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7 Comments on The Alcohol Advertisement Situation

  1. The biggest alcohol companies are owned by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Just one of the many ways they, the Judeo-Masonic oligarchy, poison humanity.

    Some other ways:

    Modern white wheat – very fast carbs (which easily makes you gain weight,) very good at raising blood sugar, hard to digest gluten, low in nutrients, very addictive. (Healthy alternative: Spelt wheat, even the white spelt is good for you)

    Refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup: very fast carbs (causes weight gain,) very good at raising blood sugar, very addictive. (Healthy alternatives: Honey (pure, unrefined,) coconut sugar.

    Chemically refined salt (“ordinary” salt): “Refined” in a toxic vat of chemicals such as chlorine. Damages your heart and causes neurodegeneration. (Healthy alternatives; unrefined Himalayan salt, unrefined sea salt [from clean waters.])

    Highly processed “cooking oils” (canola, sunflower, corn) and margarine: Chemically refined and highly processed in other ways. Highly inflammatory (causing weight gain, stomach problems and inflammatory illnesses as well as fatty liver) and also oxidizes when heated (causing cellular degeneration through release of free radicals which can lead to cancer as well as speeding up your aging process.) (Healthy alternatives: extra virgin olive oil (don’t go for the cheapest stuff, extra virgin or deodored/deflavoured coconut oil [which have antiinflammatory and antioxidizing properties])

    Cola drinks, energy drinks: In addition to being high in processed sugar or harmful synthetic sweeteners, these are also highly acidic which harms your gut flora (which is very important as it plays a key role in the autoimmune system, aids digestion and serves to reduce inflammation.)

    • Fast carbs are digested and absorbed rapidly and turn to fat if not burned off by physical exertion. Slow (natural) carbs can be are processed slower and can thus burned off by just normal everyday movement and activities. The “ordinary” white wheat of today is quite evidently engineered to be very fast to process and very fast to turn to sugar. Modern wheat is highly hybridized (psuedo-GMO) and the carbs of natural wheat (like spelt, drum wheat) are much slower to process while they have much easier to digest gluten. Gluten intolerance is a result of a combination of weakened gut floras and stomach inflammation as well as the harder to digest gluten of modern wheat. This is why gluten intolerance is a fairly recent phenomenon despite the “ordinary” wheat of the Western world having been this way since the 50s (with the change starting decades earlier but being completed by the 50s.) Our base foods have been corrupted and weaponized against us by the Judeo-Masonic oligarchy. They are a crime against humanity.

      I got my mother, who has been near obese for decades as well as diabetic, to make these changes and I also found foods and natural medicines to help manage her blood sugar. In a matter of a few months she has lost about 20 lbs and she has also been able to cut her daily dosage of her diabetes “medicine” from 5 pills a day to 1 with no ill effects. Now she’s trying to go without entirely and it’s so far going well. She has not dieted. These illnesses as well as obesity are not natural, it’s all been engineered to be this way. I also used to be overweight and it was getting worse but now I stay at near 140 lbs despite being varied in what and how much I eat, the scale reads at or near 140 every time.

    • “Calories” is a measurement of energy but its misleading to say it is the deciding factor is if your gain weight or not. Some foods are very high calorie but helps you lose weight, coconut oil is an example of that. Coconut oil speeds up your metabolism (through being strongly anti-inflammatory, decreasing inflammation of the thyroid which lets it work more effectively) and also speeds up fat burning.

      • “Empty calories” are “foods” that provide energy but barely any nutrients like the white modern wheat. As I explained above, it’s very bad in several other ways as well.

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