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Anthony Bourdain: Suicide or Suicided?


Anthony Michael Bourdain (1956-2018) grew up in Leonia, New Jersey. His parents were Pierre Bourdain (d. 1987, French Catholic), a classical music industry executive for Columbia Records, and Gladys Bourdain (née Sacksman, Jewish), a staff editor for The New York Times

With the background of his parents and as an employee of CNN, one should look for a usual suspect, a hack, and probably an intelligence agent. At Winter Watch, we grade hacks in terms of real talent versus the typical empty suits we see so often in the Jewish-media cartoon world.

I personally thought that Bourdain produced very good work in his travel-chef genre beyond just entertainment. He had a quirkiness and demeanor that I always appreciated. He was very sentimental, which is an emotional tug on me personally. He didn’t hang out with the elites and often would head straight to the dining rooms of the plebs. As a world traveler myself in recent years, and being about the same age and kind of the same personality, I identified with him. Therefore, we don’t see him as only a beneficiary of overrated hackery. He had substance.

In contemplating what may have gotten Bourdain suicided, our top theory was that he was a loose cannon to the Crime Syndicate. If he was intelligence, that doesn’t mean he was good intel. In fact, he was a feather ruffler. And today the small eateries that Bourdain supported are being wiped out by tyrants. What would he have said about that.

He angered some people of proud white heritage with a commentary that the world’s problems wouldn’t be solved until the population was “like Singapore”. But this ignorant cosmopolitan Kalergiesque offense didn’t square with the respect and affection shown to all the local and nation cultures as he introduced them on air. In reality and practice, he was a Europhile, and respected and promoted those national cultures and never diminished or trashed any of the various largely white nations he portrayed. Because he was trying to teach respect, I think Bourdain gave lip service to a confused political correctness.

He also bucked the endless Muslim demonization by (((American media))) when he showed up in Palestine in 2013 with a very positive portrayal. He immediately fell in love with Palestine, its people and the culture and was shocked to witness brutality of military occupation by Israeli forces.

Mike Prysner, an American political activist said on Twitter, “The food traveler“ made a point to show the evils of the military occupation and said in the episode that no honest journalist— even one like him — could report from Israel/Palestine without acknowledging that overarching reality of oppression. Brave and set an example.” He continued to be a supporter of the Palestinians and critic of Israel.

Here he gives a thumbs up to Iran.

I am not sure how a network like CNN could have dealt with his independence or controlled him. What would have been the pay off, if they broke his contract? Have not seen that question answered.

So that alone might have made him a target. But to make matters worse, his girlfriend, Italian actress Asia Argento, is one of the dozens of women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. Bourdain stepped into that fray as well, tweeting “Can we use the word ‘rapist’ now? #Weinstein.”

May 25 Bourdain on Instagram taunting Weinstein.

Taking it a step further:

He took a shot at the degenerate culture as well. : “How many 17 year olds have you dressed like they are, in your words, ‘asking for it’?” he tweeted at Donna Karan’s fashion brand, DKNY.

He said to Matt Damon: “Looking forward to ‘THE BOURNE APOLOGY’ in which Jason fights off attempts to expose a pimp.”

And it didn’t look like Bourdain was going to go away.

People also point to his running feud with the Clintons. That makes three parties in the world you don’t want to piss off in a serious way: Israel, the Clintons and Weinstein.

Winter Watch Takeway

Death by hanging is thought to be typical of pittura infamante, or a defaming portrait. It is also associated with David Carradine and sexual affixation. Therefore, in terms of a gesture, and with his enemies list, to us this looks like Bourdain was suicided. Secondly, he was a recovered heroin addict. His suicide of choice surely would have been riding the dragon out to the end, not hanging with a bathroom robe tie. All the lugenpresse was quick to jump on the suicide narrative.

His friend Ripert indicated they were having a good stay at their French hotel. On Thursday night, when Bourdain didn’t show up for dinner, Ripert thought it was strange. Bourdain “knew the chef, Monsieur Nasti, and he knew the kitchen. This leads us to suspect that not much preparation and premeditation went into the act, and leads us more in the direction of an impulsive act,” said Mr. de Rocquigny, the investigator. Just an impulse? Really sketchy.

45 Comments on Anthony Bourdain: Suicide or Suicided?

  1. Bourdain, a supporter of the Clinnochio crime family through the “foundation” was no longer a fan of HRC, I believe the correct term to be…Arkanside!

      • Brings to mind another ‘suicide’ in France, the unbelievable 2015 ‘self-shooting’ of brave French Police Commissaire Helric Fredou, shortly after taking charge of investigating the Charlie Hebdo ‘massacre’, and finding it was a strange trail indeed

  2. The late Leonard Cohen, ‘Everybody Knows’ … “the deal is rotten … the good guys lost … that’s how it goes” … here in a brilliant performance, and no less apt today

  3. I saw one of his shows today. He was in cuba getting a shave. I noticed the barber, he said he was shaking with nervousness, he had also had mason ring on his hand. Thought it was funny.

    • His greatest crime was starting the “foody” subculture that’s turned American men into a bunch of fat, estrogenic losers salivating over slow motion videos of cooking. Western civ works when women cook and men build. The fetish over cooking and food is pure decadence.

  4. Reader:” Video points out how Bourdain banned white people from
    attending his show in Houston. He also shows a clip where he calls for
    white genocide saying “It’s our only hope out of this.” (3:30) The video
    compares Bourdain to Barbara Spector.”
    So ??
    What do you believe about him ??
    Advocating white genocide ?? Well, what I approve, is that he made the first step in white genocide ??
    May he rot in multicultural hell beyond eternity ..

    • The guy was not one dimensionial- and there are incredible layers of other issues around this case- pro-Palestianian, calling out Weinstein, calling out homosexual abusers. Just to entirely dismiss Bourdain and not look at the intracacies here is called fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtues. I consider this intellectually weak methodology.

      In very extreme cases, those who avoid more aggressive fallacy of origins (namely me) are called shills. That combination of using a fallacy of origin on a first source whereby another source who quotes or considers the first source is also attacked is especially questionable behavior.

      This is a good defintion:

      The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance that is based solely on someone’s or something’s history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning or context. This overlooks any difference to be found in the present situation, typically transferring the positive or negative esteem from the earlier context. In other words, a fact is ignored in favor of attacking its source.

      The fallacy therefore fails to assess the claim on its merit. The first criterion of a good argument is that the premises must have bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim in question. Genetic accounts of an issue may be true, and they may help illuminate the reasons why the issue has assumed its present form, but they are not conclusive in determining its merits

      • Did the Jew Anthony Bourdain ever identify his fellow Jews as parasites? It’s not really a big deal if a Jew calls out a fellow individual Jew. The individual can be sacrificed to spare the whole from being discovered. And anyone can easily express solidarity with the Palestinians these days. The real test of character is what was he doing about it? It’s not enough to speak up on their behalf.

      • After a long journey into my-self I can share some experiences. The judgement is easy and proves that one mises the respect towards himself and consequentially towards others. Too easy judgement is also very childish proving you are not grown enough to see the reality (your-self = reality), as it is. You don’t accept it making short-cuts, easy judgements, etc. There is no personal integrity and that is why one can’t see the reality with all it’s aspects, sometimes contradictions. People (most of the people) are in a state of cognitive dissonance and it is natural that in that state they can behave one way and complitely opposite way right after. This is the consequence of CD. This, as I can see it, seems to be the key to depravity and the key to destroy the Men. Starting with our relation with our-self we have a real chance to breake through the CD and get back the critical thinking, health, haopiness and health, of course 🙂

    • You don’t think he was being tongue-in-cheek? What would be the point of going to Houston (my place of residence) and showing white people? Not very entertaining, would be as bad as an episode of that Ass-Bag Guy Fieri on diners drive-ins and dives.

      • This no whites claim is mischaracterized.. For one episode of his show, and for the reasons you cite, Bourdain decided to go to Houston to check out the ETHNIC food scene and dispel a stereotype that Texas is all gun totin’ good ol’ boys. As such and true to form, he didn’t want to spend air time exploring versions of ethnic foods served by the city’s upscale white chefs. So when it came to sourcing locations, his producers put the word out: “No white people.” Of course, this pissed off some of influential white chefs in Houston.

        The source of “no whites” comment is from a brief article from Paper City, but it’s really just a recap of a Vanity Fair profile, which — as a brief — excluded context. The original article Paper City published about Bourdain’s Houston episode was rather glowing and provided full context.

        • I am within a stones throw of one of the places he visited in that show. My wife and I partake in visiting many of these ‘cultural’ eateries around town. China town near beltway 8 has a distinct Vietnamese/Chinese divider and the two don’t intermingle per word of mouth of my Vietnamese coworker who lives in the area. Chinese mafia is also present with restaurants as fronts per a former Taiwanese co-worker. There is some good Greek and Mediterranean eateries off the beaten path as well. Never partaken in African food but some exist. I may not speak for Russ but I am particularly interested in ‘International Nationalism’, not to be confused with Internationalism/Globalism. What I mean is, I take pride in my white heritage but also am interested in seeing other ethnicity’s showing their national pride, even those that are 2nd-3rd generation here in Houston. Yes to Social Cultural Systems, no to Global/Cultural Marxism. There’s a reason there was a cricket match in Richmond, all the Indians of Houston are flocking there and want to live next to ‘their kind’. Same reason we have a Vietnam-Village on the West side, the Vietnamese want to live next to each other. We have african areas in Alief with a lot of West Africans. My wife and I moved to the neighborhood we did because we saw quite a few lifted trucks, manicured yards, and ‘discrete signs of whiteness’. We wanted to be next to white people who think and act and live like us.

  5. It’s easy to hang someone after you deprive them of blood to their head for 15 seconds and they pass out. There are so many conflicting reports of he died tied to a doorknob….he died tied to a towel bar….he died before being tied to a doorknob or showerbar. France is one of the easiest places to have someone killed in….and a French hotel is the best place for it to happen!!

  6. Crazy, either Brabantian was aware of Mr. Bourdain’s real father, or he some how had both parts and did not link the connection. Either way, Brabantian is currently, and was brilliant when this thread debuted.

    Here is the individual who is more than likely Mr. Bourdain’s father:

    Just look at the photograph in the link, even if you do nothing else.

    Evidently, Mr. Pierre Bourdain traveled quite a bit, and Mrs. Gladys Bourdain, who had already been a friend to Mr. Cohen before the couple met, may have had a liaison.

    If one views the episode of No Reservations (originally for the Travel Channel) in which Mr. Bourdain and his brother travel to Uruguay in order to research some family roots, then you may observe that these brothers do not look to share a whole lot of the gene pool. It could be worth a look, plus the episode on Uruguay is a good one (the work before CNN seemed better / freer to me, but I did watch both and the Layover as well), even if the nation looks a bit different at this point in time (the takeaway; Uruguay loves BEEF!)

    What hit me as a solid paragraph was this one; it sets the pace for the rest of the thread very well:

    “I personally thought that Bourdain produced very good work in his travel-chef genre beyond just entertainment. He had a quirkiness and demeanor that I always appreciated. He was very sentimental, which is an emotional tug on me personally. He didn’t hang out with the elites and often would head straight to the dining rooms of the plebs. As a world traveler myself in recent years, and being about the same age and kind of the same personality, I identified with him. Therefore, we don’t see him as only a beneficiary of overrated hackery. He had substance.”

    Now I never met the man. Our paths may have crossed at Brasserie Les Halles in the 1990s / 2000 (good brunch, in a quiet part of Manhattan, during tourist season) and (potentially) One Fifth Avenue in the 1980s (family members sometimes took me there during that decade).

    Yet, if we ever wish to discuss Mrs. Kate Spade (closer association to through colleagues) and / or Mrs. Caroline Bessette Kennedy (who I knew personally and was friendly with) then I might have a little more (first hand) knowledge to contribute to a thread.


  7. I think he killed himself after he saw his girlfriend photographed with some dude in Rome. He’d gone through an emotional divorce and really saw a future with the skank. They were planning on moving to Italy together. Bourdain was a heavy drinker and not that stable. He clearly suffered from depression.

    • James,

      You bring up very good points here.

      Certainly, the girlfriend, the depression, the drinking and possibly a little pharma from the depression could have caused a whirlwind that ended in a suicide. Further, I think the Jujitsu and overall getting into the best shape of his life was his way of trying to combat mental pain (all good, very valid ideas for dealing with enormous stress).

      What I think makes all of us scratch out heads was both the method of suicide and his physical height seem to make us all scratch our collective heads in wonderment. As a former drug user, one might wonder why Mr. Bourdain did not speed ball or pill pop as a method?

      Oh well, I guess we will never know. Best to pray for all those who feel his loss, especially the daughter.


  8. You have painted a rather favorable portrait of Bourdain. But didn’t he say in that video that the world would be better off without white people, when we are all mixed together together? That’s not a world I would look forward to.

    • I liked aspects about Bourdain. But this post is not an endorsement of him. That said, I am concerned and care that people like him are assassinated for going outside the Matrix box. The post is in fact about the question: was he suicided?

      • Strangling with a bathrobe tie was what was done to America’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, prior to his being thrown out of the window at Bethesda naval hospital.

        It seems likely that this was used as a ‘sig’ in Bourdain’s case- people kill themselves in all sorts of ways, but hanging is extremely rare, and hanging from doorknobs and bathroom fixtures? it only seems to happen in high-profile cases.

  9. isn’t it possible that he was in fact an operator in intelligence. Julia Childs was. So perhaps he stumbled into some info that was taboo or he decided to stop. So much speculation. I rather doubt he was offed because he had some poor opinions of the dirtbags. Many have been much more vocal and they’re still walking around. Seems more likely that the info was much more sensitive. I mean, hell, no one to date has fallen on the sword over the epstein stuff and that was mainstream. Just saying.
    I do agree that food culture is the last sign of a dying civilization. Creme Fraise!!!!

  10. I don’t think he was suicided at all ( don’t think he was a serious threat to anyone powerful)– I think it was auto-erotic asphyxiation, which is always covered up as suicide. Nobody wants their loved ones remembered this way, so it always gets covered up. Bourdain was certainly aware of the practice, because in one of his tweets he mentioned it (he was in some twitter argument with someone and threw it out as an insult or something – here

    Show co-host Jillian Barberie was the first to suggest that Bourdain may have died from an accident while trying to gratify himself sexually, pointing to the deaths of singer Michael Hutchence and actor David Carradine, both of whom are believed to have been involved in a similar sexual activity. “Terribly common in heroin addicts, terribly common,” Pinsky said. “Because they lose their ability to be satisfied from the usual biological experiences and they will commonly engage, particularly if they are using other substances. Again, just one of the many ways that heroin addicts’ life is in danger when they keep using other substances.”

    I also think that Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and those others found hanging on door knobs (I think door knobs are what people typically use), like Kate Spade, Mick Jagger’s girlfriend, L’Wren Scott, were also auto-erotic asphyxiation. Lots of celebrities are into this sort of thing (late nite “comedy shows” even joke about it), and ex-drug addicts also–people who are into thrill seeking, take things to extremes, etc.

    George Carlin – Autoerotic Asphyxia

    And Robin Williams even made a movie about it:
    World’s Greatest Dad – Kyle’s Death

    Initially after Robin Williams death, which I did NOT believe was a suicide, since he showed now signs of being depressed, there was an article by Xavient Haze posted at Rense, which said early reports said Williams was naked and tied to a door knob on the closet (that article has since disappeared).

    kenny dies from autoerotic asphyxiation
    Marc Maron – Autoerotic Asphyxiation

    • U took the words out of my mouth, Amanda — and then some!

      Robin W was a definite case of accidental death while kinky wanking; his box office ‘sleeper’ movie “World’s Greatest Dad” told the whole story; see its plot synopsis @ IMDB:

      I remember the sheriff gave a presser re Robin’s “suicide” and he was very deliberate in noting Robin WAS CLOTHED, I guess to obfuscate his real cause of death; he could’ve just had his pants around his ankles, & still wearing shirt etc… so that’s “clothed.”

      Bourdain’s tweet just 2-3 weeks b4 his death, ref’ing auto-erotic asphyxiation… was the main tell. And this biz of dying “by suicide” via a bathrobe belt from his neck to a doorknob… preposterous!

  11. Thanks for bringing up Bourdain’s trip to Israel/Palestine…saw the video before it got banned and clearly while he supported Palestinians in Gaza he rebuked the racist Jewish Supremacists “settlers”….naturally, CNN wouldn’t put the show on TV, banned it before it was supposed to be aired (Parts or Destinations Unknown…not sure of name of show or episode).

  12. Surprised no one has mentioned this ..

    Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and DJ Avicii (Tim Bergling) all worked on a child sex trafficking documentary called “The Silent Children”

    For those not aware I suggest checking out this very powerful Avicii video “For a Better Day:

    Given this information, keep in mind all 4 of these men were dead by suicide with in 2 years of each other.

    I personally knew Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. No doubt they had ups and downs in their personal lives but neither struck me as suicidal.

  13. Russ Winter points out that suicide by drugs would make more sense in this case.

    Add to that Ripert’s assertion that they were having a “good stay” at the hotel and you have a conundrum.

  14. Check out “director” Asia Argento’s 2004 film “The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things.” Major perversion. How a decent man could “love” such a creature is beyond my ken.

  15. Oh, fck off, will ya pal. Like that nutbar Miles Mathis, everything for you is “fake”. Everything is a “conspeewacy”. Some events are, yes. But no one gives a flying fk about some reprobate “chef” going around the world making a shallow and inane cuisine show on Fake News CNN.

    “Duh, it was the CIA … no, duh, it was the mossad”. No, you moron. Bourdain, like all degenerates like him, suffered from various mental ailments. CIA goons don’t go around killing random people, as thuggish as those goons are.

  16. Anthony Bourdain was filmed publically and boastfully stating in one of his programs that flooding Western nations with non-Whites until the point there are “no white people” is “the only way, the only solution”. I’m glad that piece of vermin is dead. He did a series on eating raw bloody things, he was gross. And the only reason he was popular is massive promotion by his fellow tribe members. He couldn’t maintain a marriage either and consistently chose mentally deranged drug addicted females, like himself. such a role model for the populace!

      • “All the problems will cease to exist when the xyz peoples have been eliminated”…sounds supremacist (and peevish) to me, not “flawed and humanist”.

        • Eliminated? All problems? That’s not how he put it. He said naturally evolve to be like Singapore over time. Indeed that’s what happens when 92% of the planet is already brown or yellow. It is quite baked in. The U.S. looks entirely different for me today than it did in 1970. I don’t like it but keep it real. White reproduction is minuscule, Bourdain is hardly a fortune teller or prophet but more a messenger. Killing messengers isn’t my thang as I am one myself.

  17. Russ, are you aware of the Adam Schiff event that Bourdain was a possible witness to? See Guiseppe’s Friday show; Sane Asylum 287

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