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Israel ‘Given Advance Notice Of U.S. Plan to Kill Iranian Gen. Soleimani,’ U.S. Congress Left In The Dark

PHOTO: Drew Angerer/Getty

By Chris Menahan | 3 January 2020

INFORMATION LIBERATION — The Trump administration reportedly gave Israel advance notice of US plans to assassinate Iranian General Qassem Soleimani but did not consult with our own congress before the attack.

Is this America First or Israel First?

From the LA Times, “Israel had advance notice of U.S. plan to kill Iranian general Suleimani, report says”:

Israel had advance notice of the U.S. plan to kill Iranian military leader Gen. Qassem Suleimani, Israeli military and diplomatic analysts reported Friday night while refraining from providing further details due to heavy military censorship.

“Our assessment is that the United States informed Israel about this operation in Iraq, apparently a few days ago,” Barak Ravid, a journalist and commentator with deep sources in the Israeli security establishment, said on Channel 13.

An Israeli army officer with knowledge of Israeli military assessments, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not have permission to speak to reporters, told the Los Angeles Times that the attack on Suleimani “did not come as a surprise.”

It was reported at the start of January 2018 that the US gave Israel the green light to assassinate Qassem Soleimani — but of course it fell on America! […]

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