4 Comments on Montage of Anti White Books Written by “God’s Chosen”

  1. Bear in mind, another reason “God’s Chosen” (Talmudic Jewry, that is, quoting Revelation 2:9–“those who say they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan” which is also in Rev. 3:9) want to wipe out whites is because it was mostly whites–Europeans–who spread Christianity, the Bible, and opposed Talmudic Judaism, Sabbatean Frankism, and also kicked the Talmudic Jews out of their countries. They say Christ is burning in Hell for eternity in His own excrement (Gitten 57a), and that is where they want most whites to be (never mind that Ashkenazi Jews from Khazaria are mostly white….)

  2. Here is why: one, White Europe is where Christianity was mostly formed including Greek Orthodoxy, and “the Chosen” hate Christ and thus hate Christianity and whites; two, they hate, period, because those who hate non-Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9…those who say they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan). Why do you think folks like Barbara Lerner Spector wants Islam to take over Europe? To end Christianity, not just whites. and why do you think Israel wants to wipe out Iran? Because Iran is turning Christian…many videos prove this; the Iranian people are fed up with their phony Shia Islam theocracy!

  3. Jesus was not a ‘jew’- he was a Judean & more euro looking with a rugged complexion from being outdoors more than not.

    The jews probably know this better than most whites which is why they invented the ‘jewish Jesus’ in order to con whites into supporting ((them)).

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