‘Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the ‘powers that be’ will become psychologically impossible.’ — author Bertrand Russell, ‘The Impact of Science on Society’ (1953) [p 50]
The Crime Syndicate — or what some call the “New World Order” — do much more than culturally attack masculinity. A critical element of their crackpot plan and assault is to put or allow toxic agents into the environment that cause demasculinization.
For those who live in the U.S., this is manifested in what I would call the “metrosexual” or “fem” look. I first became aware of it in about 2000. At first, I thought it was just dress style and changing cultural norms, but gradually I realized it was more. This has mostly emerged and is noticeable among the Millennial and Y generations, meaning people born between about 1980 and 2005. It’s a bit less pronounced in Europe, at least as you go East.
It’s demonstrated in the first photo below.

Clearly, a male but just a tad low on testosterone it seems. Sitting around using electronic devices may also contribute to a lack of male muscle mass. The agents may also contribute to the softness and flabbiness of older males as well.
The front end of Generation Z, or Boomlets (starting in 2000, many in their pubescent years), are truly becoming freakish in terms of gender appearances. The photo below is of Cover Girl’s first-ever male model.
All Species Becoming More Feminized
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most liberally applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface and drinking water. It’s also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low concentrations.
National Academy of Science studies demonstrate the reproductive consequences of atrazine exposure in adult amphibians. Atrazine-exposed males were both demasculinized (chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. Ten percent of the exposed genetic males developed into functional females that copulated with unexposed males and produced viable eggs. Atrazine-exposed males suffered from depressed testosterone, decreased breeding gland size, demasculinized/feminized laryngeal development, suppressed mating behavior, reduced spermatogenesis and decreased fertility.
Explosion in Unisex or Intersex Fish
If that isn’t enough, a nine-year study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey discovered an abundance of intersex fish in American rivers. Overall, 44 percent of the large-mouth and small-mouth bass dissected turned out to be intersex, but at some sites 91 percent of the male large-mouth bass were affected. Biologist Jo Ellen Hinck’s team found intersex males at 34 of 111 sites in eight of nine major river basins, including the Columbia, the Colorado and the Mississippi. The southeastern U.S. was hit hardest.
Scientists claim to be uncertain about the culprit. Previous research indicates that wastewater treatment plants flush endocrine-disruptive compounds (EDCs), including pharmaceuticals, pesticides and hormones, into rivers. Even minuscule amounts of EDCs can trigger powerful hormonal shifts that deform male fishes’ reproductive organs. Synthetic estrogen used in birth-control pills added to closed lakes collapsed the entire fish population.
An even more likely culprit is rain runoff with waste that is laden with hormones excreted from millions of chickens and cattle. And lo and behold, both food sources are picking up EDC compounds in the environment. One is called phthalates, from plastics, which possess anti-androgenic properties. This means that they alter the natural expression of male androgen hormones, which are responsible for male characteristics.
Accordingly, pregnant women whose fetuses are exposed to this agent end up reproducing males with smaller or deformed genitalia. An increasing number of our males are experiencing delayed puberty, falling sperm counts and a rise in gender confusion as boys are increasingly feminized.
Tips for Aging Men to Maintain Male Hormones
- Avoid Statins
- Avoid Painkillers – Use healthy alternatives such as turmeric for pain
- Avoid Fragrance – Fragrance often contains EDs, use essential oils
Dust, Vacuum – Use vacuum with HEPA filter - Clean Regularly – Clean with vinegar, borax, baking soda
- Clean Indoor Air – Large-leaf houseplants filter toxins from air
- Avoid Thermal – Don’t take receipts or, if must, wash hands immediately after touching
- Sweat to Detoxify – Exercise regularly
Winter Watch Takeaway
This topic goes on and on, and we could write a 5,000-word article full of just-the-facts citations. But of particular note is the lack of concern and the “what, me worry?” attitude of the Monsanto lobby, trans-humanists, transgender- and homosexual-infested health and governmental agencies running the show. Not much shows up in the Lugenpresse on this development either. WW submits it is all by design.
In contrast, high testosterone world class stunt mountain biker Brandon Semenuk-
Great article. I was just reading about targeted individuals and how their symptoms may well be fungicidal in nature; in essence a skin fungus that when concentrated in large enough amounts, is capable of collecting heavy metals from our surroundings and foods, storing these compounds on/in our skin and possibly other bodily systems such as the digestive system, and result in potential hypersensitivity to different radio frequencies, skin rashes and morgellons like symptoms. An interesting read with plenty of tips on how to remove such a malady:
I’m a firm believer that cures to nearly everything are not rare, they’re usually within driving distance, and we just don’t know about them…
Sometimes it’s as simple as abstaining from consuming certain things. I mean how many health issues would cease to exist if people stopped over consuming refined sugars? I bet at least half of the total health problems people experience would disappear. Happy New Year
Thank you, Torchy, for this article. Following up on your data and references, there is also evidence of a lower birth rate for boys due to chemical pollutants: https://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20211209/pollutants-and-birth-gender
From an article summarizing this very recent and large-scale study:
“Dec. 9, 2021 — The season of conception does not affect whether more boys than girls are born, nor do temperatures in the environment, a large study reveals. Similarly, researchers found no connection with a location’s violent crime level, unemployment rate, or major events like Hurricane Katrina.
But certain chemical pollutants were related to fewer boys being born compared to girls when researchers looked at data for more than 3 million newborns over 8 years in the U.S. and another 3 million more born over 30 years in Sweden.”
And, predictably of course, how does the MSM explain variations in newborn male to female birth ratios – climate change!
See https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/23/health/climate-change-infant-sex-ratio-intl/index.html
Great Topic, Torchy- actually a lot more expansive than most can imagine, given this case study always gets the Alex Jones ‘Gay Frog’ treatment, which is a clear reverse-psychology, Streisand-Effect kind of expose in order to discredit what is plainly there. And as you show here, it’s much more thorough, integral, almost an absurd all-out attack in many ways, given that there is really no reason for so many products to be this way beyond intentional economic-cobra-creation.
I’m sure you are familiar with Weston Price Foundation, Sally Fallons work? He/she showed this years ago, in relation to what they called the ‘industrialized diet.’ The thinned out, ‘metrosexual’ look is actually just another step in that same atrophied direction. The entire idea that a thin, atrophied, stick-figured man is ‘feminine’ looking comes from, ironically, another psyop toward women, which marketed ‘Freedom Torch’ cigarettes, artificial sweetener and diet foods toward them to make them look borderline anorexic. That is as unnatural to a woman’s figure as an atrophied, drained ‘metrosexual’ look is for a man- which Fallon points out in the opening of ‘Nourishing Traditions’ with a side-by-side comparison of a healthy farmer, raised on Raw Milk, Natural Fats, Organic homemade grains, cultured/fermented foods, and fresh/non-processed meat, with that of Keanu Reeves, who she says has the typical hollowed out look of someone raised on a diet of industrial carbs and sugars, processed foods. She goes on to point out that the conditioning has gone so deep, people have literally begun to believe they are attracted to what is signaling as weak, unhealthy biological appearance- which is obviously not what ‘attraction’ is supposed to be based on. It has always been based on the signs one needs, for the most part, to produce healthy children, to preserve humanity.
But in a culture/world that is misanthropic, wants to impose austerities and ‘thin the herd’ for billionaires indulgences under a fake green banner, the sunk in, stick-figured, atrophied look is perfect for their desired end goals.
Homosexuals can only reproduce – Through/Molestation.
I’m not sure if Flouride contributes to this. I’d like to add something in about that anyway. Where I live we don’t have flouridated water, however all toothpaste available in general stores and pharmacies do have this. Having read that flouride in toothpaste is absorbed into the body (of course it is, should have realized that) and does harm, I decided to try toothpaste without flouride. It’s made a world of difference to my mental abilities and well-being. Before, I would often struggle with low mental energy and slow thinking. Within days after going off flouride, I found these issues to be gone. I now have an abundance of mental energy and my thinking is quick and sharp. I also feel more in control of myself. If you use flouridated toothpaste, do your mind a favor and quit.
There’s one caveat, that is that there are two types of flouride. One is sodium flouride, which is waste from aluminium production, and the other is natural flouride, called calcium flouride. The latter has less ill effects and also does have cavity preventing properties. This is the basis of the flouride con. You can get toothpaste with good flouride, but there are flouride-free alternatives with other compounds that do the job well as well.
Thanks for posting about this, Thomas.
You’re welcome. I’ve made lots of changes in diet and such that have greatly benefited me and I try to help others by spreading the word about it. Great changes can be had just by avoiding flouride and certain foods like canola oil, sunflower oil and corn oil and margarine, all of which are recommended by “experts” but do terrible things to our bodies and minds and is (along with micro nutrient deficiencies) one of the main causes of many common chronic illnesses, mainly because it causes inflammation (harming organs and lowering metabolism) and oxidation (when heated) and also solidifies and builds up in the abdomen and enters the blood stream as micro clots. Replacing that with healthy oils like extra virgin coconut oil (which basically has the exact opposite effects of the bad oils, increasing metabolism, increasing fat burning, strengthening the heart and other organs, improving stomach health, preventing/treating neurodegenerative syndromes, preventing/treating diabetes and preventing cellular oxidation) and eating natural/organic food and taking good vitamin and mineral supplements. Just going off the canola oil and similar made a huge difference for me as I almost instantly began losing weight and did so rapidly, dropping inches from my waistline in months. I also got rid of frequent problems with chest pain and constipation that I had had for years and generally felt much better and stronger than before.
I also believe these truths about that they’re poisoning us and how are key to to achieve distrust in official authorities and their narratives which in turn is key to general public awakening. Additionally, getting people aware of that they’re being poisoned and how enables them to avoid it and thus become stronger, healthier and more aware as well as more able to think critically, rationally and logically which is key to both waking up and resisting.