Trump on why powerful people got close to Epstein: ‘He was a good salesman’

The Hill | Sept. 3, 2024

Former President Trump in a new interview said he would have “no problem” releasing more files around Jeffrey Epstein if he is elected.

Trump sat down with podcast host Lex Fridman, who asked the former president why “so many smart, powerful people” allowed Epstein to get close.

7 Comments on Trump on why powerful people got close to Epstein: ‘He was a good salesman’

  1. ”Former President Trump in a new interview said he would have “no problem” releasing more files around Jeffrey Epstein if he is elected.”

    Sure Donald, the same way you declassified and released those JFK files. It amazes me how anyone believes this conman and his incessant lies. He knows damn well he will release nothing on Epstein.

  2. The real only thing that Trump really has going for him is his popularity and momentum.

    There was a German General, Alfred von Schlieffen, who was Chief of the Imperial General Staff and knew a few things about combat. He spoke about what he referred to as “ordinary frontal victories”. These were when your army fought the enemy’s army and the enemy broke off combat and retreated. The natural reaction to that is to celebrate, relax, feel good and congratulate yourself instead of immediately following up your success and continuing until you have achieved total victory. If Trump is elected in November this will be an “ordinary frontal victory”. We will need to aggressively ride herd on Trump and keep him focused on what is vital for the United States and not for the illegal, Satanic Zionist entity.

    I’m afraid that when Trump wins the election too many Americans will think things are all OK now and will go back to swilling their Bud Lite and watching overpaid, semi-literate, obsolete farm animals bounce rubber balls.

    • You’re right PvtCharlieSlate, when Trump wins in November it will be a victory, for the Deep State and Israel. You’re not going to keep Trump focused on anything because he serves his Masters in Tel Aviv and will do their bidding, not yours. Expect a war with Iran, the reinstatement of the draft AND programmable digital currencies, all of which Trump supports. Apparently the conman has fooled you to. Enjoy your misery.

      • Well, at least I’m too old for the draft. However, I do seem to remember which end of the tube the round comes out of.

        Wer einem Juden reicht die Hand hat verraten Volk und Vaterland.

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