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Newsom knocks Target CEO for pulling LGBTQ merchandise from stores

The Hill | May 24, 2023

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday slammed Target’s chief executive for pulling LGBTQ and Pride Month merchandise from store shelves after facing backlash and threats of violence from some customers.

“CEO of Target Brian Cornell selling out the LGBTQ+ community to extremists is a real profile in courage. This isn’t just a couple stores in the South. There is a systematic attack on the gay community happening across the country,” Newsom wrote in a tweet Tuesday night.

On Tuesday, Target announced it was making “adjustments to our plans” to promote and sell Pride Month merchandise, which has been on sale since the beginning of May, ahead of Pride Month, which is June. Target attributed the decision to “volatile circumstances” that were impacting staff’s “sense of safety and well-being while at work.”


2 Comments on Newsom knocks Target CEO for pulling LGBTQ merchandise from stores

  1. If all anyone can do is hide during the month of June then do it- stay home & avoid amusements, stores (except for obvious necessities) restaurants, resorts etc. Shun the homosexual cult in media.

    July will be here in no time…

    • I’m not hiding, I wear my straight pride shirt and go into stores, I hand out flyers against grooming and the sell of queerdo toys and books for children, I talk to people about Walmart and Spencer’s selling se toys to teens. We must let them know we don’t accept this behavior, not hide in homes in silence.

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