Posse of Four Address Issues of the Day

Discussed alleged terms of Israel telegraphed attack on well defended Iran.  Russ brings up Israel’s true genocidal plan of moving 400,000 Palestinians out of north Gaza in front of winter.  The odds of a false flag before the election was dealt with and what could it be.

Lively exchange on the shadow language “anti-semite” ensued.

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The missing video clip:  Jewish Hollywood Meets the Rebbe

1 Comment on Posse of Four Address Issues of the Day

  1. You mentioned Russ that 98 percent of the Jews in Israel support their government’s genocidal policies. Don’t these people know that it was Israel that killed most of its own people on October 7th? Doesn’t the baker, barber or construction worker living in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem realize that, when Israel is destroyed, the elites will flee to places like Ukraine and leave them behind to perish?

    Rank and file Jews living in Israel better recognize that their government considers them expendable, doesn’t care about them and will sacrifice them to start or end World War 3 and bring in their one world government. These foolish Jews think they are part of the club George Carlin talked about just because they are Jewish and live in Israel, but they are not, the joke is on them. If I was living in Israel, I would GTFO as soon as possible.

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