Israel Continues it’s Unabated Genocide

Israel continues doing what it does best, slaughtering civilians. Their tally is now up to 24,448 plus 7000 likely dead under the rubble. There is a report of 14 deaths by starvation. Being wounded in Gaza is not to be taken lightly given the shortage of medical supplies. That fate is up to 70,000.

Even the New York Times is reporting on the indiscriminate and genocidal use of 2000 pound bombs in Gaza. The truth is out.

In contrast the Zio atrocity propaganda aka lies has truly moved into ridiculous category.

The IDF is down-sizing its Gaza military force. Division 36 is being rotated out and is probably in reserve for the Hezbollah front. Bombing and shelling by both sides along the northern border is active.

The IDF has claimed that Gaza City is secured but the militias have popped up and are active there since last weekend. Here is video of militia bullseye attacks in north Gaza.

My own theory is that Hamas forces are near full strength after drawing new recruits from the civilian population. Even if not their tactics are small squad ambushes and sniping which doesn’t require a large force. The key are brave soldiers and excellent weapon training.

Some recent militia combat footage demonstrating the up close and personal nature of the combat. The militias have unlimited firing vectors hidden in the rubble and bombed out buildings.

To our eye the IDF has too much down time and engages in excessive smokin’ and jokin’ and Tik Tok time. Here in the third video is Tik Tok POV taken and recovered from inside an out in the open tank blasted at point blank range. IDF has more of Gaza to secure with thinned down forces. And these ambushes can go on indefinitely due to the widespread ruins cover.

IDF combat footage from Gaza. More undisciplined shooting at ghosts again. How many careless friendly fire casualties is the question.

The map shows the drawn out nature of this combat. The controlled blue zones are problematic.


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