Donald Trump clearly likes to elaborate and go off of script. He also likes to let his fantasies take hold. And perhaps he knows the zeitgeist of his authoritarian followers. As such, he’s not a good trooper when it comes to Crime Syndicate stagecraft script reading (aka hoaxes). His claims were so outlandish when he announced the death of fictitious boogeyman al-Baghdadi that others in the room threw The Donald under the bus.
“President Trump Announces ISIS Leader Killed in US Military Raid” — CSPAN
President Trump described the boogeyman terrorist’s death during the U.S. raid in unusually graphic detail — repeatedly claiming that al-Baghdadi died “whimpering, screaming and crying.”
“He died like a dog, he died like a coward,” Trump said. “He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread.”
He died like a dog? More like a cat with nine lives.
Read “Down the Rabbit Hole: The Multiple Deaths, Resurrections and Retirement of Boogeyman al-Baghdadi”
A top U.S. official who watched the raid with Trump in the White House Situation Room, Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked by reporters on Monday what he thought of Trump’s comments.
“I don’t know what the source of that was,” Milley said.
Trump told reporters he watched the raid from the Situation Room as it was carried out in real time, with Milley, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Vice President Mike Pence, among others.
“It was something really amazing to see,” the president said, adding that it was “as though you were watching a movie.”
Then the Pentagon released the so-called “movie-like” footage in question. I would have added some more CGI flames and the dying sounds from Super Mario Brothers for greater effect.
It’s like watching cartoons.
To boost his poll ratings, King Sylvester told his subjects he finally bumped off Tweety Bird.
According to The New York Times (aka The Slimes), the Situation Room had live overhead surveillance footage of the operation. But the feeds did not have audio, nor did they show what was happening in the underground tunnel where al-Baghdadi was killed.
Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Defense Secretary Esper said he wasn’t sure where Trump got “whimpering” from, either.
Trump declared that the tunnel caved in but that test results (DNA) gave immediately and positive results. Hmm. First, they said Baghdadi was identified using facial recognition scans — because his face somehow survived the suicide blast that blew up his body and collapsed the tunnel.
Now, they are saying an underwear stain obtained by a Kurdish spy was used to identify him through DNA testing.
This image is offered up as “proof” this all went down.
Next, President Trump profusely thanked Russia for its alleged involvement in the killing of the Islamic State leader.
“[The Russians] were very cooperative, they really were good,” Trump said. “Russia treated us great. They opened up, we had to fly over certain Russia areas, Russia-held areas. Russia was great.”
The problem here is that the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major Gen. Igor Konashenkov refuted Trump’s statement.
“The Russian Defense Ministry has no reliable information about U.S. servicemen conducting an operation for ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the Turkish-controlled part of the Idlib de-escalation zone,” Konashenkov said.
The Russian Defense Ministry also disputed Trump’s claim that Russia provided access to U.S. air units entering the airspace over the Idlib de-escalation zone during that mission in Syria.
The other narrative being pushed is to expect some form of alleged retaliation from sleeper cells located around the world.
Read “Predictive Programming About Seattle Mega-ritual is Off the Charts”
Winter Watch Takeaway
How do we know when Trump is bullsh*tting us? His lips move.
From the Fox Fake News video above :
“National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is at the Pentagon …”
“The 11 children inside the compound were handed over to a trusted source and were not flown out of Syria. Baghdadi grabbed 2 not 3 children when he hid in the tunnel.”
Code :
11 children, then 9 …
OR…11 and 3. Is something gonna go down Sunday???
Seahawks have a home game Sunday…didn’t the third Batman movie have a terrorist attack at a football game?
Good to see you are recovering–hope the rest join you.
I used to listen to Dave @ x22 report years before he started with Q. Had to stop listening once he kept pushing that crap.
RecoveringQtard, I was thinking the same thing and yes, the 3rd Batman movie DID have a terrorist attack at the dome the Seahawks play their home games in.
“al-Baghdadi’s ISIS Caliphate” and the KSA cryptos …
“ISIS” : Declared a Caliphate : “The End of Sykes-Picot” on June 29, 2014
and KSA : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : Established on September 23, 1932
= 777 months, 777 weeks, 777 days
kochen mit Willi has some additional material on 11-3 from a few days ago here:
Poor Baghdadi, he’s only died 6 times in the past ten years. Cant a guy catch a break ?
I mentioned this whole Baghdadi death charade over on Anonymous Conservative …they never published my comment. Can’t have anything undermine their God Emperor narrative.
The Corbett Report
Episode 366 – Something Big Has Happened!
The Dissembler-in-Chief took to Twitter this past weekend to let the world know that “Something very big has just happened!” We now know that that something was a daring special forces raid that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden! . . . Or is that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Or maybe Abu Omar al-Baghdadi? No, no, it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi! Honest! We took DNA evidence before we threw him in the sea! Find out about the unlikely story of Baghdadi’s umpteenth death in this timely edition of The Corbett Report podcast.