Kushner Brags About Fighting Iran in Pro-Israeli Event

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“How do you operate with people who are basically, with all due respect, a bunch of Orthodox Jews who have no idea about anything,” — Haim Saban

Does the Crown Prince want to become the Bibi Netanyahu of Saudi Arabia?

VETERANS TODAY — Editor’s Note: These remarks below by Haim Saban, one of the major Democratic funders, was a rare peek behind the curtain when Jews talk to Jews. They don’t worry about being called anti-semites for challenging other Jews.

The flip side of this is Israel and its US operatives, who are now in the process of trying to legislate criticism of Israel as hate speech with judicial penalties, a tremendous attack on American freedom of speech.

It seems okay for the Zionists’ new friend Crown Prince Salam of Saudi Arabia to call Iran the “New Hitler” of the Mideast, meaning a pending genocide if Iran’s genocide was successful. But they forgot to give us any proof of even the desire by Iran to do this.

Then why cannot the term Neo-Nazis be used on Zionists for the decades of terrorism inflicted on the Palestinians, and where settlers and political figures call for throwing Palestinians out of the country?

While Kushner admits that having three Orthodox Jews representing the US in talks with Netanyahu on a Palestinian settlement is “not being a conventional team”, there are others, especially in the intelligence community, that would take things a step further.

Charles Kushner, convicted of illegal campaign contributions (bribes), tax evasion, and witness tampering

And that is the threat that Trump may have made a deal to effectively put Israeli Intel operatives in charge of the whole process, to end run the State Department, which Tillerson is already objecting to below.

I would call that more than unconventional. I would call it an espionage penetration through the Kushner family, which is badly in need of cash for their over-extended real estate empire and which is the perfect target to co-opt, on top of Trump himself and his financial house of cards.

With all the sexual harassment cases coming out of the closet that could stimulate other long-term scandals being laid bare, one of the biggest is how Israeli espionage has been allowed to run rampant in the U.S. due to systemic corruption, with officials being compromised in a variety of ways. This disclosure is what I am asking Santa to bring me for Christmas Jim W. Dean 

First published December 04, 2017

Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law in charge of the Middle East, brags about fighting Iran in a pro-Israeli event.

In a rare public appearance, Kushner spoke at the Saban Forum and claimed Trump’s team tasked with establishing peace in the Middle East is “not a conventional team, but it’s a perfectly qualified team.”

Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban who hosted the event, grilled the 36-year-old Kushner over his performance and criticized the makeup of his Middle East team saying:

“But to achieve [stability in the Middle East], the team has in it an entrepreneur, you, a real estate lawyer, a bankruptcy lawyer — I don’t know how you’ve lasted eight months in this lineup but that’s for another day — and it’s impressive that it’s still going.”

“How do you operate with people who basically, with all due respect, a bunch of Orthodox Jews who have no idea about anything,” Saban told him  at the Brookings Institute on Sunday. “What are you guys doing? Seriously, I don’t understand this.”

“I’ll definitely say it’s not a conventional team,” Kushner responded smiling.

Kushner argued that “a lot of the issues that come up in the [Israeli-Arab] relationships on a day to day basis are caused by not having a final status agreement.” […]

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