November 11, 2023
JUST IN: Pro-Palestinian protesters assemble outside Joe Biden’s Delaware home.— Our Country Our Choice (@OCOCReport) November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023
JUST IN: Pro-Palestinian protesters assemble outside Joe Biden’s Delaware home.— Our Country Our Choice (@OCOCReport) November 11, 2023
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I wonder how many of these “protesters” are members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa — in other words “social justice warriors” who won’t vote for Biden (again) because of his stance on Israel/Palestine. Instead they and everyone else should be concerned with only one issue — the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by the state of Israel, i.e. genocide. This is a war crime of immense proportion. It’s way beyond “social justice” issues or “colonial occupier despotism”. Instigating violence to counter violence will simply escalate the matter. I was a pro-Palestinian activist 20 plus years ago in the run up to the Iraq War; and the issue back then was always about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine; in other words it’s way beyond issue of “social justice” and “equity”.
Well put.
What it ALL BOILS DOWN TO, and what Mike Stone correctly discerned, it’s SATANISTS vs. HUMANITY:
They (Satanists) are going to wipe out countless people in the Biblical lands of the Middle East for their “Greater Israel” and Jerusalem will be the center for their Satanic Temple and other Rothschild institutional dark concoctions. Sodom’s army is on the march (gleaned from a speech reversal on Netanyahu by expert David Oates) —
Humanity is at a crossroads with the supernatural:
Humanity must now link hearts and minds as a Unified Whole in a “more perfect Union” to halt the Satanic force in its tracks and join with the people in Gaza while at the same time, laying down the coordinates for a higher Reality on the Planet–leaping over the Satanists’ command and control. Get the New Glory flag to make it happen: