 24, 2018

The horseshoe crab is a living fossil. So is the Daily Mirror. It was traditionally the newspaper of the respectable White working-class in Britain. They voted Labour and believed in hard work and education, but they were hostile to Third-World immigration. They were socially conservative too, rejecting the prurience and soft-core pornography peddled by the staunch philo-Semite Rupert Murdoch in newspapers like the Sun and News of the World. Of course, the Mirror was owned by the Jewish mega-fraudster Robert Maxwell (né Ján Hyman Binyamin Hoch). And it supplied the amoral thug Alastair Campbell as chief propagandist for the very philo-Semitic and Murdoch-friendly Tony Blair.

Abandoned by Labour

But the Mirror has retained enough of its old values to do something today that the modern Labour party would never do: stand up for the White working-class against predatory brown-skinned Muslims. In early March 2018, its Sunday edition ran a “special investigation” into the vibrant activities of Pakistani men in the small and obscure Midlands town of Telford: [… ]

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