Liberty, Lazarus and Colossal Lies

GRAPHIC: Dan Groover Graphics/
Figures on the population of ‘unauthorized immigrants’ are soft estimates (+/- infinity).

While we watched and waited as Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Jewish senator from New York, held the U.S. budget hostage for the sake of illegal immigrants in September 2017, we took a closer look at some of the common economic and philosophical arguments used to rationalize citizenship entitlement.

The political standoff du jour pertained to DACA, which is short for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. There’s a lot of misreporting, misrepresentation and misunderstandings about what DACA is and isn’t. I highly recommend reading the concise three-page 2012 memorandum from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to its multi-agency immigration personnel.

In sum, it allows immigration authorities to exercise prosecutorial discretion when determining whether to deport someone who (1) was brought to the U.S. as a child, (2) has lived in the U.S. for at least five years, (3) attends or attended U.S. schools, (4) is fully assimilated and — other than their lack of documentation — (5) would be considered someone of good standing in the community. It is not a conferral of citizenship, nor does it provide undocumented immigrants “the right” to work and reside in America.

Those who met the qualifications were dubbed “Dreamers,” a politically charged and disingenuous term. From August 2012, when DACA was enacted, until Trump ended it in September 2017, roughly 800,000 “Dreamers” benefited from the program. The vast majority are in California, are from Mexico and are between the ages of 16 and 30, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services data shows. And, as the following videos show, the attitude among many of these “Dreamers” is one of entitlement, not appreciation.

Here, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — one of the wealthiest senators on Capitol Hill and a longtime champion of open-borders policies — gets an earful from the “Dreamers” in her district of San Francisco (a sanctuary city) a couple weeks after Trump terminated DACA.

And here, Tucker Carlson interviews Caesar Vargas, an attorney and “Dreamer,” who — like many others — points to the Statue of Liberty as justification for unfettered immigration [00:04:50]. He also claims that illegal immigrants contributed $2 TRILLION to the U.S. economy in 2016. That’s 11 percent of 2016 GDP. Given that U.S. law prohibits “taxation without representation,” Vargas insists that foreigners in the U.S. illegally have a right to influence U.S. politics at every level.

Twenty-two million new illegal immigrants combined with corrupt elections goes along way to explain the 5th Column takeover and what’s coming next.

5th Column Capture: Project Veritas Reveals Minneapolis DFL Voter Fraud

Statistics Involving Illegal Immigrants

Democratic politicians, lobbyist and advocate groups pound loud drums about the economic contributions illegal immigrants provide. The figures touted by the unquestioning liberal-left press are in the billions (not trillions). Plus, we’re led to believe that they’re all just innocent “dreamers” who have the potential to become the next Steve Jobs, if only given a chance.

First of all, the phrase “undocumented immigrant statistics” is an oxymoron. How can statistics be formulated when there is no documentation? Illegal immigrants live in the shadows. How many are here at any given time? We really don’t know. They flow in and out of America under the radar of authorities, much like hot capital in emerging markets.

The last U.S. Census in 2010 tried to get a fix on the number. It proved to be challenging, because Census takers were often mistaken for immigration agents. So the agency ran advertising campaigns letting illegal immigrants know about the Census and explaining that the information gathered by Census takers would not be used against them. Still, there was no motivation for illegals to participate, only potential downside. In the end, the final figure the Census came up with was about 10.8 million, or nearly 4 percent of the U.S. population in 2010.

It has been estimated that unemployment among illegal immigrants is somewhere between zero and 15 percent. But again, how can we possibly know? Illegals often work for cash under the table, or they use fake documents to obtain regular jobs. Everyone seems to know they use fake documents, but there’s an across-the-board unwillingness to do anything about it.

If we don’t even know how many illegal immigrants are living and working in the U.S., then how is it possible to calculate their tax contributions? You can’t — not in a any real way.

We know they provide virtually nothing to federal tax coffers, but they do contribute to states and localities in a transactional way through sales taxes. Small wonder why cash-strapped metros are posting “Sanctuary City” signs. They rake in extra tax revenue and political donations while incurring few costs — immigration enforcement and health services are federal tax burdens. Obamacare provided tremendous financial relief to migrant-burdened states like California and New York.

Meanwhile, state and local taxes have been increased to pay for increased demand for public services, including those provide to growing shadow populations. How much of the state and local tax burden can be attributed directly to illegal immigration? We don’t really know because, again, the illegal-migrant population figures are hidden.

The Statue of Liberty

During the first two years of the Trump administration, hardly a week went by that I didn’t heard some pro-migration advocate evoke the Statue of Liberty and recite portions of the poem on its pedestal as evidence of America’s open-door philosophy. This is a false representation and manipulation by the usual suspects.

The statue, which was a joint project commissioned between the U.S. and France in 1865, was a gift to the American people in celebration of 100 years of independence. During the American Revolutionary War, the French offered the United States military support in its fight for liberation from Great Britain. It was called the Treaty of Alliance.

For these reasons, Lady Liberty holds a tablet inscribed with the date July 4, 1776. The broken chain that lays at her feet represents the abolition of slavery in 1865. But the statue was more than symbolic. It also served as a light house for boats in New York Harbor. In sum, it had NOTHING to do with migration.

The Statue of Liberty’s association with open-door migration is due entirely to its inscription. Enter poet Emma Lazarus (1849-1887), the Sephardi Jewish daughter of a large New York family who amassed a fortune through sugar refining.

The story goes that Americans were asked to fund a pedestal for the statue, but funding support for the project was weak given the financial burden of Civil War.

Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), the Hungarian-born Jewish publisher of New York World, started a drive for donations in 1882. As part of the funding effort, Lazarus was asked to donate an original work for auction. She initially declined, stating she could not write a poem about a statue, according to Wikipedia. Apparently, the story of America’s liberation didn’t inspire her.

During that time — the time of the Russian pogroms — her attention was devoted to aiding thousands of indigent and destitute Ashkenazi Jews emigrate from Russia to New York. According to Wiki, she helped establish for them the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York and, in 1883, founded the Society for the Improvement and Colonization of East European Jews.

Lazarus was an important forerunner of the Zionist movement and argued for the creation of a Jewish homeland 13 years before Theodor Herzl began to use the term “Zionism.”

She discovered Americans weren’t keen on the idea of ushering in thousands of Russian Jews. By 1883, she decided to use the opportunity to write a poem about “the statue” as a way to promote her pet cause. Thus, she wrote “The New Colossus.” It reads:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Pulitzer’s New York World and The New York Times published Lazarus’ poem in 1885. She died in 1887, and her “Mother of Exiles” poem was largely forgotten until 1901, when her friend Georgina Schuyler began an effort to memorialize the poet and the poem. By 1903, a bronze plaque with a portion of the poem was mounted on the inner wall of the pedestal.

Lazarus’ poem transformed — no, co-opted — the meaning of the Statue of Liberty, from a national symbol of American liberation to a global symbol of America as a doormat for the world. Today, it’s being presented to an ignorant public as a modern-day Trojan horse during a battle for American sovereignty.

HAARETZ: Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York lamented soon after President Trump issued his executive order on immigration. With that order, Schumer explained, a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded has been stomped upon. A few days later, at a news conference, surrounded by mostly young Muslim immigrants, he revealed that his daughters middle name is Emma, after Emma Lazarus, the great poet. He quoted her oft-quoted lines written on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Then he choked up.

Winter Watch Takeaway

It’s time to remove Lazarus’ poem from the Statue of Liberty and return it to the Zionists. We recommend they mount it on their massive barrier wall dividing Israel from Gaza.

15 Comments on Liberty, Lazarus and Colossal Lies

  1. I had an interesting conversation with a 30 something American Jewish gal that got into some of this. I told her point blank that many Jews were hypocrites about racism. She asked me if I thought Jews were racist. I answered, Yes, and without batting an eye she said, “Yes no doubt, everybody is racist.” Not the least bit sensitive or put off about it – we had a pretty good chat.

  2. On the Unz site, John Derbyshire started a fascinating discussion, of how the USA importation of massive waves of Ashkenazi Jews during 1880-1920, essentially imported an ‘immigrant overclass’ who were higher in IQ than the existing Euro-stock denizens, leading to consequences such as Jewish quotas at elite universities for a number of decades, and making it somewhat ‘natural’ that this large highest-IQ group became so dominant in USA society.

    Derbyshire argues that the USA is now doing something similar, with a second wave of ‘immigrant overclass’ arrivals, now the large numbers of East Asians who as a group also have higher IQs than current USA denizens, including Jewish IQs, compounded by the unmatched East Asian work ethic … leading to East Asians as now the group most dominant in elite university student numbers, pushing aside Jewish applicants, and leading to tension between Asians and Jews as they fight over elite placements, with issues raised of shadow quotas and discrimination against Asians.

    One of the side threads argued there, is that the East Asians, tho higher in IQ, and high in career earnings, so far tend to flock to technical, engineering and similar professions such as medicine, rather than media and politics such as Jews have done. Another point argued amidst the Unz crowd, is that for all their higher IQ status, the ‘conformist’ tendencies of Asians inhibit their ability to achieve in ‘thinking out of the box’ realms, as signified by patents, innovations, Nobel prizes etc, areas in which Jews do excel given their best-in-class cultural openness to innovative means and methods.

    The overall Unz – Derbyshire point, is that the general USA populace is now rather under the sway of two large ethnic groups of millions, who have more smarts than the ethnically pre-dominant locals.

    • I used to believe that crap about the Jews being so smart but it isn’t true. The reason they’re prominent in media, politics, arts and journalism is because they hire each other. Their writing is often treacel (le) and I’m no longer convinced they even write their own material. When they do it is clearly slanted with an agenda, consistent cultural marxism and their command of Austrian speak ( inverted reasoning that creates connections among disparate threads of logic- pilpul) is taught early and perfected in yeshiva and other centers of learning. We’ve got to stop seeing them as extraordinary, they aren’t- they’re fakers and liars and twisters of truth and reality and that isn’t something we should admire. They’re not that strong mathematically and that’s the real measure. The few that DO make it in that world are advanced by their connections and not always their brains. The India Indians, Chinese, Germans and Russians are way ahead and there are plenty of other ethnic groups that have been pushed aside by them; the French and the Poles for starters. I’m glad another group is finally giving them a run for their money, hopefully they will be smashed as they deserve to be. Russ- you woke me up to this, I’m eternally indebted.

      • Douteux55- truer words could not be written! If jews were so smart, there would be no need for quotas in university. This should be obvious… Quotas are installed for mental defectives. This ain’t a meritocracy, folks.
        And regarding the Lazarus quote- funny how politicians love to try to take that virtue signaling quote as gospel while constantly engaging in semantically bending the actual document that they are sworn to uphold. Pathetic, the lot of ‘em. Term limits would be a starting point for cleaning out this rot.

      • Good one! If Jews were so smart then:
        1. why did they need to get us involved in a war they were winning in 1967 by trying to sink the USS Liberty?
        2. why couldn’t they beat Hezbollah in 2006?
        3. why are Jews a “walking contradiction”?
        4. why have they been kicked out of God knows how many countries the last 1000 years?
        5. why can’t they even deal with rock throwing Palestinians except through genocide?
        6. why do they constantly reveal their evil within the Talmud when they could have just left it in Hebrew instead of translating it so anyone could read it?
        7. Why do more and more American Jews want nothing to do with Israel?

        As for Asians….waaaaaayyyy to conformist for me. Ah sooo desu nee!

  3. The European ‘statues of liberty’, it is said, are live young European females, eagerly seeking to expand the local pool of young males who are more manly and aggressive than the typical cucky shite-lib Euro-blokes, hence the masses of women holding ‘refugees welcome’ banners with dreamy looks on their faces, whilst the males around them rather prove the point by going meekly along with the mass migration programme

  4. “Give me your booze and drug sellers yearning for a fast buck, your human traffickers, gambling bosses, and murders aching for freedom and release from traditional restraints. And give me your media and minds to keep this melting pot bubbling.”

  5. If you accept the claim of $2 trillion dollars in taxes paid by illegal immigrants and use the realistic number of illegals present at 22 million (according to a Yale-MIT study), each illegal pays about $10,000 a year in taxes. That does not even cover the cost of one child in the public school system.

  6. Winter Watch Takeaway
    It’s time to remove Lazarus’ poem from the Statue of Liberty and return it to the Zionists.
    We recommend they mount it on their massive barrier wall dividing Israel from Gaza.
    >> THIS is my favorite WW takeaway in years. Well done !! Signed, AH <<
    P.S. Oh, and let's tattoo that jew inspired tired refrain 'wretched refuse' on Schumer's
    forehead and give the "holy land" a taste of our 'teeming shore' with a never ending
    stream – ala uncle Joe Biden – of huddled masses du jour. We could start with New
    York and work our way down to Florida. Let's call it 'Operation Bon Voyage' !!

  7. Ahhh! There are those who shine a light on the many deceptions all around us. Those creative in spirit who see through the morass of agenda-driven schemes behind the ‘E-celeb phenomena.’ We live more and more our lives through the internet and its ever-changing world!

  8. When the veil collapses, one sees all the behind the scenes intrigue that really lies at the heart of the matter. It’s whether one wants to look deep enough! We are being played in so many ways!

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