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6 Comments on Beast Wars: Fighting over the last Twinkie

  1. Imagine all the EBT cards those two blew through to get that fat. Your tax dollars at work. Notice the Section 8 apartments? Again, your tax dollars.

  2. On one level, this is funny — on another, it isn’t.
    To put it bluntly: Blacks are the lowest quality human capital on the planet, by far — they have turned sections of most large and mid-sized American cities into crime-ridden shitholes — and all of it has been subsidized for decades by white taxpayers — Whites pay for the existence and reproduction of Blacks, who then go on to victimize Whites via violent crime and by degrading the quality of life experienced by Whites in urban and suburban settings all over the country — there are now approx 45 million Blacks in the US, more than a third of whom have an IQ below 80.

    Cleveland Burger King employee held at gunpoint by an irate customer—for giving them a discount

    Black male, 38 y/o, working at Burger King, has fathered 10 children.

    It’s insanity on a societal scale.

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