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These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist

SF Standard | Dec. 13, 2022

Last month, Dr. Robert Honeyman lost their sister to Covid. They wrote about it on Twitter and received dozens of condolences, over 4,000 retweets and 43,000 likes.

Exactly one month later, on Dec. 12, Honeyman wrote that another tragedy had befallen their family.

“Sad to announce that my husband has entered a coma after being in hospital with Covid. The doctor is unsure if he will come out,” they tweeted. “This year has been the toughest of my life losing my sister to this virus. This is the first time in my life I don’t see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Again, the condolences and well-wishes rolled in. But there was a problem: Honeyman wasn’t real.

The transgender “Doctor of Sociology and Feminist studies” with a “keen interest in poetry” who used they/them pronouns was, in fact, a stock photo described on DepositPhotos, a royalty-free image site, as “Smiling happy, handsome latino man outside—headshot portrait.”

Their supposedly comatose husband, Dr. Patrick C. Honeyman, was also fake. His Twitter photo had been stolen from an insurance professional in Wayne, Indiana.


2 Comments on These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist

  1. COVID appears to be completely fake. There was no pandemic in 2020. It was all fear-porn and propaganda (like these bot doctors) and the main purpose was to trick the world into taking the depop shots. Many doctors in the so-called Health Freedom movement claim they’ve treated hundreds if not thousands of “COVID” cases with HCQ + Ivermectin. But guess what- they are probably all controlled opposition.

    Similarly, the GOF/lab-leak narrative is fake:

    Finally, the COVID clot shots must have been manufactured YEARS in advance:

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