By Shannon Barber |15 July 2017
OPPOSITION REPORT — For at least a little while, the world was spared the freak show that is the Duggars, former stars of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting. This is because the show was cancelled amid a firestorm of scandal when it was revealed that the Duggars’ eldest son Josh sexually molested young girls when he was a child – including his own sisters. This was all revealed in 2015, when a brave woman with knowledge of the crimes of Josh Duggar talked to the press.
Of course, since these crimes happened when Duggar was a teenager, the world of the Christian Right immediately forgave him – including former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. He is, of course, a Christian extremist, and is also the father of the current Deputy Press Secretary for the Trump White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Despite what Huckabee and others said, Josh Duggar was not repentant nor reformed. The married super Christian was caught with not one, but TWO accounts on the website Ashley Madison, which is a site that explicitly helps people cheat on their spouses. He was also sued for assault and battery by an adult film star he allegedly roughed up during sex in a manner she did not consent to. After all of these revelations, the Duggers had Josh sent away to some kind of religious rehab facility, which he promptly disappeared from without explanation. Now, however, the family is saying that he completed the program.
After all of this, the Duggars slowly, but surely and mercifully, faded away. The only thing that was on TLC was the spin off show Jill and Jessa: Counting On, which features two of the sisters Josh molested when they were children. However, that reprieve from seems to be over, as Josh Dugger is back in the news – and this time he is denying he did anything wrong for molesting those girls, including his sisters. What’s his excuse? Why, the devil made him do it, of course. According what a source told InTouch, Josh blames “external forces” for his philandering and molesting. He will speak of what he has done on the show, but he won’t apologize:
Josh will cover everything and he will maintain the family line that god has saved his soul and guided him back to the right path. But one thing you probably won’t hear is that he’s actually sorry, as he believes that external forces were to blame for his behavior.
That’s super-Christy speak for “the devil made me do it.” […]
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