S-400 Being Delivered to Iran From Russia

Bulgarianmilitary.com| August 6, 2024

The New York Times, as cited by The Times of Israel on August 5, reported that Iranian officials claim Russia has started delivering advanced air defense and radar systems to Iran following Tehran’s request to the Kremlin.

Local Iranian media have corroborated Tehran’s request, and two officials, including a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, have confirmed to The Times that these deliveries are underway. According to these Iranian sources, the equipment in question is likely the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile system, crafted by the Almaz-Antey concern. However, it should be noted that BulgarianMilitary.com has not independently verified that it is indeed the S-400 being supplied to Tehran by Moscow.

The Times article did not specify the exact equipment requested by Iran or what has been delivered so far. Iran does already possess Russian S-300 air defense systems, although Russia has since developed the more advanced S-400 system.


3 Comments on S-400 Being Delivered to Iran From Russia

  1. But Vladimir Vladimírovic Putin is close friend with Bibi the killer Netahyahu -) something doesn’t add up here…….Do they really need print more US dollars ? Dollar is dead already ,but did not have a funeral yet…After crash of biblical proportions ,frozen banks ,ATMs for five days ,we will have a Digital money ,in future programmable digital money,the wet dream of Central bankers….,and everything will be tokenized and put on Blockchain in digital form.Tgsts what they want.Is big war really necessary ?

    • Vladimir Putin also let the Central Banksters “freeze” all of Russia’s Central Banking assets when he had both ability and plenty of time to claim it for Russia. He also lets Rothschilds run Russia’s oil and natural gas industries…

      Meanwhile, Iran continuously imports large quantities of trade goods, including a lot of high value luxury stuff, via NATO member Turkey, its supposed enemy. Iran is also far from the promised “Islamic People’s Republic” and actually a complete and total oligarchy just like the West and just like other countries subjected to Globalist “People’s revolutions.” Iran also has a pyramid shaped parliament building with 33 windows.

      This is just theater, like the previous World Wars. This is playing out just like 33d Degree Freemason Albert Pike “predicted” in his 1871 letter about the then-coming Three World Wars, even including the present societal schisms which they have induced. Keep thinking critically and keep researching and questioning everything to stay on course towards the Truth. Don’t succumb to false opposition hopium.

      You’re right about the Great Taking and Great Reset agenda not requiring a World War in the West but these inverted chosenite “elite” losers and freaks want the World.

      • They’ve just let us know how they’re gonna get the Great Taking and Great Reset done and how they will neutralize the threat of public uprising. They have RELAUNCHED the COVID SCAMDEMIC. They did so during the Olympics last night where a top sprinter (Noah Lyles, who likes to make the One Eye sign a lot) faltered during his race and then fell down clutching his chest. He was then rolled out in wheel chair. Soon after he announced that he “got sick” prior to the race and “tested positive” but chose to run any way. Shortly afterwards another top runner, Femke Bol, stumbled and staggered through the last half of her race despite being renowned for having far superior stamina and speed than her opponents. I fully expect her to announce a “positive test result” as well and that it will be followed by more and worse and that it’ll be accompanied by fear-mongering and fake concern and calls for employing all means necessary to “stop the spread” by the Masonic puppet leaders and Masonic lugenpresse worldwide to scare the Nations of the World into full acceptance and submission of lockdowns and all the other “measures they which to impose upon us.


        Unless people wake the f up we will be in lockdown under heavy guard while the Judeo-Masonic losers, degenerates and freaks drain our accounts and take our digital paper assets. Then society will reopen “safely” in “Covid-safe” and “climate-friendly” 15-minute digital concentration camps with up to whatever our govt’s ensures us on our bank accounts and no more, in the form of Digital Programmable Currency accompanied by a carbon credit system (climate fraud-backed precursor to social credit system.) The poor will likely be bought off by adding large-ish sums to their accounts and “oppressed groups” will probably receive even more to make it seem like equality and social justice has been served. People will only be allowed to buy whatever and however much our Judeo-Masonic overlord untermench allows us to but luckily consumerist slave made junk from China and India can all be “climate compensated” so the masses will rejoice recieving piles of boxes full of all the junk they want. Since agriculture somehow apparently cannot be “climate compensated” people will be very limited in what foods they can get but most will be too busy enjoying all their new junk and Masonic “entertainment” to be bothered by that and will eat whatever their masters provide and then get back to enjoying their endless supply of new toys and “entertainment.”

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