Assad Falls, Israel Invades Qunaitra, Syria




5 Comments on Assad Falls, Israel Invades Qunaitra, Syria

  1. Off Grid Dessert Farming said that Russia agreed to let Syria fall in exchange for NATO out of Ukraine. I can totally see this occurring, and the Greater Israel Project coming into fruition, with the 3rd Temple built and the anti-Christ installed, with the Mark of the Beast digital technology, including some sort of implant, and the Noahide Laws instated, with Christians taken to the Sanhedrin for a speedy trial and beheading. In fact, I think they sacrificed the Red Heifer and put some blood on Trump’s ear and big toe, as in Exodus 29:20, Leviticus 8:23, 14:14, 14:17, 14:25, 14:28. Solomon built the first temple using witchcraft to control demons and sacrificed children to Moloch (see testament of Solomon). Herod completed the second temple, killing all male children 2 years and younger in Bethlehem while trying to kill Jesus. What makes Zio-Christians think the 3rd Temple is going to be a temple to the true God? Jesus was the final sacrifice. No more animal sacrifices or temples are needed. If you were the Creator, wouldn’t you come down in human form to harass the offspring of the Devil and end animal sacrifices? We live in interesting times. Thanks for the information, Russ Winter!

    • 1) Modern day Rabbinical Judaism is the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ that St. John (a Jew) wrote about twice in the New Testament (see Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9).

      2) The Old Testament Jewish religion ended in AD 70 when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans – just like Jesus of Nazareth (a Jew) predicted (see the Gospels of Mark (13: 1-2), Luke (21: 2-24), and John (2:19).

      3) The three pillars of the Old Testament Jewish religion were the Temple, the Priesthood, and the Sacrifice.

      4) The Temple was completely destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 (see point # 2).

      5) When the Temple was destroyed the priestly records were also destroyed – the priestly line was broken – the modern day Jews have no functioning priesthood (which is required).

      6) Because the modern day Rabbinical Jews have no Temple and no legitimate Priesthood any Sacrifice they might attempt to conduct is invalid.

      7) Julian the Apostate attempted to rebuild the Jewish Temple in AD 363 and the project failed spectacularly (supernatural events occurred) and the project was completely abandoned two years later.

      8) In AD 691 God Almighty allowed the Muslims to build the ‘Dome of the Rock’ DIRECTLY on the site where the (destroyed) Jewish Temple was located.

      9) No Temple + No Legitimate Priesthood + No Valid Sacrifice = NO JEWISH RELIGION.

  2. The Biblical BS notwithstanding, this confirms my belief that Vladimir Putin is a co-conspirator who is aligned with the Jews. There is NO FUCKING WAY Syria would have fell unless Putin allowed it to. The Russians have kept Bashar Al Assad in power for well over a decade, what are the odds that he would fall right around the same time the war in Ukraine is reaching a boiling point? It is obvious Putin made a deal to betray Assad for control of Ukraine.

    The Jews Own Russia

    Putin has always played good cop to the bad cop of the U.S. If the fall of Syria doesn’t convince you that Vladimir is controlled opposition nothing will.

    • Yes Putin is doing “real politic” meaning he is pragmatic and knows the involved forces.
      A small army like the IDF cannot control such a huge territory. The only thing Israel can do currently is to surround itself with a turmoil of islamic weak and idiot warlords in order to prep for a future great israel (and pillage the resources).

      If Putin traded Syria against Odessa, which means the final annihilation of Ukraine, it was a good deal.

      • Perhaps in the short term Dia, but in the long term Putin has shown the developing world that he is a backstabber that cannot be trusted. Plus, the Russians do not have many warm water ports, so has their base at Tartus been compromised? I am not impressed with Putin’s chess moves, the war in Ukraine has lasted two years and cost hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian lives when it could have been concluded within weeks. How is that good strategy? If it painfully obvious that Putin deliberately extended the war, a clear sign of a psychopath. And of course he is too cowardly to fight in the war himself.

        No one will trust Russia now, leaders in developing nations around the world now have a loud and clear message that they CANNOT depend on Russia for protection against the pedophile controlled West and psycho Israelis, because clearly Putin is in bed with them. Anyway still singing Putin’s praises at this point is a stone cold moron.

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