The downside and liabilities of vaccines are well established. The purpose of this post is to examine the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns at the front end.
The main advances in combating disease over the last 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, reductions in overcrowding and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer-reviewed research:
- “The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century“. McKinlay JB, McKinlay SM, Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3): 405-28.
- “Symposium: Accomplishments in Child Nutrition during the 20th Century. Infant Mortality in the 20th Century, Dramatic but Uneven Progress” Myron E. Wegman School of Public Health, University of Michigan: J. Nutr. 131: 401S–408S, 2001
Diphtheria and Whooping Cough
Data from the U.K. shows that mortality from diphtheria was in steady decline up until the nationwide vaccination program got underway in 1940-1941. You will notice a great reduction in the affliction between 1941 and 1946. You should also notice that mortality among infants did not experience a similar decline.
Additionally, vaccinations were not universal and nowhere near the level of 80-85% necessary for herd immunization. By the end of 1941, 36% of school-age children had been immunized, but only about 19% of younger children [British Journal of Nursing October 1948 p. 121].
At least half the children under age 10 had not been vaccinated prior to 1946. Notice that in 1944, the U.K. instituted an active health program of free medical checkups, free school milk (vitamin A) and subsidized meals. In 1948, the U.K. also introduced widespread health reform, which would have been a factor in completely knocking out diphtheria.
By 1946, diphtheria had disappeared in the non-infant population, but the U.K. government launched in 1946-47 a “catch-up” diphtheria vaccination campaign. A total of 1.24 million previously unvaccinated children were vaccinated even though diphtheria was already effectively eradicated except for infants. And still, older children are being vaccinated for diphtheria to this very day.
Whooping cough was also subjected to vaccination campaigns. The campaigns started after the cough had trendlined downward for years. Like diphtheria, the vaccine was administered starting in 1940-41. Full “herd immunity” levels were not achieved until 1951. By 1955, whooping cough was effectively eradicated. Was it the vaccine, or was it simply the trend of better health conditions? Looks like the vaccine proponents were doing victory dances after the game was essentially already won. People continue to be vaccinated for whooping cough to this very day.
Incredibly, a vaccine was introduced for measles in 1964, after it was effectively eradicated.
The current vaccine fad is rubella. A graph for rubella mortality is not included because death from rubella over the last century was so rare that the figures are insufficient to plot on a graph.
To conclude, let’s examine two afflictions that were not subjected to vaccination programs: scarlet fever and typhoid. Both fizzled out under their own steam about the same time as diphteria and whooping cough.
And it’s going to get worse:
The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. By Peter Koenig
Today WHO declared the coronavirus COVID-19 a “pandemic” – when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6% (see below for further analysis)…
WHO has most likely received orders from “above”, from those people who also manage Trump and the “leaders” (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to control the world with force – the One World Order.
This has been on the drawing board for years. The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see below….
After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same)…
Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.
Lynnette Zang warns abut the banker’s new cryptocurrency here:
The new Chinese-created ACChain crypto currency blockchain will be the SDR-related world currency that will allow the international banking elite to digitize every tangible asset on earth, and they will then exert total control over all of it.
“If a global crypto coin controlled by the Bank For International Settlements (BIS) comes to internationalize PROPERTY onto their crypto blockchain, they get their one world government and one world currency all in the same stroke. This IS your 1988 (2018 prediction) Economist magazine cover.”
Greg Mannarino warning that they are bringing in the NWO:
ITS OVER… The New America. They Win, You Lose. Here’s How… Mannarino
Comments from Greg Mannarino:
————— IMO this is a DELIBERATE meltdown of the world economic and financial systems. The New America is now the epicenter of a new order which will sweep the globe, quickly. I also believe it is by design that The Fed. is flooding the world with dollars now in order to usher in a one world ALL digital currency… GM
Look around you. A world in lock down. Cities, states, nations shutting down. Markets in free-fall. Moreover, NOTHING you are seeing is by accident! Something I have been telling you for YEARS. Understand.. A deliberate global meltdown is occurring by design. A second Great Depression is being THRUST upon us, yes thrust. Many, many people are going do die. For how many years my EXACT words have been “It Will Be Biblical.” This is all being done to bring about a NEW financial system.. and methods of control over the remaining population beyond your wildest nightmares are going to occur… what we are seeing now is JUST THE BEGINNING…. GM
Oops, forgot the link to the Peter Koenig article
Another comment from Greg Mannarino: Gregory Mannarino @LetsAllChatNow 12m
With regard to what central banks are in the process of doing right now and the Fed. funneling TRILLIONS of dollars to them, expect this to get monumentally larger. This is all part of a MUCH bigger scheme, a move to a ONE WORLD DIGITAL currency. I expect to see actual currency (paper) burning! Yes burning. They will blame paper currency, coins as well, to be responsible for spreading the virus.. all in an attempt to go TOTALLY cashless.. GM
And I worry that they are going to unleash maximum chaos and suffering on humanity to get us to submit. I worry that they are setting us up for a Ukrainian holodomor here.
comment on a forum I belong to:
“A very trusted friend who is a rock solid salt of the earth person advised me that they have a friend who is good friends with a principal in a large grocery store chain. The word from the grocery store chain exec is that they have enough stuff in their warehouses to keep stocking their stores for 5-6 months. Their concern is that what they’re seeing on the supply side, i.e. that the supply lines are shutting down and the concern is they’re seeing the net result that their warehouses are not get re-stocked due to supply lines going down and staying down.
Event if the supply lines come back up there will still be disruptions.
“We Have No Food for You” – Insiders on Food Supply Shortages
Toward the beginning, there is a farmer guy saying the State Dept has said Mexican farm workers cannot come in b/c of the “virus,” which means farmers do not have enough help to plant their crops. At 12 min, the guy reads from the covid response team (the screw you while we bring in the NWO team), and it seems to say (document is on the screen) that “interventions” (this guy thinks that means lockdown) will last for 18 months “until vaccine becomes available” (so they are going to force vaccinate us?).
ALERT: Feds Take Control of Food/Trucking as Grocers UNABLE to Get Food
Looks like they are planning on keeping the virus psyop going for 18 months:
Also, people have noticed that they are now saying that the “virus” is on cash, so some are wondering if this is the beginning of trying to prime the population that cash is bad, so let’s get a digital currency.
We are Being Played- Amazing Polly
At 18 min, she warns about the ID2020 program, says they already started doing it in Africa, and that it’s a vaccine that carries a digital ID.
So, it sure looks like the political class of psychopaths has sold out humanity and that they bringing in the NWO banker slave grid.
Interesting about the 18 months thing, Amanda, because when I first saw that I thought in 18 months will be September-October, 2021–Agenda 21, and possible end of Grand Solar Minimum that is happening now (and the return of Global Warming…right!) because at this point (despite all their plans within plans within plans) it’s gonna take 18 months to get everything ready…or not. Honestly I think the criminal psycho elites have overplayed their hand (a busted flush so to speak) and if they really are going to forcibly chip everyone then they have no idea the backlash it will cause (even to someone like me on SS and MC–I’d rather lose my benefits than “take the Mark”if you know what I mean (but I think the Mark of the Beast is even more insidious than a chip under the hand or in the forehead.)
Oh,and in 18 months, almost everyone in cities (loving movies, sports, concerts, shopping, worship, needing govt, whatever or going to parks and libraries) will have gone so crazy they’ll have burned them down by then! Even cops won’t put up with that nonsense! Imagine canceling Coachella? The Olympics? EUFA? Even satanic celebrities will go “sane”….tptb can’t let that happen!
@Amanda, thanks for that link to the Amazing Polly video— what a sensible lady she is—a mine of information! Her link to John Martin’s short video is another gem people should take time to watch, explaining why the Ethiopian director of the World Health Organization should be arrested for Crimes Against Humanity.
“Dr. Tedros” is an actual ex-terrorist, with no medical qualifications, and a penchant for killing his fellow Ethiopians. Here’s the original:
And then there’s the “shingles virus vaccine” for “shingles virus” aka chicken pox…well, I’ve had two bouts of chicken pox (the second one when I was PREGNANT with my it from a student taking semester finals in 1988) and get rashes every now and then (once a full body rash) but guess what? I think my son is immune to chicken pox and shingles virus! Honestly, except for polio, it’s probably better to get the disease than take the vaccine…
They ought to call them anti-toxins…and what with the Iditorad Sled Dog race in Alaska based on the race against time to get the diphtheria anti-toxin to Nome from Anchorage in 1925 led by Balto (who was all dog not part wolf like Disney said), I give ahuge shout out to all people, dogs,and whatnot, who have helped humanity against evil. Blessings!
“Denmark’s parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.
As well as enforcing quarantine measures, the law also allows the authorities to force people to be vaccinated, even though there is currently no vaccination for the virus.”
The coming Corona Vaccine will likely cause sterility on a massive scale. This will be far more deadly than the flu ever will. Refuse it for yourself and your family. Colloidal silver has proven to be effective against most viruses, prep accordingly. White Genocide is in the making.
Bill Gates admits vaccines are used for depopulation:
Is there a man in the public eye like Gates whose image is the direct opposite of what he is truly all about?
Most of the sheeple view Gates-along with his wife Melinda-as the quintessential philanthropist who does an enormous good for the world through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation rather than seeing him as the sociopath that he is.
Here is Gates confronted on eugenics in 2010 as he is headed towards his CO2 friendly SUV:
Sabbatean Frankism rules the world and all the official narratives.
Excellent article— it just never occurred to me to question why we were still being vaccinated against diseases like diphtheria & whooping cough that were wiped out half a century ago, while never vaccinated against scarlet fever, which one of my elderly relatives caught as a teenager and recovered.
I got over the coronavirus in severe form very easily.
I got sick with coronavirus in August . He was seriously ill with symptoms of coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever and headache. I got sick in 2 days. I found out that I was sick. I would have been at a reception with the deputy heads.He looked at the doctor and said that I looked sick and sent me home. By evening, the above symptoms appeared. Evidence that I was sick with coronavirus. On the second day, when the symptoms subsided, a PCR test was performed. The result is either sick or not, on a more accurate device it is not sick. By evening, the symptoms had disappeared. On day 3, a nurse came to see a coronavirus patient, first she communicated with me in a mask and then realized that I was not sick with coronavirus, continued to communicate with me without a mask And the next day my mother fell ill with the same symptoms but also with loss of sense of smell. And a year later he underwent an in-depth medical examination. When he got sick and when he recovered, the 33 polyclinic of Almetyevsk is aware.
And now, 18 years later, a team of Swiss immunologists led by Daniel Zebarge from the University of Lausanne was able to solve this puzzle
The researchers conducted a series of experiments on laboratory mice and found that stem-like central memory T cells are formed from ordinary cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes, also known as T-killers. When faced with the same enemy again, the immune system acts much faster and more effectively. This is possible due to immunological memory. Special lymphocytes remember previously encountered pathogens of infections and, upon re-infection, trigger an instant target response. 2,3,4,5 times he was ill asymptomatically. I learned that I was ill through an antibody test.
The 5 antibody tests are listed below. I have been ill with coronavirus at least 4 times asymptomatically in 3 years and I do not think with the same strain, which means I am immune to many strains, if not all. I am often asked how, with such a strong immune system, do you get infected so often? The T-cell immunity lets in a virus if the virus is unfamiliar, it simply kills it, and if the virus is familiar, memory cells kill it. In both cases, leaving the virus with no chance.
An analogue of my medicine was tested on former US President Donald Trump, it was cured in 7 days, but it turned out to be so weak that it was discontinued. The medicine was made from mouse immunity, which was later transformed into human immunity, and I already have human immunity, which means it is several times stronger.
Medicine production technology:having previously infected me with the coronavirus, I think. Then take my blood and isolate the immune cell. Then cross it with a malignant tumor cell. The most difficult of the variety of antibodies is to isolate an antibody to the coronavirus and then clone it in a special reactor. Is it possible?
Proof of my immunity
I made 5 immunograms in 3 mmunograms, t cells were exceeded in abs.number/µl and in 2 b109l
In the first immunogram, leukocytes 7900 at a rate of 4500-8500, lymphocytes 4108 at a rate of 800-3600 t-lymphocytes 2825 at a rate of 600-2500, t-helpers 1808 at a rate of 450-850, t-cytotoxic 945 at a rate of 270-540 made 08/22/2017
The second immunogram of leukocytes 8400, lymphocytes 3864, t lymphocytes 2704, t helper cells 1661, t cytotoxic 850 was made on 12.09.2017 at the request of a local immunologist.
In the third immunogram of leukocytes 8200, lymphocytes 3936, t-lymphocytes 2834, t-helper cells 1574 t cytotoxic 984, tx/ts 1.6 was made on 03/19/2018 the day after the infectious disease
in 4 immunogrammetric cells, 4.65 lymphocytes were exceeded in 109/l at a rate of 0.85-3.00, t lymphocytes 3.18 at a rate of 0.80-2.20, t helper cells 1.79 at a rate of 0.60-1.60, t cytotoxic 1.07 at a rate of 0.30-0.80 made on August 18, 2020
In the 5th immunogram, lymphocytes 3.49 ,t-lymphocytes 2.53 t-helper cells 1.65 t-cytotoxic 0.81 were made on July 13, 2021
In 5 immunograms, % t cells are normal. There are no diseases in which the rise of t cells is recorded
I did 9 blood tests according to the leukoformula leukocytes and monocytes were normally counted thousand / µl.and lymphocytes were elevated neutrophils were lowered counting in % In the first analysis of leukocytes 7.85 at a rate of 4.50-11.00, monocytes 0.66 at a rate of 0.20-0.95 lymphocytes 50.6 at a rate of 19-37, neutrophils 39.5 at a rate of 48.0-78.0, made 08/02/2019 .
In the second, leukocytes 6.98, monocytes 0.54, lymphocytes 49.4, neutrophils 40.7, made on 06/10/2020.
In the third, leukocytes 7.61,monocytes 0.53, lymphocytes 44.8, neutrophils 0.53 made 05/06/2021.
In the fourth, leukocytes 8.31 monocytes 0.70, lymphocytes 45.5 neutrophils 43.4 were analyzed on 09/01/2021
In the fifth, leukocytes 8,14, monocytes 0,64, lymphocytes 50.0, neutrophils 39 ,4 the analysis was done on 03/01/2022
In the sixth, leukocytes 7.57 , monocytes 0.62, lymphocytes 45.6, neutrophils 43.6 were analyzed on 05/12/2022
In the seventh, leukocytes 7.49, monocytes 0.49, lymphocytes 42.9, neutrophils 48.4 were analyzed on 01/17/2023
In the eighth, there were 8,18 leukocytes, 9.3 percent monocytes at a rate of 3.0-11.0 , 47.6 lymphocytes, 40.6 neutrophils, the analysis was done on 01/31/2023
In the ninth, leukocytes 9.25, monocytes 0.81 thousand/ µl 8.8 %, lymphocytes 48.1 neutrophils 41.2, the analysis was made on 03/23/2023
I did a large number of general blood tests using the leukoformula. In all, lymphocytes are elevated and leukocytes and monocytes are normal. Even in the immunogram that I did the day after I had an infectious disease (cold) white blood cells are normal. An analysis was performed on the recommendation of the therapist. During the medical examination, I passed a general blood test: 43 lymphocytes at a rate of 19 to 37%, 7 leukocytes at a rate of 4-9× 109 units / l. In 5 years, I did more than 50 general blood tests in all lymphocytes are elevated, leukocytes are normal
I can imagine an immunologist’s consultation. Conclusion : Moderate absolute/relative lymphocytosis (by T-cell link ) with relative neutropenia. Give me a chance to defeat an infection with pandemic potential
I sent my article and got a reply. In fact, what you wrote is real, but it doesn’t really work in the case of covid. But that medicine was made from immune cells of mice with artificially raised immunity, and I have naturally raised immunity, which means several times stronger.
The question is for me. Have you been tested for chronic lymphoid leukemia? What for. we don’t have a hematologist in the city, you can get checked for oncology with the help of a general blood test
As we have already said, the UAC measures the number and condition of various cell types in a blood sample, including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The increase and decrease in these indicators indicate oncological diseases, but all these indicators are normal for me.In 5 years, I have done more than 50 general blood tests if you do not believe me, you can contact the 33 polyclinic in Almetyevsk.
I did an analysis for autoimmune diseases at the request of the district therapist. Antinuclear factor study, Result<1:160, Titer units, Reference values<1:160
The study concluded that a negative ANF result with a probability of about 90% excludes the diagnosis of SLE, diffuse scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndrome, CREST syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease, secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, oligoarticular form of JURA; and also with a probability of 80% excludes the most common forms of autoimmune liver damage, including autoimmune hepatitis type 1 and primary biliary cirrhosis. The antinuclear factor may be negative in isolated patients with SLE, cutaneous forms of lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, antiphospholipid syndrome, which requires additional examination.
I have repeatedly undergone ultrasound of internal organs, the diseased organs of the stomach, liver and pancreas, and the rest of the organs like a 20-year-old spleen are even a few millimeters less than normal, even though I am 46 years old and I am sick. Pain1) type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2) diabetes insipidus symptoms constant thirst water does not linger in the body Without taking medication I can drink more than 20 liters of water per day 3) olivopoetoceribral degeneration with cerebellar atrophy symptoms unsteadiness of gait, speech impairment, problems swallowing, double vision, tremor in the hands. Seize the moment while this disease is getting worse every day while I’m talking and while I’m walking. I can die at any moment because of the symptoms.
How can you possibly know if you had “coronavirus” and not “the flu?” Severe “Coronavirus” happens to have identical symptoms to severe “flu” and that is because “coronavirus” is a straight rebrand of the “flu.” The PCR tests prove nothing as they were never designed to detect specific pathogens nor disease.
I am also convinced that “flu” is merely a cold excacerbated by nutrient deficiency and toxic foods. I used to get bad “flu” but then I started taking vitamin and mineral supplements and bettered my diet (cut out heavily processed foods and claimed healthy but actually toxic fats like Canola oil, Sunflower oil, Corn oil and margarine.) I started out merely with (50 ųg) vitamin D daily supplement in winter (as we get little from sunlight then) and that alone made a huge difference. After adding Zink, C, B complex, and magnesium as well as bettering my diet I have basically not been sick every since.
Not more than very slightly and very briefly.
Not only is “coronavirus” a fraud (if it were to exist it would still be a fraud, even official stats show it to be basically harmless,) the entire idea that “viruses” and other contagions make us sick is a fraud. People get sick from nutrient deficiency and poisoning. If you’re well nourished and avoid toxins you WON’T get sick no matter what “viruses,” etc you’re exposed to.
Thomas FEBRUARY 18, 2024 AT 2:30 AM:
“How can you possibly know if you had “coronavirus” and not “the flu?”
With the Rothschild covid test.
But the plan in any case was primarily to “improve the digital transformation”, bring newer generations closer to technology, and prepare a world, with people, inextricably linked to technology, in which future generations would be born. But the whole world, not just half of it. This brings us to the heart of Tucker’s famous interview, the interview of the year, the essence of which no one understood.
The entire interview was to officially announce – and to the Russian, but especially to the Western audience – that Putin and Russia are not against brain chips and genetic modifications “but we need formalization and regulation” (see the part with Tucker’s question about “AI empire”) + at the same time to consolidate “the reality of the real war in which Russia is right”, thus confirming that Russia is against the plan for the world of Western elites. What happened just a week after the interview?
Russia, shortly after Tucker’s interview, has officially announced that she is joining the “race” for brain chips and gene mods of humans, but none of the Western mainstream and alternative media reported this. (How did it happen?)
pre-story background with curious connections and synchronicities (for Trump, Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Musk, Tucker and the brain chips..)
(*only the comments of this user, without his answers to other users)
…and the rest of this user’s comments down (there is a slight break from some conversation of another user with the author of the article, scroll down)
Only valid links to sources.
While in every Russian media there are at least 50-100 articles/reports about it, in the Western – almost nothing. How do you like that? About a WEF, DARPA, Musk and the other transhumanists has (as it should be) billions of articles and videos. About Russia – NOTHING. (Including absolutely nothing by Riley Waggaman.) Why?
Little quote (TASS, 14 January):
“The expert [Vasily Popkov] predicted a “race of neural implants” due to the loss of technological unipolarity
[in the session “Why Does the Brain Need to Connect to a Computer?” in Future Technologies Forum 13-14 Feb, 2024, Moscow]
According to the scientist, this fear will lead in the near future to the relaxation of regulatory norms related to the development of implants to restore the normal functions of the human body, and in one or two decades, similar processes will take place in the field of creating augmentation systems, neural interfaces that improve cognitive and other human abilities.”
Vaccines are and always have been about stealth depopulation. Read “Dissolving Illusions” for the true history of vaccination and how the smallpox vax was a dismal failure.
The “Secret Covenant” reveals the true purpose of vaccination:
“When they give birth, we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.”