The Israelis are quickly licking their chops and revealing true intentions following the warmongering ramp up against Syria. They lead off with Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) who praised Friday’s airstrike as “moral and logical” and said it serves as a warning to Hezbollah and Iranian leadership. He said Israel must show its determination to keep control of the Golan Heights by sending another 100,000 citizens to settle it more efficiently.
Golan Heights has long been ethnically cleansed, so this is simply moving forward with a more formalized colonization. The area has good water supplies and oil potential. Genie Energy is active there and has a strategic advisory board of well-placed mucky mucks, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, News Corp media mogul Rupert Murdoch, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Bill Richardson, who was the governor of New Mexico, ambassador to the U.N. under Clinton and U.S. Energy Secretary.
Between 80,000 and 130,000 Syrians fled or were driven from Golan Heights during the Six-Day War in 1967. Around 7,000 remained in the Israeli-held territory in six villages. Israel demolished more than 100 Syrian villages and farms in the area. After the demolitions, the lands were given to Israeli settlers.
But why stop with the consolidation of the Golan Heights? Haaretz reported yesterday that Israeli Prime Mininster Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not content with the fiat accompli of Golan Heights, urged the U.S. and “international actors” to create more “buffer zones” along the Syrian-Golan border. Specifically, Israel wants to extend the “buffer zone” East along its border with Jordan.
The map (at left) shows there’s already a U.N. demilitarized zone (DMZ) buffer (in purple) that extends well into the Syrian lands bordering Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The northern section is quite wide and serves to outflank Lebanon. It is also within short range of Damascus. We will find out in due course just how much additional Syrian war booty Israel is after now. Expanding the “zone” further east may just be an initial demand. Whose boots will be on the ground?
Incredibly, another issue discussed at the meeting, the senior minister said, was Israel’s growing “fear” (note shadow language) that its air force’s freedom of action in Syria is becoming more complicated. Both Syria and Russia have indicated that incursions over Syrian air space are a red line. Tests should come as no surprise.
Haaretz reader “Ezra,” speaking in the “we” Israeli tense, lays the situation out succinctly:
We already HAVE a buffer zone with Syria! It’s called the Golan Heights. We’ve bleated on for decades about how strategically important it was to keep that area for just such a reason. Whose fault is it that we then decided to populate this buffer zone with thousands upon thousands of civilians? We did EXACTLY the same thing in the West Bank! We captured it, occupied it and declared it of the utmost strategic importance to keep it as a buffer zone between poor defenseless Tel Aviv and the forces of the evil King of Jordan. We then promptly transferred and spent the next half century pouring 600,000 Israeli civilians into the EXACT same “buffer zone” right up to the banks of the Jordan River! So again I ask. Exactly whose fault is it that we have no buffer zones left?
Meanwhile, back in D.C., Zionist warmonger Sean Spicer spells out (at 0:40) the goal: “destabilize Syria.”
Lying filth the entire administration is nothing but treasnous vipers
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b89c521a0b1c65b2aaeb67a448761599d2a124d0ae47e15fbe33ee841b83147.gif @infinity1488 @Rudolph